Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[10]

Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[10],

[Adrea POV],

After realizing that something was wrong after passing the same spot multiple times, I decided to retrace my steps to see what was wrong or what I did wrong, but that failed because as soon as I turned my head, I saw a different road path than the one I was on now.

I was puzzled as to how it happened because I was certain it was not the same road I had just passed.

I turned my gaze back to the front, anxious to get out of this place because everything felt wrong, and was astounded to see nothing but a wall in front of me.

'Wait, is the road and location changing here?' It was really creepy how it happened, I thought.

I could only move forward because I had no choice but to take the 'New Road.'

After a while of walking around, things began to go wrong quickly as I began to experience an intense headache and the thoughts in my head became muddy as I became more dizzy.

After dying many things in the ancient world, some of the worst kind, I thought I had grown accustomed to pain because I felt it so much, but I never realized that I had been deceiving myself.

There's a difference between dying the same way multiple times with the pain being cut short and feeling like your head is going to bust or something.

"Damn!" I exclaimed as I was about to scream when the pain suddenly vanished.

"Huh," I muttered stupidly out loud.

'Was I just about to scream?'

'Eh, why did I.....Eh, where am I?' I wondered as I examined my surroundings.

Was I not playing with my siblings at home? I pondered.

Honestly. I was starting to get scared since I don't know where I am.

'Did someone strong kidnap me?' I thought as I hoped Agneya that said she was coming to my house today to come to new dawn together will notice something was wrong as I started moving forward slowly trying to remove this bugging thought that I was forgetting something important.

Honestly. I was becoming concerned because I had no idea where I was.

'Did someone powerful kidnap me?' I thought as I hoped Agneya, who said she was coming to my house today to go to New Dawn with me would notice something was wrong as I started moving forward slowly, trying to get rid of the nagging feeling that I was forgetting something important.


[Third Person POV],

Adrea thought he was moving forward, but his body had been in the same position since the beginning, with a huge flower on his head and its root slowly penetrating into his head as the surroundings were filled with pinkish red gas.

Adrea appears to have unknowingly fallen victim to an illusion he was unaware of.

[Adrea POV],

After a while of walking, it became clear that I was forgetting things and couldn't recall them.

In terms of remembering them, I have the impression that I am also losing some memories here, but I can't be sure because everything around me is so confusing.

I can't see very well.

My thoughts are becoming muddled as I begin to consider inexplicable things.

'Has anyone discovered I'm missing?' Did Agneya come to my house later? Is it possible that my siblings are missing me and crying because they can't see me?' As these thoughts were racing through my mind, I heard what sounded like screams in the distance.

'Is anyone else here?' I thought as I started running fast in the direction I thought would lead me to the sound I heard.


I was finally able to identify the sound after running for a while and changing directions constantly.

It sounded like small children crying.

Though I was baffled as to why there would be small children in this type of environment, I continued to run in the direction I chose, even though it felt like I was getting further and further away from the source of the sound, but I can still hear the voices clearer as I moved.

'Strange,' I thought as I sped up my pace.


Adrea's situation outside was already dire, but the scene he is about to witness in the illusion will either change his mind or become his worst nightmare.


Author note: I'm not sure if my plans today will permit me to write another chapter so i had to drop this one.

Please bear with me.

Thanks for reading!!!!


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And if you have any idea on the novel, or notice any fault, Please inform me.

It helps in making me a better author.



50 Power stones: 1 Bonus chapter.

70 Power stones: 2 Bonus chapters,

100 Power stones: 3 Bonus chapters,


50 Library adds: 1 Bonus chapter.

80 Library adds: 2 Bonus chapters.

150 Library Library adds: 3 Bonus chapters.
