Chapter 10

I like him. I've always liked him. He's the only person I ever liked. Aki-Kun and I…I don't even remember the day we first met. That's how long we've known each other. We've practically been raised together as siblings…even before we became conscious. But—I never once thought of Aki-Kun as a brother. He's straightforward, a bit stubborn at times, but always reliable, and kind…And to me, he was always the person the most important in the world. It might sound stupid and cliché, but I always dreamed of being Aki-Kun's wife.

That's why, when Aki-Kun suddenly confessed to me, I felt dizzy. Dizzy and bewildered, but happy.

"Ayaka…I like you."

The first time he said that to me was on the day of our high school graduation. On the way home from the graduation ceremony, as the sun had begun to set, Aki-Kun said that to me when it was just the two of us.

"Ah, well, you know. I-I get you might be a bit bewildered, suddenly being told that. It's just…a while ago, I couldn't just see you as my childhood friend anymore. To me, you're just like any other girl. And…I wouldn't want our current relationship to suffer, but…I wouldn't be able to stand the fact that some other guy came and stole you from me. So…I wanted you to know how I felt, and…Huh?" Aki-Kun tried to explain his sudden confession, only to stop mid-sentence, looking at me in disbelief.

"Wh-Why are you crying?!"

I didn't even realize.

"B-Because…I'm so happy…"

"Then don't cry?! Smile!!"

"Th-These are happy tears, okay?! You really don't get how girls tick…But that's…also what I like about you…" I said, as my face turned red.

I was worried my head might be steaming right about now.

"I-I also…like you, Aki-Kun…"

Tears, words, and feelings…They all came gushing out of me. Something warm started to rise from the inside of my chest, and I had no way of stopping it. It's like flowers grew everywhere in my view, as I drifted on cotton candy, standing inside a meteor shower. Everything was sparkling, fluffy, and like a dream.

"Ah, well…"

Unable to handle this awkward atmosphere, Aki-Kun didn't know what to say, just scratching his cheek. Even that gesture looked cute to me.

"Then, from now on…"

"From now on what?"

"D-Don't make me say it! From now on, we'll be…a couple. You good with that?"

"…! Yeah! Of course! How could I not be?!"

"R-Relax. I mean, I'm just as happy, but…Well, you know…"

"Hee hee, you're so awkward, Aki-Kun."

"I don't wanna hear that from you. It's not like you had a boyfriend before, right?"

"Yeah. But that's because…I don't need a boyfriend that's not Aki-Kun." I said, which surprised Aki-Kun. "I've always…always loved you, Aki-Kun."

"I-I'm pretty sure I liked you all this time, too. I just…wasn't aware of it. And then we started attending high school, so…"

"Hehe, I'm happy. But, I think I've liked you much longer! My like history is very long!"

"The heck is that even? Like I care, I said it first, so I win."


"What? You got a problem with that?"

"Not at all. I guess I lost, huh~?"

"…You seem awfully happy despite that…"

"Is that bad?"

"…Nope. Just be as happy as you want…"

I rarely brag about anything, but…when it comes to my feelings for Aki-Kun, then I won't lose to anybody. Sure, I could have confessed to him. But, I was worried that we'd lose our current relationship, and…I wondered how happy I would be if he was the one to confess. I've waited all this time for Aki-Kun to turn around and look at me. I dreamed about him confessing like this. And now that it actually happened, I'm a lot happier than I could have ever imagined. I don't even know what to do with all this happiness.

"…Aki-Kun, I like you."

It began to overflow, like a sweet carbonated drink. And now, I can't stop them anymore.

"I like you. I like you…I really like you lots."

"Wh-What's gotten into you?"

"Hehe…You may have gotten a headstart, but I can still win by saying it more than you."



Aki-Kun's face is red. But, I'm pretty sure I'm the same. We're the same in that regard.

"I'm really…happy. I love you, Aki-Kun."

And from that day onward, Aki-Kun and I went from being childhood friends to being a couple. And our very first spring break after we started dating was…so much fun. We'd go watch the cherry blossoms together, see a movie…Granted, we did the same before, but from now on, they're actually dates…is what I can call them, right? Every time I thought about that, I couldn't stop myself from grinning. Then again, even after we started dating, Aki-Kun is still Aki-Kun, and I am me.

"Man, being on break is the best. I can sleep in every morning."

"That's all you talk about when we have a break. You should be doing something other than just snooze all day."

"Sleeping is important, and I'm enjoying it. It's what humans need the most. And what about you? Are you doing anything special this break?"

"Heh! Listen to this! I've actually been watching MagiMon online since the start of the break!"

"You're just wasting your time away! How are you any better than me?"

"No, no, Aki-Kun. It's a lot of fun, really. You shouldn't look down on MagiMon just because it's a children's anime. The themes it deals with actually go fairly deep, and it's pretty interesting!"

"Well, I won't deny that children's anime deal with a lot of different topics, which makes them a blast to watch."

"Especially the last episode! Mon-chan wanted to be a shortcake for the longest time, but he realized that he needed his chestnut, and that scene got me so hard…I cried like a baby!"

"That was the last episode?! Also, you seriously cried because of that?"

"Mon-chan is just so adorable! Even his insides are made of cream!"

"I'm pretty sure you call that 'tasty' and not 'adorable,' but who am I to judge."

"N-Not at all! I really think he's cute, mon!"

"Are you trying to talk like it now? It ain't working as you think it is."

"Hehehehe…But it's true, I'm really enjoying this break, mon."

Even though his comment was cold and harsh, I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

"And spending time with you like this is the best kind of time…I'm so happy…"


Hearing my words, Aki-Kun suddenly looked like he ate a lump of sugar, as he fell silent. Roughly five seconds later, he scratched his cheek.

"Gaaah, this is too much! So dang sweet! Are you really my girlfriend?! You are, right?! No mistaking it?!"

"I…I'm pretty sure I am, yep!"

"Also…we may be spending time together, but it's nothing special, is it?"

"Sure…But this is our first break since we started d-dating, right?"

"I guess…so…"



The atmosphere felt restless and itchy, like the inside of my chest was full of dandelions.

"Well…Um…is there anything you'd like me to do? Anywhere you'd like to go?" Aki-Kun scratched his cheek again, as he asked me with a blunt tone…filled with kind intentions.


"Y'know…All the normies from our class talked about going somewhere, or getting a ring as a surprise gift and all that…But I wouldn't know what a girl could want from her boyfriend."

"Heh…So you see me as a girl, Aki-Kun? That's so weird."

"Wh-What?! It's wrong, right?! You're a woman, aren't you?!"

"Hee hee…I don't really need anything. As long as I have you with me…But if you're offering…maybe we could do something…special?"

"Something special…?"

"Um, um, you know…We still have some break left, and we've graduated from high school, so…we could go…on a trip together?"

"Wha…" Aki-Kun froze up for a good second, only to panic. "It's…it's still too early for that!" He screamed, only to realize that I never mentioned anything other than a trip.

Once that realization hit, his face turned red.

"…Heh. And what exactly were you imagining, Aki-Kun?"

He was just so adorable, I felt the urge to tease him. But in reality, I wasn't joking or anything…On the contrary, I was waiting for it. No way I won't get my hopes up. After all…I'm no longer his childhood friend. I'm Aki-Kun's girlfriend.


"Ahahaha, you're ruffling through my hair like a sheep!"

Aki-Kun got angry at me and ran his hand through my hair to cause a mess. He might think this is a punishment, but I thought his big hand was really comfortable.

"Don't think you can play with me like this. You'll regret it when the time comes…"

"When what time comes? Please tell me! Will I…be assaulted?"

"…Do you plan on turning me into a criminal?"

"…If consent is involved, it won't count as a crime, right?"

I mustered up my courage to say these bold words. Aki-Kun looked at me in disbelief. Did I…win? I mean, this isn't a competition or anything, but I just wanted to test my luck. Following that, Aki-Kun pulled up my head with his hand and looked away from me in the same turn.

"…I'm trying to treasure you as best as I can. That's why I'm not gonna rush into anything head-first. You just agonize while you wait for me to make my move."


He spoke as if he was aware that I actually waited for him to make the first move. And although I couldn't see this face, his flustered tone made it clear he did it all for my sake.

"…But, if you keep being so god damn adorable…Don't blame me if I can't hold back anymore, so you better be ready."


…I'm feeling dizzy. I thought I finally had the upper hand, and yet, I was aware of how red my face must be, let alone my heart race accelerating more and more. This is…too much. I can't beat Aki-Kun.

Our fluffy and lovey-dovey days continued, but of course, some days weren't all about fun. Even so, with Aki-Kun by my side, everything was okay. He allowed me to smile. For example, when I had trouble dealing with someone at my part-time job, or when I got into a rare fight with my parents. He'd always cheer me up, and hear me out.

"Ah…I'm just…not good enough. I want to get better at it, but…"

"You're worrying too much. You're always trying your hardest, and I think that's amazing," he ruffled up my hair with a gentle movement. "Don't think about it too much. Just have fun and enjoy it," he chose a cheerful tone as he attempted to cheer me up. "All people are idiots, so you don't have to play cool and just be straightforward with your stupidity."

Even when it felt like I was losing myself, his smile, and just a few words, worked like magic to clear up any doubt inside of me. Aki-Kun is my light. He brings light into my world. Having him by my side makes me feel strong…And, I was happy. Every day was happy. It was the same as before we started dating, but…The warmth I felt when we held hands. The ability to say that I am his girlfriend. The sweetness of our days together. His heartwarming smile. Promising to meet up on our next day off. Our shadows overlapping when we walked home during the evening.

Every single day, the world sparkled. Like the morning mist covered everything. And on the bright days, it was like a white cloud filled the world. I was fulfilled. I wasn't lacking anything. I honestly thought I didn't need anything else. Thinking back on it, it's comparable to a rollercoaster at an amusement park. It slowly rises to its highest point, getting close to the beautiful blue sky. So far high up, you think you might just have reached heaven. And then, after you reach the zenith—All that awaits is a downfall.

"Hehehe…I got here early because I'm so excited."

That way, Aki-Kun and I made plans. Since we're neighbors, we'd usually just go somewhere together, but that day, we promised to watch a movie after Aki-Kun's lecture was done. And since my lecture was done earlier, I headed to the train station closest to the movie theater, doing a bit of window shopping. Then, after it was time to meet up, I waited for him in front of the train station. They seemed to be doing some construction work on the rooftop of the train station building, which was a bit too loud for my taste.

However, since I was just so excited, I didn't even realize that. I just wanted to see Aki-Kun as quickly as possible. Even though we see each other every day. Eventually, I started looking around, looking for Aki-Kun. Then, something popped up in my sight. There was a child walking over a pedestrian crossing, and even though he had a green light, a truck drove toward the child at high speed. At that moment, I didn't have time to give a rational deduction. Right or wrong didn't matter. My body just moved on its own, as I leaped forward to save the child. And then—my world turned dark.

I never opened my eyes again after that moment. But, I wasn't completely dead, either. My eyelids…simply wouldn't open. Not a single part of my body obeyed my desire to move, as I found myself in absolute darkness. At first, I didn't understand what happened to me. I was scared because it was as if I was tied down in a dark room. And even though my eyes wouldn't open and my body not move, my ears were perfectly fine.

According to the pieces of information I picked up when the doctors were speaking, the boy I saved was currently sleeping in the hospital. He was fine, but it was highly unlikely that I would ever wake up again. And as I layed in this darkness, I could hear voices…Crying voices. My Mom, my dad, my relatives, and friends…They sniffled, bawled, wailed…But all of them cried. Saying "This can't be true," or "Why did it have to be you?" and so on. And of course, Aki-Kun was no exception.


His voice, a bit more brusque than usual, called my name. Like the end of the world was about to befall him.

Aki-Kun always held my hand. His hand was kind, pulling me up when I had fallen. I really liked when he did that. Even as we started dating, he may have been flustered a lot of the time, but he still grabbed my hand and tightly held it. It was the same now. Once I couldn't get up from the bed any longer, he still held my hand.


Then, I felt something like a wet drop fall onto my hand. I, still, couldn't see anything. But I immediately knew that these were Aki-Kun's tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm…so sorry…"

Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong.

"It's my fault. Because we decided to meet up there."

—No. It's not.

"If you hadn't been waiting there…If I had just skipped my dumb lecture and stayed by your side…I could have protected you…!"

—Stop. Don't say that, Aki-Kun. Nothing is your fault. Nobody is to be blamed for this. So, don't point the blame at yourself. Don't cry. If you're hurting…then I'm hurting, too.

"I'm sorry…But, it's okay. You didn't die. You're still here. So, it'll be okay. I'll always wait for you. You'll get better. And then I'll protect you. I swear, I'll make you happy…"

His voice was shaking. He tried to cheer me up, but it was clear that he himself lacked any energy. We'd been together for as long as I could think, and yet I had never heard such a voice from him. I don't want this. I like all of Aki-Kun, but…this voice…I don't want to hear it. Why won't my body move? I want to hug him. I want to apologize and smile while telling him that everything will be better soon. I'm sorry, I'll get better in no time, so just wait—

And yet, no matter how much I prayed, my condition didn't improve. There was no recovery in sight. How much longer do I have to stay like this? I can't see anything, I can't even speak. I'm just locked in this room of darkness. Will I…be like this for the rest of my life? No. I'm scared. I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm—


Only his voice. His voice, calling my name, is what connected me to this world.


Every single day, he came to visit me. He must be busy with university and helping his family, and yet he never missed a day. He just stayed by my side, calling my name like he was praying.

"They opened up a restaurant in front of the train station that I bet you'd like. It's a cafe with a cat or rabbit decoration on its parfaits. Once you're better, we'll go check that out, yeah? I don't really get how those cafes work, but I'll keep my first time to when you're back. It'll be my treat, so you just order what you like. I just…want to see your smile."

Yeah. I'll get better soon. Really, I just want to open my eyes and talk with him. One day, right? After all, I could talk just fine before this whole mess.

"Today, I met our homeroom teacher from high school. Man, that was a blast from the past. He heard about your accident from the others. He was really worried, you know? And everyone's curious about how you're doing. You're being loved by so many people. Of course, I'm one of them…haha. Anyway, it's fine. Some time has…passed…since the accident, but nobody's forgotten about you. They're all waiting for you, so hurry on me. Hurry up…and open your eyes."

Aki-Kun held my hand again. He would do so again and again. Day after day—Even though I showed no reaction each time.

"Ayaka, I came to visit again today. What should we talk about? All you do is sleep, after all. I wish I could have something exciting to tell you every day…Can you hear me? C'mon, tell me."

His voice was kind. Always kind, always warm. It was my sole guiding light in this darkness. And yet, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't give anything back to him. Nothing at all—and it hurt.

"Just kidding…I know that you're the one who's suffering the most. I can't make you worry about me, too. It's fine, Ayaka. You'll get better…You will…right…?"

He kept saying that it'll be fine. Again and again. Each time he came to the hospital room, he repeated it like a chant. Almost like…he was trying to convince himself.


How many times…how many tens of times has he called my name now?

"I can't do anything…"

His voice was…exhausted. And grieving. I'm…sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Ever since the day of the accident, Shou-chan's been filled with nothing but regret, apologizing to me. But, I should be the one to do so. And yet, no voice would leave my lips. My feelings simply vanished inside this darkness, not reaching a single Akil.

I'm sorry. I can't do anything. Why…I always feel like this. Why are you so kind? Your kindness…it hurts me. You call out to me, hold my hand, no matter how mad it makes you. No matter how profound the darkness you find yourself in…Move. Please, my hand. Move. Just one second. One moment is fine. If I can't speak, then at least let me hold his hand. Telling him that he has no reason to suffer like this.

Move! Move move move! Move move move move move move!! Ahhhhhh?! Why?! It's my hand! My body! So why won't you listen to me?! But…no miracle arrived. Quite literally, I couldn't do a thing. I feel like throwing up, even though I wouldn't be able to anyway. I can't even make him feel better. Instead…I'm just hurting him. And yet, he'll come again tomorrow.

"I want to talk with you again. I want to see your smile."

…Me too, Aki-Kun. Me too.

"Ayaka." He called my name in a warm voice. "Please…Smile for me again, Ayaka…"

Some time passed after that. Granted, I had no clock or calendar to check, so I didn't know exactly how much time had passed. But, without anything changing in my condition, a certain day arrived.

"…Are you crying, Yamada -kun?"


Aki-Kun was by my side as always, when Yumiko-san came to visit us.

"…Are you okay? Are you getting enough sleep? You look exhausted."

"…I'm not okay, but I don't want to sleep."

Aki-Kun's voice was ridden with pain, but he seemed to have accepted that. Like he wished to suffer more. Like this was the punishment bestowed upon him.

"…Yumiko, I'm powerless."

"That's not true, and you know it."

"She can't even open her eyes…and yet, I can't do a damn thing. Why…am I even here? Ayaka's just laying there, and yet I'm still alive. If she can't come back, then…I might as well just…"


Hearing Aki-Kun's words must have agitated Yumiko-san, as she spoke up with an oddly desperate voice.

"…During spring…in our third year…"


"During spring in our third year, I became friends with you two. Because you realized…that I was lonely all by myself."

That's right. That's how we met. When we were in our third year, Aki-Kun called out to Yumiko-san, who didn't make any friends. And then she joined our circle, becoming friends with the two of us, as well as Kazama-kun.

"I'm sure that maybe the other people in my class may have liked me. But, they treated me like a being from a different world. I felt a wall…and this distance between us. And I thought that I'll graduate high school without ever having someone I could call a friend. And then, you called out to me. I was…so, so happy."

The starting point was something small. But to Yumiko-san, it was such a detrimental encounter, and something she probably treasured deeply.

"And…by spending time with you, I realized something. Shinomiya-san was always smiling gently like that…Because you were with her, Yamada -kun."

…That's right. That's exactly it.

"Yamada -kun…You're not powerless. Shinomiya-san is happy because you're with her."

Yeah…Yumiko-san really is amazing. She told him exactly what I'd been dying to say. And she was able to support him…I'm a bit jealous. Even just because she can talk to Aki-Kun. Despite her saying it for both our sakes. Despite her supporting Aki-Kun, who's on the verge of collapsing. She did what I couldn't do. And yet…it hurt. Hearing her speak to Aki-Kun hurt me…and I hated myself for that.

"…Yamada -kun. Miracles do exist. And you can create one, as long as you never give up."

I want to tell Aki-Kun how I feel. I want to talk to him. Just one word is enough—Because if I can't even do that, then I wish I wouldn't have been able to hear in the first place. I can't even say a thing, and yet I have to listen to Aki-Kun suffer day after day. He's suffering because of me. Another girl is by his side. It all hurts so much, I think I'm going crazy.

God…Why did you do this to me? Please, let me wake up soon. Let me become able to stand in front of him again…I kept on praying as hard as I could. Every single moment. And yet…time simply passed like a cruel avalanche, as my wish remained unanswered.

I don't even know how much time passed since then. How many days, months, and years passed since that accident? I don't know. I don't know anything. I may be alive, but that's all. I can't do anything. Am I…even alive?


And even so, Aki-Kun comes to meet me.

"Ayaka, I have a present for you today."

Aki-Kun took my hand, placing something on my finger.

"It's your birthday present."

I still can't open my eyes, but I can tell he put it on my ring finger. This is…a…ring…?

"I've got the same one, even…Well, I doubt you can see that."

Stop…Stop stop stop stop stop stop! Giving me something like this…It's only going to tie you up…like chains…

"It's okay."

It's not okay. How could this be okay? Why are you like this? You get hurt because you're kind. You suffer because you're kind. You can't let go of me…because you're so kind.

"I'll always be by your side. I won't forget you. I won't go anywhere without you. I…"

All his warm words stabbed into my heart like knives. It's weird that I haven't started bleeding yet. I don't want to hear any more of this. I want to cover my ears, but my hands won't move. And on my hand was the ring…that robbed Aki-Kun of his freedom. This is…too much. Aki-Kun deserves to be happy. He should forget about me and find happiness somewhere else.

"…will wait for you. Always wait for you."

It's okay. Don't wait for me. The more you wait for me, the deeper into hell you'll fall. If you can just forget about me…you can be happy.

"It really hurts…that I can't do anything for you except wait."

Anybody, please. It doesn't have to be God. Just please, somebody make Aki-Kun happy. For that, I don't mind giving my life. I'll give you all of my life…If my body had been able to move, I probably would have been rubbing my forehead on the ground. And then—a strong light appeared, paired with a severe headache. At the same time, a voice spoke up inside of me.

'Are you…truly wishing for that?'

At first, I thought it was a hallucination. That I had gone mad, simply imagining this voice. But, I didn't care. I wanted something to believe in. That's why, even though my head wouldn't move, I nodded several times in my mind. To show clear agreement. I want Aki-Kun to be happy. But, it has to be different from the current me. He has to be with someone who can truly make him smile.

'If that is your wish, then I shall grant it.'

BADUMP BADUMP, my heart started beating, as if to match the speaking voice.

'I shall grant you time. The time I can give you…is one month. However, your wish…is something I cannot grant directly. You have to accomplish this yourself. Within the time I have given to you.'

That voice…was like a voice, but also not quite. It's like thoughts were directly conveyed into my head. The moment I started hearing it, it felt like it was about to break apart…and I couldn't tell if it was male, female…or even human. But, that's fine. I don't care who this voice belongs to. If it helps me make Aki-Kun, I don't mind selling my Akil to the devil.

'I see…What I have given you is nothing but a chance. It depends on you two if you can grant that wish or not.'

Something happened. Even though I should have been inside my hospital room, a strong wind hit me, and the air around me changed.

'…Lastly, there are two things I must tell you. First, if your chance does not work out, you are given a final attempt by sharing your emotions up to this point with him. Through that, he will have the right to choose his own future. However, that will also end the timespan given to you, and you will throw away your last chance. And finally, the second…Though, it is more like a warning.'

I could feel the world contorting and twisting around me. A storm was brewing inside the darkness I found myself in, as I was sucked inside this maelstrom.

'You said that you were willing to offer your life for his sake. Please, don't forget that…'

It felt like my body was torn to shreds. I was scared. And even though I wanted to scream for help, nobody would be there to save me. There was no saving me. The voice might be a saving grace. However, there is nothing in this world without compensation. And just like the voice said, the price for this second chance may very well be my own life. But…I don't care. Whatever I may have to sacrifice, it's none of my concern. Because I will make Aki-Kun happy—and if it's the last thing I do.