
Alanis and Mika looked at each other, the rewards they had just obtained were astronomical and as his dimension following his orders had already emptied Mika's inventory of all those elemantal crystals he asked it to provide him with the information about the grade 2 special triple elemental crystal.

[Grade 2 special triple elemental crystal, allows you to create a combination of 3 elements of your choice, useful for a level 4 Guardian and above who has mastered his energy reserve.

Allows you to cast 2 spells per day capable of killing any Dangerous level dungeon creature, 5 spells capable of killing any intermediate dungeon creature, and 10 spells capable of killing any low dungeon creature.

Option 1: integrate 1 wind crystal, 1 lightning crystal and 1 water crystal of grade 2 inside it, Yes/No

Option 2: sell it on the Guardians' market, value 1,000,000 gold coins, Yes/No]