This chapter was a bit rushed so please bear with me. I'll edit it later.



[Third person POV],

In a room filled with holograms displaying different images of what was going on in the hall Adrea and the others were located, and the biggest hologram displayed the footage of Adrea having a conversation with his siblings, and lily, were two people watching this alone.

A man and a woman were the only ones in this room.

The man appears to be in his late 50s, and the woman, on the other hand, appears to be in her mid-50s.

"You do know that your indifference and blunt attitude will make people hate you the more if they don't know you". The woman said.

"Am not concerned about their opinions". The man said with a face that appears to have no emotion, and the tone of his voice was flat like he was just saying something machined into him.

"Ah", the woman sighed softly and continued. "I know you don't, but if we don't find a good seed, then your condition will keep on getting worst and the other side are getting ready. So please try to care a bit more Peter". The woman said.

Peter, the name of the man, replied to her saying: "I try", with his face still indifferent as ever, and his voice still flat, but if you listen hard enough, you'd feel the helplessness hidden in his voice.

In the room, both of them felt like the air was suffocating even to them whose presence was able to freeze the air itself.

[Adrea POV],

After the man's voice announced the start of the registration, the senior that led us here and people I assume are his schoolmate, gave every one of us that were here today a form to fill in our details like Date of birth, base you were born, the hospital you were given birth to, parents name and so on.

After we were all through with filling out our respective forms and giving the seniors who came to collect them, the same voice as before spoke to us again.

"If you did not get a form, indicate it to your seniors around you, and they will attend to you", he said and continued.

"With that said, Agneya Flames, Tethys Thalassa, Adrea Dark, Callan Night, Chris Agana, Lily heart, Christina Agana, Dar.... please come forward and start first". The man said, but this time his voice was a little soft.

Must be my imagination, so I ignored it and came forward.

Apart from some names he called, I heard some I was familiar with. I didn't even know that Callan was here. Didn't see him when I was observing earlier.

'I wonder if he still remembers being slapped', I thought with a wicked laugh mixed in the background.

When we were all outside, I heard some whisper among the teens behind me.

Due to my enhanced senses, I picked out some words, even from those that were shameless enough to skillful use mana to silently disrupt the air around them so people with sharp senses won't be able to pick out words from what they were saying. Clearly not their first time doing this.

"Wow, is that Lily Heart? she's so pretty. Is she dating anyone?" a girl and her friend replied her saying: "I don't know, but if she is, am sure he'll be a devilish handsome male like Adrea Dark", the girl nodded her head to the friend's reply and said, "I know right? Hey did you see his recent post on his ISTA? His siblings are so cute! Though I wished it was his photo personally so I can...

Had to stop myself there, so I could not listen to the strange things girls do.

At least I confirmed it again, even though it doesn't need to be confirmed since I already know am handsome.

While I was feeling a little narcissistic at the top here, a person among the names that were called including mine, came out and introduce himself. "Don Don", 'What a weir....unique name that is', I thought.

"Okay Don Don, for you to be in the class you want to be in, you have to perform well. You do know that right? For you and the others that will be performing this test after you, all you have to do is fight with the training robot in front of you for a period of time.

The person with the highest power level among all of you is Adrea Dark and Agneya Flames who are both level 20. So no one among you guys is above level 20.

To be in copper class, all you have to do is just fail.

To be in bronze class, you just have to last for at least 3 minutes.

For silver, you have to last for at least 5 minutes.

And for Gold, you have to last for at least 10 minutes.

If you want to know the least requirement for entering diamond class, all you have to do is destroy the robot. Simple right? Then start".

Immediately after he said that, the core of the robots, which is located in their heart started to light up.

Seeing this, Don Don started to make his way to the robots full of confidence since the presence coming from the robots is just around level 20 and he was level 18, so I guessed he thought he could last for at least 10 minutes, but like always, life showed him who's boss because immediately after the match started, he was able to fight the robot to a standstill with his element which was sand.

But that changed 1 minute later because we all found out the power level of the particular robot he was fighting increased by two, making the robot level 22.

After this happened, the standstill between them immediately broke, but he was still able to hold on for 1 minute later before the robot level increased by another two making it level 24, scaring the shit out of all of us because if this continues to go on, then every 1 minute, the robot level will increase by two till it reaches its limit that's if we're able to last that long though.

And as we thought, 1 minute later, the robot level increased by another two making it level 26.

This time, the already injured Don Don was immediately blown out from the stage they were fighting.

At least he lasted for a little more than 3 minutes before he got defected, making him already settled in bronze class.

Damn, this just got a little complicated.


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