Dinner [2]

In the Dining Room, a middle-aged man sat at the long table - his blonde hair kempt, eyes a brilliant blue, and body toned and muscular.

None other than Maximus von Dunberry, The Emperor of the Breles Empire, sat at the table.

To his right was his wife and fellow ruler, Jasmin von Dunberry, Empress of the Breles Empire.

"At last, you've brought your friends! Come feast, my precious people," Maximus called out as he faced the entrance. He warmly greeted Adrian and Lucas, then turned to Mohan. "It's good to have you here again, old friend!"

He rose to his feet and stepped forward towards Mohan, stretching out a hand in greeting.

"It's good to see you too, your Majesty the Emperor," Mohan replied, accepting the regal handshake.

The emperor's grip was firm and steady, as if he had been born for this very moment of greatness. There was something almost electric between them, a surge of power that seemed to connect them on a level far beyond civilization or status. In that moment, they were two equals meeting as equals.

After the handshake, Maximus and Mohan took their seats, the butlers attending to them.

Just then, Fiona tapped Adrian's shoulder firmly, jolting him out of his trance.

"Hey, take a seat," she said politely, snapping him back to reality.

"Yes, of course." Adrian said, taking his seat as directed by the butler.

His mind had gone blank - he'd never encountered a being so regal in his life before, not even the president of his country from his previous world.

As they all took their seats, the butlers rushed to fulfill Maximus' demands.

"More food for our guests!" he announced, his commanding tone leaving no doubt that his orders would be obeyed.

A few moments later, a lavish spread of dishes arrived at the table. All fell silent, until Emperor Maximus suddenly locked eyes with Adrian, keenly assessing his capabilities.

"What do you do for a living, Adrian?" Maximus queried, assessing the imposing figure before him.

"I-I'm a knight in Arvendale, serving under Captain Mohan," Adrian stuttered, his stomach knotting with anticipation. He was intimidated, having never spoken to someone of such importance.

Before Maximus ascended to the throne of the Breles Empire, he had a discerning vision for who would serve him.

Upon learning of Adrian's occupation, he immediately became intrigued by the prospect of being under his tutelage. It was an opportunity to grow and develop his talent in ways he never thought possible, and for him, now was the time to offer him something that could change Adrian's life.

"Would you like to join the Royal Guards? It comes with many great privileges." Maximus offered Adrian.

Adrian was stunned. Should he accept the offer? He eyed Mohan, his father figure since arriving in Autera. Without him, what would have happened?

"Your Majesty," Adrian said, addressing Emperor Maximus with a slight bow of his head. He then glanced at Mohan with an emotion he could not hide before responding, "Unfortunately, I must decline your offer."

Maximus sighed with a look of defeat. He then glanced at Adrian, the spark of hope still in his eyes. "Hahhh, I may not have won this time," he said, "But anytime you're ready to join me, young man."

Adrian bowed deeply, "Your Majesty, my thanks."

"Of course, your majesty. I guess that makes me his honorary father," Mohan chuckled good-naturedly as he looked towards Maximus with familiarity.

Maximus watched Fiona, her enthusiasm toward Adrian clear. 'She's definitely taken a liking to him,' he thought.

Hours later, Adrian, Mohan and Lucas arrived at the palace gate. Maximus, Karl and Fiona stood waiting to bid them farewell.

"You better come back, Adrian." Fiona winked at him, her smile causing a faint blush in his cheeks.

"Of course I will. We can pick up our conversation another day." He replied with a grin of his own. There was an easy comfort between them now, and it felt like they had known each other for ages instead of just that evening.

Maximus suddenly interjected as he addressed Mohan and the others. "Ahem! Allow the elite knights to guide you to the portal at the center of town!"

Mohan bowed his head in reverence. "Thank you, your majesty," he declared with utmost sincerity. Gratefully accepting the emperor's hospitality, his heart beat with anticipation.

Moments later, they marched alongside the elite knights that guided them.

"Looks like the Princess is taken with you, bud!" Lucas teased Adrian.

"I wouldn't count on it," Adrian replied. "If she did like a commoner such as myself, her family would likely object due to our vastly different social standings."

Lucas quirked an eyebrow. "That's true, but how do you really feel? I think she's interested in more than just your status."

This gave Adrian pause - could he take the plunge and return her affections? Despite a conflict raging on, he wasn't ready yet to take such a big step. He was still trying to get over his ex who had cast him aside in his old life.

Mohan interjected abruptly into their conversation, his words full of wisdom. "Take your time, lad. True love will find a way." The meaning behind his words seemed to sink in for both of them as the conversation took a more profound turn, branching off into further topics and perspectives.

"I understand." Adrian replied, nodding his head in agreement.

After a brief conversation, they arrived at the portal. In front of them lay an entrance to a city of your choice.

As they approached the massive portal, its sheer size took their breath away. The archway towered above them, standing at an impressive height of 20 meters. Its width was equally imposing, stretching out to a staggering 22 meters.

The portal was crafted from the finest stone, expertly carved to create a breathtaking architectural masterpiece. Every inch of its surface was adorned with intricate details and delicate patterns, creating a stunning visual display that was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

Adrian, Mohan, and Lucas took their chance and stepped into the gateway. Their destination was Arvendale - any city within the Breles Empire could be theirs if they chose to go through the portal.

Soon enough, they reached Arvendale. The entrance was identical to the one in the capital, with its corresponding architecture.

"Well, I think it's time we call it a day," Lucas said, giving his friend Adrian a pat on the shoulder. "It was great hanging out with you guys."

Adrian smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, see you tomorrow at the barracks!" he replied before waving goodbye.

As if on cue, Mohan espied the golden wristwatch in his wrist and reached for the call. "Sorry lad, I'm heading out first - see you tomorrow at the barracks," he said with an urgency to leave. With that, he quickly departed and left Adrian alone.

As Adrian returned home, a figure near his house made him pause. He remembered purchasing the dwelling with his knight trainee paycheck and felt a twinge of curiosity. As he advanced cautiously, Adrian finally got a better glimpse of the person - it was familiar.

"You're here. I've been waiting for you, you bastard!"