Gold Class

Gold Class.

After entering the building, I saw a lot of people, especially teens of age similar to mine.

Looking at the surroundings for a while, I saw some familiar faces.

I won't say am familiar with them, since we've never had a proper conversation, but I recognize them because they dropped a deep impression on me.

They were ranked second and third after me in the exam.

'If am not mistaken about their name, I believe it's Agneya Flames and Tethys Thalassa and they're always together. Maybe they're best of friends.' I thought.

I don't know if it's because they sensed me observing them, so they turned around and spotted me.

When they saw me observing them, they frowned.

It was then I realized it was rude to just stare at someone, especially when you're a stranger.

With a sheepish look, I apologized using hand gestures since I was quite far from them and didn't want to draw attention to myself by being loud.

Don't know why, but after one of them whispered something into the other person's ear, she made a face of realization and then waved at me energetically, while the other one simply gave me a friendly smile.

Not ready for such a fast change, I smiled and waved back awkwardly. Honestly, I was quite embarrassed, so I stopped looking at them and looked at the ceiling instead, like there was something up there.

Though I don't know how powerful they are, but for them to have the rank they have, except they were able to mistakenly awaken their spirits too, which is highly unlikely, then they must have the power to back it up.

The problem is I don't know who is bearing who.

I know their name, but do not know who it belongs to.

'Well, not like it matters.' I thought.

After a while, we heard a voice speak from one of the speakers mounted on a wall by the side.

'I was starting to wonder what use those speakers have', I thought while listening to what the voice that appears to be a man had to say.

"Good day to you all." He said and continued.

"If you're here, it means you're already admitted to New Dawn College but have to properly register your details to be considered a student, but still, congratulations."

The voice paused for a while to let his words sink before continuing.

"To avoid talking about unnecessary things, I'll make it short. A short test will be taken with the registration, and your results will determine the class you'll be in.

And before you disturb the peace and quietness of this building listen.

Though you're all categorizes under Year 1, there is five Class Grade for Year 1 upward. The copper, bronze, silver, gold, and diamond.

And the gold class is the highest class you can enter right now, not because you're not qualified to enter the diamond class, well most of you don't even qualify for the silver class, so please don't get your hope's up.

Now, where was I? Oh, I was talking about the diamond class. As I said, the reason why some of you, remember, I said some of you who are ACTUALLY qualified for the diamond class and are not currently able to aim for it is that....well, am not permitted to tell you".

At first, when he started his speech, I felt like he was a great guy, though I haven't seen him, I felt like he's might be the type of person I could get along with, but my God was I wrong.

I was f**k*ng wrong. Throughout the second part of his speech, the more he spoke, the more veins were popping out on my forehead.

This guy's mouth will kill him one day, why the hell did they allow someone like this to work here.

Was the management mad? or were they high?

I feel like it's the latter.

Though he was annoying to listen to, he was detailed in his explanation.

So apart from the diamond class, the only available class is the gold class.

Why did I not mention the classes below gold class?

If I was aiming for a class below gold class that is currently the highest, with the advantages I have then am not more than trash.

This thought of mine is not because am proud, arrogant, or whatever, but because if I, a dual class of the Divine and SS Class should get a low result and end up in a lower class, then am simply trash, nothing more and something less.

'But does being in a higher class have any advantage?' with this thought in mind, I raised my hand and asked a question.

"Excuse me, but does being in a higher class have any advantage over others?" I asked.

"Finally a wise one separated from the other bunch of idiots", I heard the same voice before from the speaker saying this.

When the others around me heard what he said, veins popping out on their forehead was all I saw since they could not retort back.

Even lily by my side was quietly muttering some words that should not be said causally to avoid public damage.

'Honestly, as long as it is not me he's targeting, am cool.' I thought as I continued to listen.

"Of course being in a higher class is way better than being in one lower. If not, it won't be tagged higher if they were all same.

Though I can't tell you the full perks of being in a higher class due to the fact we're out of time, I just mention one advantage. As long as you're in sliver and above, you'll receive a monthly allowance of college credits also know as CC for short.". He said.

When everyone heard the latter part of what the man said, they all sucked a mouthful of cold air, except for me since I don't know the use of CC and haven't even received the college credits reward from the exam, but will receive it soon in a few days.

But from their reaction just now, I can tell it's something very precious.

As I was thinking, the man's voice interrupted me with what he said next.

"Since what's to be said has been delivered, let's start."


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