Finally a rare element

Even Alanis seemed surprised by this combination of a water spirit with an earth spirit and Mika who was really intrigued by this boss made of mud decided not to kill it right away to see what kind of attack it could do.

This combination of water and earth was really very strong, it created quicksand just where he was standing and once he was trapped inside, the ground harden suddenly acting as a cement.

Fortunately, when he had told Alanis that he wanted to test the spells that this combination of elemental spirits could create, the latter had again put his shield around him, so even though he could feel the pressure around his limbs that had just been cemented, this pressure that was trying to compress his organs was far too weak to break Alanis' shield.

He then used lightning to get out of there, and the lightning this time didn't just stay around his blade, it also started to crackle all around his body, shattering the cement ground he was trapped in.