Chapter 11


The world around me wasn't dark. On the contrary, it was bristling with color. I could see…with my own eyes. I could look at the world around me. It wasn't the hospital room, either. It was my own room. The one I had lived in before that accident. Such a rush of nostalgia filled me—

"H-How am I…?"

I looked at my own hands, but there was no ring. I opened and closed my hands, controlling them freely. And I realized I could open my mouth to speak. What's going on? It's like that accident I had was just a bad dream. How wonderful that could be, but…it wasn't, I could tell. Then that means…this is the chance that voice spoke of. I left my room and rushed down the stairs. Present there were the people I had been dying to see this whole time, just as much as Aki-Kun.

"Mom! Dad!"

The two seemed surprised at me practically screaming like that, as their eyes turned toward me. And then…they smiled.

"Good morning, Ayaka. What's got you screaming this loud so early?" Mom was busy placing fried eggs on the dining table.

Meanwhile, Dad was wearing his beloved glasses and reading the newspaper. It was the morning scenery I had seen all my life. The people I had wanted to see all this time were now right in front of me. Smiling, no less.


That was just too much for me, as my chest burned hot, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Wah, Ayaka!? Why are you crying?!" Dad was utterly bewildered, as he voiced his concern.

That voice made me realize, so I wiped my tears.

"S-Sorry, I was still half-asleep! I'll go wash my face!" I rushed to the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror, and realized yet another fact.

My face looked a tad bit younger than what I remembered. Just like the voice said, time was turned back to the past. I went to check the date in the newspaper and was absolutely certain. I was back in high school. Or rather, my memories from after the accident has remained, but they went into my high school body. I've seen this in movies before, it's one of those time-leap scenarios. I don't know how this even happened, and I still struggle to accept it. But…I was given a chance to redo it.


My hands and legs were shaking. This isn't the time to be happy. I have only one month, and there are too many things for me to do. That voice…accepted my wish, and returned time to allow me and make Aki-Kun happy. But…if this was just about not getting wrapped up in that accident, then I wouldn't have needed these extra three years. The voice would have just put me back to right before the accident…And I think that's because…just avoiding the accident isn't enough. In order to make Aki-Kun truly happy…he has to get together with someone other than me.

I changed into my uniform and stepped out of the house. The sky was blue, with some clouds in the sky. The summer heat went on strong, too. And wearing this uniform, everything felt so nostalgic. Indulging in this, I waited in front of Aki-Kun's house. My heart is racing. Soon, I can see him. I've wanted to see him for so long. The person I love the most in the entire world. Then, the door opened, and I could see him. He also wore his high school uniform.


I struggled to hold back the tears. I even forgot to breathe. If I wasn't careful, I might just break down completely. How do I—tell him about my memories and my feelings? I've heard his voice this entire time, but I died to see him. My beloved one…I don't have the ring right now, but he placed it on my finger when I couldn't do it myself. I wanted to leap at him. Jump into his arms. Hug him tightly and never let go. And then I wanted him to rub my head. I wanted to feel his big hand and long fingers on my body.

However, I knew I didn't possess the right to ask for that. After all, I couldn't make him happy. Someone else should be by his side. That's why I held back the urge to hug him. I'll sacrifice my future, my life, and even that time we had together—to offer him a girl who could make him smile, and bring him happiness. And after that, my one and only final month began.

How many times have I considered the possibility that this was a dream? That I actually died, and that God was showing me a kind dream as I was in heaven. After all, I was caught up in that accident. And yet, now that I was in high school again, I was allowed to be by Aki-Kun's side, talk to him, see his smile, his displeased face, his sleepy face, his panicked face, his flustered face…all of it with my own eyes. That alone was bliss…And yet, this kind dream hurt even more.

In order to make sure that Aki-Kun would be happy, I decided to try and get him together with Yumiko-san. She should be the one to stay at his side. That's why I tried really hard. Normally, we only talked once at that sweets store and had no further conversation after that until the day Aki-Kun called out to her…But this time, I took her to buy Anpans, which became her favorite food in the timeline I came from, rate lunch with her and tried my best to have the distance between her and Aki-Kun shrink.

And yet, each other Aki-Kun smiled at Yumiko-san, it hurt. That smile should have been mine. I wanted to be the girl who was the most important to Aki-Kun. Don't fall in love with another girl—But instead, love me. If I relaxed for even a moment, that wish filled my mind. And I truly hated myself for that. I like Aki-Kun. I want him all for myself. But hearing his voice, about to break in pieces, all that time…could I really tell him to love me?

Closing my eyes, I vividly remembered the sensation of being locked up inside that darkness. I'm scared of sleeping. I'm scared that I might wake up and end up in that darkness again. That, while the world is moving forward, I'll be stuck there all alone. I don't…want to be alone…in the dark…But at the same time, I can't forget. I was given this one final month. Once that is done, I'll probably go back there…No, I swore that I'd offer my own life, so I might die for real. But…that honestly would be better than what I experienced before.

In reality, I'm terrified. So, so scared. Afraid of the future. I like him more than anybody else. I like him the most in the entire world. And I don't want anybody else to have him…and yet…

"Hey, Ayaka!"


That day, when they held the water gun battle at school. Aki-Kun and Yumiko-san both smiled, as they offered their hands to me.

"Let's play!"

"Let's play together!"

Their smiles and palms looked as radiant as the sun. My world was filled with light, turning everything white. I was really happy…almost like they were there to save me from the darkness. It almost made me wish to stay here forever, if that was a wish I'd be granted…But even so, what I have to do…what I can do is to make Aki-Kun happy. Because I cannot drag him down to hell with me.

And those…were my memories. Because you've seen them, my time here will end. I was originally given a month, but that voice said it'd be over once I show you what I experienced. That's why…This is goodbye, Shou-chan.

Chapter 7


I gasped and was pulled back to reality by Ayaka calling my name. Fireworks were still lighting up the sky. I don't think much time has passed since I confessed to her.


"W-Wah, what?!"

"That just now…did it really happen?! Your memories…and that accident…"

"Memories? Accident? What are you talking about…?"

For a moment, I felt fury and anger at the fact that she had kept this a secret from me all this time, but I quickly realized that this wasn't right. Judging from the way she acted, she was clearly different, and she wasn't playing dumb either.

"More importantly, why am I here? It's weird, I don't remember a thing…"

By showing me her memories, the Ayaka from the future had disappeared. Which means, the Ayaka in front of me does not remember that future or the accident. She's the same age as me…But, is a time leap like this really possible? It's hard to believe, but after experiencing all these memories, I can't just put it off as a lie. And, it would explain a lot. Mainly, why Ayaka has been acting unlike herself lately—The fact that she almost cried that day, the fact that she was so desperate to get me and Yumiko together, and the fact that she had such a saddened expression whenever she saw me and Yumiko getting along. As well as how she was forcing herself this whole time. If it was all because she came from that future…

"…Aki-Kun? Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Ayaka realized that something was off about me, as she showed me a worried gaze.


She doesn't know about that future. That's why there was no point in telling her. I knew that all too well.

"I…I don't want that. Such a future…!"

And even though I knew, I couldn't keep my emotions under control. Being shown such cold and despairing memories, I can't sit still. I can't allow that future to happen—And right as that thought crossed my mind, the fireworks scattered. Creating the colors of the rainbow, like a flash ran through—No, these aren't fireworks. Something inside of my head is popping. And then, the world began to spin.

'Even so, that future will arrive. It is the misfortune she experienced, and it is her future…as well as yours.'

A voice…spoke. It made my head hurt. I couldn't fully grasp what the voice said, but its content reached me clearly.

'If you wish to destroy that future…If you truly wish to save her…then what awaits…is a path covered in thorns. It will not be easy. It will not be forgiving.'

The voice Sounded dull and unclear, like a bubble. That I might forget it immediately after it disappears. I couldn't even grasp its identity. Whether it was a man, a woman, or even human.

'Even so…Do you wish to save her?'

"Of course!" I declared.

Reality and hallucination had already begun to mix. Even Ayaka, who had stood in front of me not even moments ago, had now turned into a shimmer of hot air. As my brain was filled with countless exploding fireworks, I screamed toward the void.

"I won't let that happen. A future like that can go rot in hell for all I care. I'll free her from that fate. I will not allow Ayaka to suffer like that…I want to save her!"

'Understood.' The voice answered, emotionless as always. 'Then I will grant you…a chance, too.'

And because it Sounded so devoid of humanity, it felt like I was being lied to.



When I opened my eyes, the starry sky, the fireworks, and even Ayaka were gone. Instead, the sky was bright blue, with nothing out of the ordinary to mention. I stood on a road, with the guard rail to my right, protecting me from the street.

"What's up, Aki? Why'd you suddenly stop like that?"


I stood still in a daze when a voice called out to me.

"You're…Kazama, right?"

Standing to my left was a man. He reminded me of Kazama, but he didn't match the one I knew.

"Oh, geez! What are you talking about? Of course I'm me! Who else would I…Wait, did you happen to meet my doppelganger or something?! Because if so, then tell me all about it!"

Yeah, that statement and attitude definitely were the same as the Kazama I knew. That's why a certain possibility popped up in my head.

"Say, Kazama…What year is it?"

"Huh? What weird question is that?" Kazama tilted his head in confusion and told me today's date.

That date was three years into the future from where I had come from. It was July, three years after the summer festival.

"Seriously, what's gotten into you? Ah, I know! You probably time leaped to today! If so, leave it to me! What setting would you like? Stumbled into a time machine? Or you developed it yourself? But, are you sure you should be fooling around like this? You've got a date with Ayaka-chan after this, right?"


"You okay? You said you'd watch a movie that Ayaka-chan was interested in, right? I mean, I've got business near there, so I don't mind tagging along halfway, but I won't get in the way, don't you worry! Still, you're honestly scaring me there, just suddenly stopping and acting all—Wait, Aki?!"

I didn't even wait for Kazama to finish before I started running. I don't know who or what that voice is, nor do I get what kind of power is at work here. But the matter of the fact is clear—I traveled three years into the future. If so, Ayaka will soon get wrapped up in that accident. And if I know about it, I can stop it. I can save her. I used up all the energy I have in me to rush to where she was waiting. Thanks to her memories, I know the exact location, too. Now, it's just a battle against time. So please—Make it!!

Crossing my limit, I kept on running. My breathing steadily grew painful, as my calves began to sting. My heart was about to explode. But so what? I'm willing to save her even if I have to sacrifice my legs. Even if my heart gets crushed in the process. And with every single step I took, I felt terrified. Despair started to creep up on me, and the possibility that I won't reach her in time. To cast that away, I sped up further. And then I saw her. She waited in front of the train station building, right next to a pedestrian crossing. She was waiting for me.


Hearing my voice, she turned toward me. She looked a bit more grown-up than I remember. And as she saw me running up to her, she was confused, tilting her head. It's okay if she doesn't understand it. She doesn't have to know about that pain and despair for the rest of her life. Because I came here to save her. But then, I saw a child in the corner of my view. It's the child that Ayaka tried to save. I came here to save her, but that didn't mean I could just let that poor child die, either.

"Don't move from there!" I told Ayaka and then ran toward the pedestrian crossing.

Naturally, I had already seen the truck driving toward the child. One wrong step, and I'll end up in Ayaka's place. But even so, I've decided. For that reason, I'm standing right here. At the very least, I won't let Ayaka suffer again. I ignored the pain in my legs and the screams my heart made, as I dashed toward the child. I then grabbed them under my arm and slid along the ground to get them out of the truck's way.

The truck barely avoided me, as it crashed into the window of the station building. The glass scattered everywhere, and since Ayaka stood close to it, I was worried it was all for nothing—But when I looked over toward her, she stood still in shock…but alive. She's safe. She's alive, I am alive, and so is the child.

"I…did it…?"

My hands were shaking. I was utterly terrified. One wrong step, and someone's life may have been lost. I was not allowed any failure. In fact, my heart was still beating painfully fast, reminding me of my reckless actions. But, she's alive. Ayaka…is alive. I…did it. I really did it. I managed to successfully use this second chance I was given. Now that future won't happen again—!

"Ayaka! I did it! Now we can—"


I never imagined that changing fate would be easy. However, in this one moment, I was filled with relief and peace, as well as a feeling of accomplishment and bliss—When I heard the Sound of a human being getting crushed.


As if to laugh at my arrogance, assuming that everything was resolved…as if I had gotten pranked live on TV for my ignorance…A steel beam had fallen off from the construction area up on the station building. Whether or not this was related to the truck's rampage or not…Doesn't really matter. All my mind managed to grasp was the sight of Ayaka being squashed by this.

Like a lightbulb snapping, my head was filled with darkness, as I was unable to process what I had just witnessed. And then, I heard that voice again.

'This is the beginning, Yamada Aki. This will be your trial…and a time of testing for the two of you. To confirm if you are worth saving. A way out does exist—But as long as this will repeat itself, you will continue to suffer for all eternity.'

The odd voice spoke with an indifferent tone, directly inside my mind.

'But rest assured. As long as you wish for it, you will be given the right to challenge fate again. And you didn't have much time to work with, either. So just for you, I shall grant you a restart from this day's morning. You can repeat this day as long as you please. However, there is one condition.'