Seeking Vengeance

In the middle of the courtyard stood two men: Adrian Falter and Baron Leonard Durk.

A large crowd had gathered to witness the clash, anticipation growing with every passing moment. Who would emerge victorious? That was the question on everyone's minds.

"Show me what you got, rookie," Leonard said through gritted teeth as he attempted to restrain his urge to hurt Adrian.

Upon hearing his opponent's words, Adrian was filled with a fierce determination to end the battle quickly. His only thought was that no matter the outcome of this fight, he would not survive it - so he had to make every move count.

He had no choice but to give it everything he had. The opponent he was against was renowned for being one of the toughest warriors in the Breles Empire. He exhaled, feeling his pulse quickening as he prepared to meet this legendary adversary head-on.

[Battle Roar!]

Adrian unleashed a powerful roar as he felt his muscles swell with strength. His adrenaline surged, propelling him forward as he brandished his sword. With a powerful thrust, He charged at Leonard with unbridled ferocity.

With a battle cry, Leonard lunged forward, holding up his sword to deflect his opponent's blows. With each clash of steel, a loud ringing echoed throughout the barracks.

Leonard shouted in rage, his voice echoing off the walls. "You're just an inexperienced young rookie. How dare you take my son's life!" He could no longer contain himself, his fury spilling out unchecked. His words hung heavy in the air, as if waiting for a response that would never come.

Leonard swung his blade towards Adrian, but with shoes on the latter lacked the agility to block it.

He frantically scrambled backwards as he desperately attempted to put some distance between himself and his attacker's weapon.

The attack was relentless, leaving Adrian no time to think of a way out of this precarious situation.

Gradually, he was struck with blow after blow, the wounds appearing in rapid succession. Blood oozed from his open wounds, dripping onto the ground beneath him. He soon found himself in an increasingly dire situation as he struggled to remain standing against the endless barrage of attacks.

Lucas was taken aback at the sight of Adrian's distress, his breath catching in his throat. He had never seen such a thing before and was simply stunned. This experience further solidified Lucas' commitment to helping Adrian in any way he could, but he couldn't because he was still weak.

He slammed his fist against the railings of the balcony, a frown creasing his forehead. "Darn it! I shouldn't have met that guy!" he muttered under his breath. Meeting that man had been a mistake - one he was sure to regret.

Apart from Lucas, Rowan was there too - the team's Vice Captain, his bald head shining in the light. He tapped Lucas' shoulder and said in a hurried voice, "It's alright. I'm calling Mohan so we can stop that scumbag. Just remain calm." Without another word, he rushed off to find his captain.

Despite the bloody toll of his battle, Adrian remained resolute and refused to cede. Those days of rigorous training with his best friend Lucas had paid off, and were now proving to be the difference-maker.

He mimicked the crown prince's sword stance, just as he had seen it at the battlefield. He brought his blade up in a powerful stance.

"You? Perform that complex sword art?" Leonard scoffed at Adrian, disdain and mockery dripping from every word. "What a joke!"

Without warning, he heckled Adrian then threw himself at him in an almost playful manner. He was ready to take him on.

As he lunged forward towards Adrian, everyone in the courtyard, Leonard included, was shocked to see him masterfully carry out the first form of Karl's sword art. It was a complex maneuver and yet Adrian pulled it off with ease.

The force of Adrian's slash combined with an expert stab left a deep gash in Leonard's chest. This was the first demonstration of Karl's sword art that Adrian had witnessed on the battlefield, and he was amazed by its precise efficiency.

After Adrian's flawless rendition of Karl's sword technique, a small gash appeared on Leonard's chest. The wound made clear the precision and power behind Adrian's movements, showing that he had grown far more skilled than before in the short span of time.

"How dare you!" Leonard bellowed, his voice full of rage. "That's enough, I'm ending you now!" He gripped his sword, raised his aura to its maximum output, and prepared to strike.

Leonard's power was a sight to behold, and it left Adrian completely immobilized. Every fiber of his being trembled in awe of this towering figure standing before him, intimidated by the chasm of power between them. He stood there speechless as if he had been paralyzed.

Just then, Leonard propelled forward into frozen Adrian in his all might.

Adrian's heart pounded as he looked death in the face - he had failed his family. He whispered an apology "I'm sorry Mom, Dad and Brother. I won't be coming back." His regrets echoing in his mind like a thunderclap, he braced for the inevitable.

Suddenly, an electric hum echoed through the barracks while he leaped towards Adrian and Leonard. There was no mistaking who it was: Mohan, Adrian's captain. He thwarted Leonard's formidable attack by quickly raising his gauntleted fists.

Mohan swiftly followed his block with a powerful kick to Leonard's stomach, sending him hurtling towards the wall. Unable to stop his momentum, Leonard crashed into the unforgiving surface, leaving him unconscious for a while.

Mohan cried out in alarm, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the sight of his friend. "Are you okay, lad?!" He asked frantically, trying to process what he was seeing.

"I-I'm okay," Adrian murmured his appreciation to the captain before slipping into unconsciousness.

Adrian's vision began to blur, and before he knew it he was out cold. He mumbled a feeble 'thank you' in his head, unaware of the danger he had just been saved from.

"You need to take a break, lad. I got this," Mohan said firmly. Rowan and Lucas stepped forward, assisting Adrian into the infirmary without a word.

Mohan watched intently as the crowd began to disperse. He let out a booming yell: "That's it, everyone! Get moving!" Silence followed, his voice reverberating through the air. The stern authority in his voice sent shivers down their spines, and everybody quickly cleared out.

One of the spectators said, "Alright, I'm outta here, or else I might get caught up in the fight of these two monsters."

"Same here!" said another.

All the citizens of Breles Empire were aware that two powerful warriors resided within its walls. They were the undisputed champions, revered and respected by all.

As soon as everyone was cleared out, Leonard regained his consciousness. He then wiped his eyes in order to see who's in front of him.

"You up now?" Mohan questioned, arms crossed and posture rigid. Leonard groaned in acknowledgment as he struggled to regain his feet.

"Where's that scoundrel?! Don't try to stop me, old man! Remember that I won't show any mercy!" He shouted.

Mohan furrowed his brows before asking, "What did he do?" The elderly man's voice quavered as he answered with determination.

Leonard spat out his words, urgency and rage burning in his heart. "He killed my son! I must seek vengeance or else..." His sentence was cut off by Mohan's interruption, a calculating look on his face.

Watching Leonard closely as if to measure the repercussions of his words, Mohan spoke with intent, "You really think I would believe that, you scum!? All you do was create a trouble."

"You will die here as well, old man!" Leonard shouted, his aura and power reaching its peak. Mohan did the same, clenching his fist-enclosed gloves.

The middle aged man named Leonard and the elderly man named Mohan clashed, each intent on toppling the other. The epic battle could bring ruin to the entire town - but who would emerge as victor?