Bonus Chapter: Preparations for a new home, Registering

Preparations for a new home, Registering.

When I told lily about the plan to buy a personal house for myself, she readily agreed.

Well, not like she had a choice since she can't go against my own decisions in the first place like I will not do to hers.

"Let's ask for directions to the house agent's office then", she said.

"Haven't you been to New dawn Island before? So why do we need to ask for directions again?" I asked.

"I've been to New dawn Island before, correct, but my area of exploration has never passed the teleportation center and my villa". She answered.

"Wow, you have a villa? It must be good to be a member of a prosperous family", I said in awe.

"I don't know what to say to that, but I brought the villa with my own money. Though I did use the money of my family to start up my business, All the money I have now was made from my hard work. That's why I don't like to spend money because it's my own", she said.

"What do you do?" Curious, I asked.

"Fashion with monster materials", she said.

"That's some real business potential there", I gave my honest review.

While we were discussing other things, we finally made it out of the teleportation center, and I saw the environment of New Dawn Island for the first time.

I felt like I transmigrated again, but this time, to my former world, Earth, in its medieval times.

Why I had this feeling was because of the outlook of the place.

Castle-like houses, mansions adorned with statues everywhere, and villas with one or two females wearing maid clothes coming outside were the scenes I saw in abundance.

This was the first time I came to this world that everything felt .....normal.

No large amount of futuristic cars, No large amount of hovering billboards, no large amount of garbage robots on the road, everything just felt somewhat normal.

I felt Nostalgia.

Though I did see the use of current world technology through the opened windows of some buildings, I can tell the person that designed this place, wanted everything to be as natural as possible.

"Are you wondering why New Dawn Island is like this?" Lily asked me from the side.

I replied with a nod and she continued.

"After a fierce fight between the Guardian, popularly known as 'The Strongest Man', and the monsters for this piece of land in the sea, the Guardian said a sentence when he saw the island in its forest state, untainted by humans, "Though outside interference is sometimes useful, A thing is at its best and most powerful state when natural, just like humans. Give an Elite Swordsman a gun, he can kill humans, and give him a sword, he's a monster himself".

"So to portray his idea, he tried his best to give New Dawn island a most natural feeling to it, while letting people live their daily life", Lily said, as we continued to talk about other topics.

But we were not idle just talking, we also asked for directions to the House agent's office and after a few minutes of asking around, we finally reached our destination.

Upon entering the building, we saw a man in the reception and made our way to him.

After exchanging our greetings, he spoke first.

"Goodday sir, good day ma, how may I help you today?" he asked.

"Am here to buy a house", I replied.

When he heard I came to buy a house, his eye lit up, maybe he was excited because he'll get a commission from this.

"What type would you like sir?" he asked with renewed energy.

"What type do you have?" I asked calmly.

"We have some I believe will be to your liking. A minute sir," he said as he searched his drawer for a while before bringing out a catalog of different types of houses, and the pictures by the side of the type. How convenient.

After a while of contemplating and asking for lily's suggestion in the mix, my final list was rounded up into three types of houses,

A bungalow, a duplex, and a villa.

The bungalow is way bigger than the one on earth, but that's not the reason it's on my list.

I considered buying a bungalow since it's just a family of three that going to live there, and it also has an attic and a huge basement below it for personal use with a garage park outside located by the side of the house.

So considering these perks, it's a good house.

Now, the duplex.

It has the same perks as the bungalow but is way bigger and more stylish. Considered buying it since I have more money to spend and want to give my siblings more style and because the basement of the duplex is bigger than the bungalow.

Even though I haven't received the magic tech reward yet, I feel like I will need a lot of space once I do.

As for the villa, that's just me wanting to spend more money. But that's not all.

I've always remembered the promise I told myself and the former owner of this body.

As long as I can, I will always give them the best whether they need it or not, and that's what am planning to do. I know the reason is not really valid and it's me being selfish, then I want to be selfish if it's for my sibling's sake.

After deciding to have my pocket bleed, I asked the receptionist or agent, I don't know, but I asked him for the price of the villa.

When he realized I had thoughts of buying the villa, his eyes shined brighter.

"Sir the price of this particular mansion villa is 4 White Gold Coins." At first, I thought I was dealing with diamond coins here, I never knew that it was white gold coins.

But I guess it's a misjudgment on my part.

From the photo, the villa does look big and it has the perks of the other two buildings in it, with more quality and it's very luxurious.

So I guess it's worth the price.

So I paid instantly, to the agent's happiness. Guess he's going to receive a lot of commission from this.

After buying the house, we needed to settle some documents, which took a while to get done.

After settling everything and getting a copy of the documents, I asked the agent if he knew where I could hire some people like maids, guards, and maybe a butler, to help manage things in my house and take care of my siblings.

There's no way I can manage and clean that mansion all by myself.

"Hmmm, sir which do you prefer? Slaves or Hired ones?

Slaves uh? Forgot it also exists in this world.

But it's not as bad as what others may think.

There is something called slave rights and laws in this world.

That's to show that slaves are not living a really bad life except for the fact that they are the property of someone else.

But how did slavery come to be?

Though the world has more powerhouse than it had decades after the invasion of dimension creatures, that does not mean that sections and bases are not being destroyed now.

Though it's been a long time since a base was destroyed by monsters, it has happened.

But for sections, at least 50 sections are getting destroyed every year by the beast tide and sometimes man-made, and when this happens, the world powers can't take care of all of them only some.

My family was part of the lucky ones.

So what happens to the ones that are 'unlucky', well, some of them chose to be sold into slavery by slave traders.

At least this way, they live to see another day.

But it's undeniable that while it's more expensive to buy slaves and take of them than to just hire workers to help you and just play salary, to have a slave is safer.

"Slaves", I replied him.

"Then I have a place I can recommend to sir. Though it's more expensive, I can assure you it provides the best quality". the agent said.

After asking for directions and thanking the agent, I left with lily and my siblings to the location of the slave trader the agent recommended.

And when I got to the place, I felt like the agent underestimated the quality of service, the slave trader that looked like a middle-aged business knows how to do his business.

After a round of intense negotiations, we finally agreed on a price of 500 Gold coins for 100 slaves.

After collecting my blood to make a slave crest to brand the slaves I chose, I looked at the slaves and asked him when they'll be able to start working, and told me in the evening.

After collecting a copy of the purchase document, I left with lily and my siblings to New dawn College to register.


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