Dinner [1]

After a brutal battle between Karl and the Gray Demon, cheers of exultation erupted from the human army as they emerged victorious. The demons' numbers were dwindling as they scurried and scrambled in desperate retreat.

The air was electrified with a sense of triumph, while the skies stained red with blood rang out with their victorious cries.




Karl heard the war cries and was engulfed by dread. His entire body trembled as he knelt down, his legs buckling beneath him from the toll of the battle.

Just then, a mysterious mage in her regal robes named Fiona spotted the prince who had knelt down from exhaustion after the battle. Without hesitation, she rushed to his side and swiftly lifted him back to his feet with her arm.

"Big Brother! Are you alright!?" Fiona cried out in fear, her voice trembling as she looked upon her Big Brother, Karl.

"Y-yes, I'm okay..." Karl spoke with a weak voice.

While Adrian sprinted towards the crowned prince, he heard the siblings' conversation and was shocked by the revelation.

"You guys are related?!" Adrian exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Adrian, I couldn't tell you in time," Fiona said, her apology hanging in the air.

Adrian took a deep breath and returned to the present as he saw the crowned prince.

"My humblest apologies, your highness," he said with an earnest bow. "It overwhelmed me for a moment." He sensed his chance slipping away and knew he had to take action to make it right.

"It's alright." Karl said, as he didn't mind Adrian's surprised reaction.

As soon as he laid eyes on Adrian, Karl was hit with a vivid memory.

"Fantastic! You have been working hard." Karl exclaimed, astonished at Adrian's transformation. He could hardly believe his eyes as he took in the prince's impressive physique.

As the awkwardness faded away, Fiona then decided to intervene.

"This is Adrian Falter, the super rookie on Captain Mohan's unit." Fiona introduced.

"I'm honored to meet you once more, your highness, and thank you for coming to my aid that day." Adrian bowed before the crowned prince with a grace befitting of an aristocrat.

"Just doing my duty to protect my people," Karl said with an effortless poise.

After their brief conversation, Mohan, Rowan, and Lucas suddenly interjected.

"Your Majesty! Your performance was awe-inspiring!" Mohan praised the crowned prince Karl for his battle accomplishments.

"It's all thanks to you, Teacher." Karl replied.

At his revelation of having a master and disciple relationship with Mohan, Adrian couldn't contain his shock.

"Didn't you know Mohan taught His Majesty when he was young?" Rowan asked, his face reflecting Adrian's surprise.

"I don't remember much," Adrian replied, omitting what he knew to be true. He had kept his otherworlder identity a secret.

Just then, the mages that fought alongside Fiona casted spells crafting several immense portals before them. Fiona looked upon the mages with admiration and she knew it was time to go; she had to be home for dinner today.

"Guys, why don't you join us for dinner?" She asked, her voice bubbling with excitement.

"Sadly, I already have plans I must tend to," Rowan replied. "But perhaps Mohan, Adrian and Lucas would like to come?"

Fiona then pinched Karl's shoulder, signaling her desire to invite them and seeking his brother's permission in the process.

"Sure, let's go," Karl said, responding to Fiona's signal.

After waiting briefly, Fiona cast a spell, causing a large portal to appear in front of them. They then stepped through the portal and into the capital city, where Fiona, the princess, and Karl, the crown prince, resided.

After waiting briefly, Fiona cast a spell, causing a large portal to appear in front of them. They then stepped through the portal and into the capital city, where Fiona, the princess, and Karl, the crown prince, resided.

A few moments later, as they stepped out of the large portal, an exciting atmosphere engulfed them. Here was a city flourishing with life, its streets lined with magnificent buildings and extravagant structures that could only have been bought by the wealthiest of people.

Everywhere they looked there were signs of wealth and luxury; it was truly like nothing either one had ever seen before. They gawked in awe at the grandiose sights around them, barely believing such wealth and decadence existed in the world.

"Welcome to Ulcea, the capital city of the Breles Empire, lad." Mohan addressed Adrian with a warm smile as he gestured around him.

"Thank you, captain," replied Adrian in awe as his gaze roamed over the spectacular cityscape before him.

He had never seen such sights before and certainly hadn't traveled abroad on his own. Everywhere was alive with activity - citizens walking briskly along the cobbled streets; merchants hustling their wares, and noble knights patrolling the city.

'Could I join the prestigious circle of knights if I do good?' Adrian pondered as he walked, directing his gaze to the noble knights on duty.

The elite knights instantly snapped to attention as the royal couple approached. The prince, Karl, looked on with authority while his companion, the princess, exuded an air of grace and beauty.

"Your Royal Highness and milady," began one knight as he bowed before them. "Would you allow us to escort you into the palace?" His request was met with a nod from Karl and a delicate smile from his companion. With that agreement, they started forward towards the imposing gates of the palace.

In front of them was the imperial palace of Ulcea. The imperial palace of Ulcea was awe-inspiring in its grandeur and opulence. Its walls were constructed from white spires of marble, which rose up high into the sky like frozen waves.

Its towers arched around a magnificent courtyard that lay at its center, reflecting the vibrant sunlight as though it were an image on a mirror's surface.

A wide array of sculptures adorned the gardens outside; some depicting fantastic creatures that seemed pulled from stories out of ages long past, while others were more grounded in reality – statuesque figures with regal bearing posed atop pedestals to showcase their magnificence and natural beauty.

"Welcome to our home." Fiona said as she welcomed her visitors.

The butlers and head butler advanced in formation, offering reverent greetings to the crowned prince and princess of the empire.

"We greet the esteemed highness and our beloved milady, as well as all other guests," they declared in perfect harmony.

"Take us to the Dining Room," Karl commanded. The butlers and head butler did as they were told, leading them to the massive doorway.

As it opened, Adrian and Lucas could only stare in awe at the figure already seated at the long table of food. He radiated power, commanding respect from all those present.