[Adrea POV],

The first of the four black robots to approach me was the one without two hands.

I thought it would be the easiest to take out, but these guys are clearly of a higher grade than the ones who fought Lily and Agneya.

It jumped and twisted his body in mid-air just a meter away from me to deliver a side kick from above.

I turned back to attack, bending low enough for the robot's leg to miss me, causing him to be behind him.

But I was interrupted by three daggers thrown in my direction.

With no other option but to halt my assault,

I attempted to take advantage of the daggers.

"Shadow Magic: Verto",

I cast a spell, swapping places with the robot behind me, allowing him to intercept the attacks once more.

This time, however, he was unable to return unharmed, or, more accurately, he was unable to return at all.

With three of them severely damaging the robot and one of them hitting its core,

This match was over for the robot.

After dealing with that,

I had a nagging feeling that these robots were.....hmmm, weak.

'Are they Fake Bronze-level robots?' I could not stop thinking about it.

'Or is my improvement more powerful than I thought?' I wondered.

Before we could begin another round, the robots abruptly stopped, followed by the instructor's voice.

"At first, I thought this would be enough to put you to the test, but it appears that I underestimated you," he said and continued.

"At this rate, you'll pass the diamond class qualifications, but I have a better deal for you if you want to hear it." He said and paused for his words to sink in.

I kept silent, a little curious about what was going on, and carefully considered his words.

According to him, if this fight continues, I will undoubtedly win the qualification to enter diamond class, but he wants to test me for some reason, and if I agree, the deal may be better than simply entering diamond class.

I could potentially move up to diamond class, which comes with more benefits.

With this in mind, I told him:

"Let me hear your deal first before I decide," I said.

"So pick one," he said.

"One. You could continue this match and enter diamond class, or you could forfeit it, redo the test with a tougher opponent, and possibly enter diamond class, giving you twice the benefit of being in Diamond Class ", he explained.

When some of my classmates, including the seniors, heard this, they all took a deep breath and gave me an envious look.

'You know, even if you do that, I don't know what the benefit of being in diamond class is, I just know it's better to be there,' I couldn't help but retort in my head.

But I've already made up my mind.

"I'd like to retake the test," I stated.

"Good," the instructor said, seemingly pleased, and I agreed to his terms.

I couldn't think for long though, because I saw the black robots carrying pieces of the destroyed robot and heading to a door by the side of the arena, while another door opened.

'That's probably for my new opponent.' i thought.

As the black robots passed through the door, my opponent entered through the other.

Observing my new opponent, I noticed it was very different from the other robots, or should I say that my opponent is not a robot at all, but a human?

A human at level 38, to be precise.

'Damn,' I cursed.

Was I duped?

This is not just because the test has become more difficult; it has also become more difficult because I am battling a human.

Humans differ from robots in that they can think for themselves and improvise when necessary, as opposed to robots, which are programmed to do a specific thing.

Of course, I'm referring to robots that lack artificial intelligence.

I assumed he was a senior because of his nonchalant expression.

He clearly does not take me seriously.

But he has significantly underestimated me.

He started the battle first when he charged at me with full force.

Seeing this, I knew I needed to go all out.

I immediately used aura to cover my entire body, strengthening it more than twofold.

And rushed in my opponent's direction.

We were only a few meters away when I jumped and raised my fist, to deliver my punch from above by adding more aura to my fist making it look like a blackish purple ball.

When the senior saw this, he sneered and raised his two hands, chanting a spell.

"Earth magic: Earth Spear," he said, but he wasn't done.

He cast another spell, "Earth magic: Earth Spikes."

He only stopped after casting two spells in a row.

But just these two spells were enough to put me in a difficult position because I'm still in mid-air with earth spears coming at me from the front and earth spikes on the ground if I forcefully stop my charge and land.

His ability to do this on the spot demonstrates his level of experience.

But, if we're talking about experience, I also have that.

I didn't fight shadows in the ancient world for naught.

I decided to stop this facade and smiled at him as he gave me a wicked smirk on the ground as if he had already won this match.

Thanks to him, I realized that as long as the opponent is under level forty, I can fight and even defeat them.

I shaped the aura around my arm to look exactly like a sword, with sharp edges by the side, by using it as a sword. Then I slashed at the senior with all my might, infusing all the Dark ki I had from my Dark Swordsman class, mixed with aura.

I smiled as I saw this, thinking that this should be enough to push the senior off the stage, but I was confused when I saw the senior's expression.

Why does he appear to be on the verge of death?

It wasn't until my attack hit that I realized I was more powerful than I had previously thought.

There was a deep hole more than twenty meters deep in the direction my attack hit, with no sign of the senior's body.

I feared I had accidentally killed someone after realizing I couldn't see even the remains of seniors and all that was around me after landing was a dead hole and a cracked battle arena.

"Well, that surprised me," the instructor said.

But this time it wasn't from the speaker; instead, I thought I heard his voice from behind me.

Unconvinced, I slowly turned around and saw a man in his late 50s hovering slightly above the ground with an unconscious person in his hands.

Recognizing that it was the instructor who saved the senior I was about to kill,

I hurriedly bowed and tried to explain, "Sir, I swear to the heavens I never knew," but the instructor cut me off before I could finish.

"I never knew I was this strong. That's what you wanted to say right?" he said.

Tongue-tied, I couldn't respond because he said exactly what was on my mind.

"How did you get so strong so fast?" he inquired, his voice full of curiosity.

Was about to cook up a lie when he appeared in front of me, his hands on my shoulder.

Before I could speak when I felt a terrifying amount of mana and another energy mixed in it, which I can't quite describe, but it felt holy.

After a few seconds, the instructor removed his hand from my shoulder, releasing the pressure that had me panting.

Looking at the instructor, I noticed he was nodding his head as if he had just understood something and said, "it appears you have a Bloodline physique that has been semi awakened," he continued, "looks like your spirit triggered the physique when it took over your body," but I did not respond and allowed him to make his own baseless assumptions.

Without batting an eyelid at me and ignoring me, he announced my result,

"Adrea Dark, Diamond Class," he said before disappearing.

I was completely confused and lost about what had just happened until I noticed Agneya Flames heading my way.


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