[Adrea POV],

When the instructor said it was my turn to take the test, the first thing I did was take my already asleep siblings in my arms and head in the direction they took Lily and Agneya to rest.

I'm not going to let my siblings sleep on the seats here with no one to keep an eye on them.

Ignoring the weird looks from my classmates, I went to Lily's side when I saw her, carefully laid my siblings on a flat bench beside her, and asked her to please keep an eye on my siblings for me, to which she readily agreed to.

It's not that I trust Lily with the safety of my siblings, but her being with them will put my mind at ease more than them being alone with no one.

After that, I rushed to the arena, which had already been repaired by the Battle arena mechanisms and the seniors with earth element that helped with their mana so it could be completed faster.

I stepped onto the arena floor and waited for my opponent.

My blood has been boiling ever since Agneya defeated the robot, making me eager to see if I could also destroy the robot and possibly enter Diamond Class, and I happened to be the person who came after her to take the test.

I'm not sure if I'm powerful enough to destroy it, but I'll give it my best shot.

'Wonder what level I'll start with', I thought.

Since am a level 20 like Agneya, it's most likely going to be level 31 too.

Despite the thoughts in my head I remained alert and was observing the doors by the side of the arena, wondering where the robot would appear.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long before hearing the door beside me open.

I immediately changed my posture to a combat stance and waited for my opponent, but after a few seconds, I didn't see anything or anyone.

Immediately I circulated the mana in my body after sensing something was wrong somewhere, so I could chant a spell at any time.

And the decision I made just now, saved me from failing this test and attending college in the copper class.

After circulating the mana in my body so I could chant a spell when the need arises, I sensed something behind me.

In a hurry, I turned my head to face what was behind me, but before I could,

A black dagger appeared just inches away from my left eye.

My body reacted subconsciously, and I cast a spell:


And in an instant, I vanished from my location and appeared mid-air from the shadow of the thing that had ambushed me.

After managing to avoid the ambush attack, I was able to identify who ambushed me.

It was a robot, but unlike others, this one was completely black.

Before I could relax and identify my opponent's level, I was attacked again mid-air by four daggers.

'Shit,' I thought to myself.

Why are four battle robots attacking me?

I couldn't do anything but watch as four attacks came at me in mid-air from four different directions.

As a result, I was forced to use a spell I had never used before, even in the ancient world.

"Shadow magic: Verto"

I immediately vanished, or more accurately, changed, switched, or exchanged directions with one of the robots, causing me to appear in his location, while he appeared in mine, mid-air, with four daggers coming at it from four different directions.

The battle became chaotic as a result of my unexpected move, and the robots' ambush failed.

I tried to sense the power level of the robots in the few seconds I had before they returned and attacked me, and when I did, my pupil narrowed.

Level 32.

'What the f**k?'

Why am I fighting four level 32 robots?

This is blatant bullying.

'Whoever is in charge of setting the opponent, you better not let me know you,' I grumbled.

Though it felt like only a few seconds had passed since I escaped from the robot's attack.

It had only been a fraction of a second.

Returning my attention to the robot in mid-air, I observed what it would do in this situation.

With complex movement, the robot managed to avoid the daggers while keeping the majority of its body intact.

Well, most of it, because it lost his two hands.

Now it just had a head, torso, and legs.

After landing, it charged at me ignoring the fact that it had no hands, and the other three were also heading in my direction.

'Well, it's either now or never.' Adrea, you can do it. I took the initiative to attack the robots after hyping myself up.

Even though each of these robots could deliver bronze-level attacks, I ran forward unafraid.

[Lily POV],

After winning the qualification to enter Gold Class, I was overjoyed and waved to Adrea, whom I noticed in the audience seat with a smile, to which he responded by smiling back at me.

'I was pretty cool if I do say so myself,' I thought to myself as I thanked the female senior who came to help me after the match.

Things were going well until I learned that Agneya Flames would be taking the test after me.

To be honest, I have nothing against her.

I just don't like how my parents sometimes compare me to her, that has awakened her physique.

As if I could awaken my physique by myself in the first place.

She was just lucky she awakened her physique earlier.

And her physique is of the bloodline type.

It's not my fault that her bloodline was very pure, causing her to awaken her physique early, whereas mine takes a long time to awaken.

'After all, we're different people,' I grumbled.

I know my reasoning is childish, but I can't help but be annoyed by the person my parents compare me to.

It's just so annoying.

Distracting myself from my thoughts, I watch Agneya battle with interest.

After all, apart from the part of me hating myself being compared to her, I had nothing against her, so I naturally hoped she pass.


'My God, she's a monster,' a little jealous when she used her physique powers.

'So jealous,' I thought, wondering how much energy remained for my body to accumulate before being awakened.

'That was a great fight,' I acknowledged, and was about to rest when I heard the instructor announce who would take the test, and it was Adrea.

Adrea tagged the man's voice with the name "instructor," and since it was convenient, I adopted it as well.

Excited to see how he'd go, I forced my aching body to sit, and to my surprise, I saw Adrea coming towards me with his two siblings sleeping in his arms as he laid them on a flat bench close to me and asked if I could keep an eye on them, which I agreed to because it wouldn't bother me too much.

He thanked me and dashed to the arena with a genuine smile.

'He's handsome,' I thought subconsciously.

[Agneya POv],

'Ugh,' I groaned as my entire body ached and an intense headache followed right after.

"Oh, you're awake," a female voice said.

Turning my head in the direction where I heard the voice, I noticed a somewhat familiar face.

'I know her,' I thought, trying to recall who she was and where I'd seen her before.

Perhaps she noticed my situation and decided to introduce herself.

"Lily Heart," she said.

'Oh, I remember her,' I realized.

She's the young miss of the Heart Family

I wasn't paying attention to her appearance when she fought, so I had trouble remembering her.

And it's not my fault that this is the first time I've had a private conversation with her.

I replied, not wanting to appear rude, and returned the courtesy by saying my name.

"Agneya Flames," I said, and we immediately ignored ourselves and focused on the match, but as soon as I did, I blurted out in shock:

"Why the hell is he fighting four robots".




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