New Dawn Island, Buying a house, Finally settling down

New Dawn Island, Buying a house, Finally settling down.

[Adrea POV],

After being generous by posting the pic I took just now on my account for my followers to see, did lily come in a few seconds later.

"Get ready", she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just got you properly discharged, so we can't stay here any longer. And I also got a confirmation message from a certain school that I should come and finish my registration properly". She said in a happy tone.

"New Dawn?" Surprised, I asked.

"Yes", she replied to me with an affirmative nod.

"Wow, they're fast," I told her my honest thoughts.

"Have they not sent you a message?" Lily asked in a surprised tone.

"I haven't checked my Mails yet, so am not sure," I replied her and brought my phone out and went to my mails.

Thinking about it now, it'll be strange if I, the person who got first in the exam through legit ways don't have his applications accepted, so am fairly relaxed about 'the whole getting into college' stuff because I know that, has long as nothing unexpected happens, I will be accepted sooner or later.

And thank heavens I didn't have to wait long.

After opening my mails and refreshing them, so the new ones can pop up, I saw a particular mail that made me smile in happiness.

The sender's name was New Dawn College, and the title of their Mail was Application Accepted.

Like lily, I was told to come and properly register to become a student of their school.

I also saw further information like the location of the school.

"Lily", I called her.

Removing her focus from her phone, she replied, "Yes?"

"Do you know where Dawn Island is located?" I asked. This is the location of New Dawn College, but I don't know where that is. I don't even know the Base number.

"For you to ask that question, New Dawn should have accepted your application right? She asked, seemingly happy for me.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" I replied with a smug smile on my face.

"Tsk, what a narcissistic fellow." She said while clicking her tongue to which I just smiled as she continued.

"New Dawn Island is located in the sea", she answered plainly.

"Oh, wait, did you just say the sea", I asked in a surprised tone.

The sea as a whole can be labeled as one of the most dangerous places in the world.

10,000 years ago after the dimensional creatures attacked and monsters invaded, Humanity had their hands full just to deal with the monster on hand but did not know they were neglecting something more dangerous.

As the monster in the sea had no one to exterminate them, their population grew to a terrifying degree after a few decades with a few strong ones in the mix.

By the time humanity realized this, it was already too late.

So unless you're really strong, or strong enough, or you take the safe route the world powers created, venturing in the sea carelessly is just suicide.

"I know what you're thinking about and don't worry, no one is doing anything dangerous", She said in an assuring tone.

"So how do we get there?" I asked. This was my main point of concern. Am not doing anything that will put me and my siblings in danger.

"We're teleporting there", she said.

"Teleporting?" Confused, I asked.

"Yes, teleporting," she replied and continued. "There's a teleportation center in this section. All we have to do is just pay money to buy the ticket, tell the ones in charge our destination, and they will activate the magic circle used to teleport people to another teleportation center where another magic circle is used to teleport people is and finished." She answered and explained it to me in detail.

"Now, let's move, we don't have all day to spend", she said as I remembered I'd just been discharged and should have already left.

"Ok, let's move". I only replied her after I took a bath, changed my clothes, and was sure my siblings and I did not forget anything, before replying to her.

After we stepped foot outside the hospital, Lily took out a familiar-looking bead and crushed it.

Not a second has passed, I saw a familiar-looking man dressed as a butler appeared.

Taking a deep look at him now, he looks like a 60 years old man but his back was straight and he was full of energy like a youth in his prime.

Thanks to my improved sensitivity after I awakened my second class, SS Class: Dark Swordsman, I found out I was wrong about the power level of this man.

My previous assumption was that he was close to the level of the representatives, but now that I can sense better, this man was totally above them.

Like how the person below a God is a DemiGod, the person below a DemiGod is an Arch Human.

Yes, this man in front of me is a powerhouse above level 70.

As I was thinking, I was interrupted by a sudden shout beside me, in a hurry, I search for the source and found that it was Anna.

"GRANDPA"!!!!!! She shouted and ran to the butler asking for a hug, to which the man complied by hugging her, while Leo waved at him from my side.

Before she could talk to him after hugging, I already took her away from the old man, no, the creep.

Yes, I called him a creep.

Can you imagine an old man, hugging a little girl while patting her head like a grandpa, with smiles full of kindness, so disgusting.

To be honest, to an outsider that sees this scene, all they will see is a kind old grandpa patting a little girl, totally normal.

Am just being paranoid due to jealousy.

After the old man saw what I did, with anna sulking by my side, he smiled and said: "Haya, never knew you were a sis-con", he said with a smiling face.

But to me, after I heard what he said, I felt my heart burst into a thousand pieces.

'Did he just legit call me a sis-con?' I thought.

Maybe because she saw my distress and embarrassment, lily burst out laughing in a sweet voice.

When I saw her laughing at me, the final broken pieces of my heart, disintegrated into dust.

I was dying in shame here, but I have to endure. Am afraid if I annoy him, he might slap me to death.

So I kept quiet and silently glared at him.

'A gentleman can wait for years before he takes his revenge, just wait.' i thought.

Fortunately, lily stopped laughing after a few seconds to save me from embarrassment and nodded to the butler man.

Looks like he already knew what she wanted.

Before I could continue thinking, I felt my vision blur and in the next second, we were in another location, and the butler man was gone.

"The power of those at the top is really something to admire", I said.

"Yes it is, but sooner or later, we'll reach that level and hopefully surpass it", Lily replied to me in a calm tone, and I replied with a determined face and observed the surroundings.

People walking left and right, in different directions, and gigantic futuristic planes are often seen taking off in the distance. It appears we're in an airport.

"Let's go", Lily said.

Since I don't know where the teleportation center is, I followed her while being on the lookout in case something unexpected happens, I can at least never be caught off guard.

'You can never trust a thing too much, I thought.

Still, on alert, I asked lily a question. "How for a ticket?"

"1 White Gold Coin for a ticket of 4 spots", Lily answered.

"MY GOD, That's expensive", I said.

"You that have to worry. Am buying a ticket and coincidentally, we're 4",

Before she could continue I told her No. "I'll pay for the ticket for my siblings and me", I said.

Still stubborn, she said let's divide the money 50:50, to which I replied No.

In the end, we agreed on 75:25. She'll pay 25 diamond coins, while I pay 75.

It's like we paid 25 diamond coins for each head, which I totally love since I don't want to owe anyone.

Thank heavens for the *1000 Diamond coins, which are *10 White gold coins, I received from the mission reward,

If not for the reward, I would not have been able to pay for the ticket.

Now I have *9 White gold coins left.

"We're here", lily said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

In front of us were rooms lined up in a single line. Numbered from 1 to 20.

Number *20 has fewer people on the line, so we went there.

We didn't have to wait for long before our turn.

After telling the man in charge of the ticket we wanted to buy and our destination, he told a staff to take us to the teleportation room,

Upon reaching our destination, I saw a large magic circle on the ground. It looked complex.

The staff told us to stand in the center of the magic circle, which we did, and took out some familiar-looking stones and placed them in different positions around the magic circle.

After the staff was through, the magic circle started glowing in green color, and in the next second, I felt my vision blur.

When it became clear again, I looked at the surroundings.

It looked exactly like the room before. Same design, same wall paint, same magic circle, everything was still the same thing apart from the staff in front of me. It was a different one.

"Looks like we teleported to another teleportation center", I said.

"Yes, we have. Welcome to New dawn island." Lily said with a smile.

As we were heading out of the room, Lily spoke first, "Let's look for where you guy will reside for quite a look time, and register at new dawn tomorrow." She said.

After hearing what she said, I stopped and she looked at me with a confused expression on her face, I smiled and told her, "Since am going to stay here for a long time schooling here, why don't I buy a house and finally settle down." I told her and she smiled and nodded as her response.

'Since I've transmigrated to this world and traveled to the ancient world, I have never for once relaxed. All because I was trying to use the college exam to fight for a better starting point in this world and a better life for my siblings. And now that I've succeeded, I can finally settle down and officially start my new life in this world and leave a mark in history. This was the thought in my head, and of course, lily never understood the hidden meaning behind my words.


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