Kira had his girlfriend went Kobayashi find that she went into a different school

Meanwhile, back at the school and later Kobayashi was finding Kira with someone else at the school gate and she are very super jealous of her that much.

Kira: Nao you want us to do that thing again somewhere else

Nao: of course but we have a bit of a problem here at the school gate

Kira: wait…it is Kobayashi senpai is here to see me with you and make her super jealous right?

Nao: yes maybe she is super jealous of you

Right before Kira and Nao turned around at her and she just walked toward us with an angry face on her.

Kobayashi: Kira who the hell is she?

Nao: you don't know about her the truth right?

Kobayashi: true about what?

Kira: I was a freaky girl in the first place but now you know that true about me so thanks for the tip senpai

Nao: Kira you scared both of us

Kobayashi: Kira…you are a girl this whole time what the hell is wrong with you?

Kira: well Nao we can do that thing later at my mansion okay Nao

Nao: of course my master

Before Kira wants to leave the school gate and she just kisses Nao's fucking lips while Kobayashi can feel that she was betrayed by Kira and she looked so damn hot and sexy every she was dressing as a guy in the first place.

Nao: sure I will see you at your mansion my master

While Kira was going back to school and Rei are grabbing her arm and dragged her inside the empty classroom went others are also there in the empty room together with her.

Kira: why they are here with you?

Yamasaki: we know you are a girl Kira!

Kira: well that's good enough but not good enough right, Seki?

Later everyone can look at Seki's face we're looking back at Kira's face with so many evil looks on her bloody face on Kira.

Seki: Kira…did you want from me?

Kira: you know why, Yumiko?

Seki: fine you can have me but not them

Tamura: Seki what did you say that was what to her

Without any sound later Kira sped up toward Seki and Kira was carrying her body while others can see that Kira is very changed about herself being with Seki and Nao in her mansion house bedroom together with Kira's full body.

Seki: please Kira do that thing with Nao at the mansion house inside your master bedroom

Kira: with my pleasure Yumiko

Out of a sudden, Kira and Seki disappeared from the empty room and they arrived at her mansion house with Nao inside her master bedroom Seki was looking around at her bedroom very super nervous about to been raped by Kira.

Nao: master why did Seki was here at the house

Kira: Nao you better go out from here and let us be alone together in the room

Nao: of course, I will but not very long time I also want to be fuck with your futa cock

Seki: it could be painful Kira

Nao was closed the door behind her while Kira was snap her finger and suddenly, Seki was in the master bedroom was lying on the bed but both of her hands tied with handcuffs on both of the beds and Kira started to have sex with Seki on the bed.

Kira: Seki can we start having sex now

Seki: sure but please be gentle with me okay Kira

Kira: sure of course but first let us kiss each other

Before Kira was touching her lips together with Seki's fucking boobs and she are having a hard cum with Kira but she had to try the last time before Nao came inside the room to have more fun with Kira's futa cock herself.

Kira: Seki can I put my futa cock inside your pussy

Seki: please go ahead

Kira: okay I will put it inside gently Seki

When Kira was open her pant and her boxer too and was putting on her futa cock and Seki had to breathe her beating her heart Seki was having a great time with her so until they had cum that much until Nao was here to see that happen.

Nao: Kira could I join you too

Kira: yes of course come here to my bed

Nao: Kira!! *jump*

Seki: Kira you had an amazing body with you and should I go now with others at the school

Kira: sure you can go now

Once Seki can go now and later Kira had to stop her from walking outside the room while Kira was kissing Seki on her lips while she was following her movement flow to her body.

Kira: you are my harem sex slave Seki Yumiko

Seki: as wish you master *bow*

Kira: you may go now if I need you I will find you at the school

Seki just nodded at her and she had to leave the room and just only Nao together with Kira in the bedroom at her house mansion.

Kira: Nao can you touch my futa cock that hard until it cum that much of my semen

Nao: sure of course my master let me do that for you

Later Nao was touching her futa cock and she was sucking her futa cock that harder Kira was moaning that loud and others can be heard them having a great fucking time together with Nao in her bedroom.

Tamura: please stop this sound that makes me so mad right now with Kira

Seki: I'm sorry I'm back from Kira's mansion

Rei: Kira had to do some crazy stuff with another member

Out of the blue, Kira had come to see that if Kobayashi need anything for her to torture her so badly hard that she was scared of her so much with others as well.

Kira: bravo everyone you had enough to listen to me on Nao huh?

Rei: Kira please stop this nonsense with your body to others to have fun with

Suddenly, Kira snapped her finger at Rei and she can't move her body later Kira had to walk over to her body and touch every hentai part of her body while Kobayashi was seeing them doing that thing here at the dorm.

Kobayashi: why did Kira doing here at the dorm?

Habu: Kira did you rape her and make her pregnant are you?

Kira: wrong I didn't do anything to her but I am a girl you stupid idiot

Rei: Kira please don't do this to me I don't want to have sex with you here with everyone watching us

Kira: just close your eye and let me do my thing for you

Suddenly, Rei can move her body but Kira was been stabbed in her chest which makes her vomit blood in her mouth Rei can see that Kira wasn't faking her vomited blood.

Rei: Kira…Kira are you okay?

Kira: just stay away from me you betray me Rei

Rei: what did you say is true?

Kira: yes and you can't stop me or kill me with that thing and I will have sex with every member I like with

Kira stopped vomiting blood in her mouth and she steps out of the dorm she walks very weakly but Nao are there with her and she can see that Kira is very weak with every movement ever.

Nao: who did this to you master?

Kira: Rei battery me but I did this to myself

Nao: are you okay?

Seki: Kira wait…please wait for me I want to come to follow you as well

Kira: of course, you can Yumiko *cough blood*

Seki: please Nao carry her to her house mansion

They nodded at each other and Kira was sleeping forever in her master bedroom while Kira's soul are flying around the room and her living room as well.

Kira Soul: damn it why does my body feel so light all of a sudden

Nao: Seki are you feeling okay?

Seki: yes I am but why I can feel that her soul is here in the living room

Kira Soul: I am here you fool!!

Out of the blue, both of them can hear Kira's voice shouting at both of them in the living room and suddenly, Kira's real body is waking up but her futa cock remains the same as well.

Kira: ouch that hurt a lot of pain in my chest

Nao: oh my gosh Kira you are okay

Seki: Kira you feeling okay now

Kira: yes my soul had to fly a bit of heaven early

Rei: Kira…Kira, I'm sorry for your betray you from other

Kira just wants to get slapped by her but she just sees Morita behind Yamasaki and she uses her telekinesis power to push away from the other member she kisses Morita's cheek and others see them kissing her cheek.

Morita: Kira…you!! *blushed*

Kira: you what Hikaru?

Morita: don't call me by my last name Kira

Kira: I like went you blushed Hikaru

Morita: please step back from me

While Kira was back with Nao and Seki's side and she just left them speechless with her by the looks on Kira's face.

Morita: um…Kira, I'm sorry for that early

Kira: well it's too late now Hikaru you are done

Without any sound, Kira and Morita have to have together with her but Kira is having a hard time with someone else but expects Rei by her side.

Kira: Nao and Seki please left us alone and everyone else too

Rei: Kira please don't do anything with Morita

Kira: please get out of here now!!

Later everyone is out of there and just only Morita with Kira but went everyone is coming into the living room and sees that Morita is there but no signs of Kira anywhere else.

Rei: where is Kira?

Morita: Kira…Kira is in their *point*

Rei was running toward the room and see that Kira was lying down facing up at the ceiling her face was seeing Rei was worried about her life.

Kira: I'm sorry Rei it is all my fault to did it to you back in the past went I got an accident

Rei: please hang in there Kira…*tears*

Kira: don't cry I'm not going anywhere else

Morita: did Kira let herself suffer from everyone with us in the living room

Kira: Hikaru…where is your hand I can't reach

Morita: here touch my hand

Kira: thank you and I can't see myself anymore

Rei: what are you saying now, Kira?

Suddenly, Kira close her eye and now she had turn back time the saving someone important to her Kira had come here to save Rei from the past and she can see that Kira was bloody clothes on her shirt while another past member can see that Kira is having a hard time on someone to save her life.

Rei: Kira…you are hurt because of me right?

Kira: I'm here to save you from them

They were seeing that Kira are a super damn hero and later back into the present day inside her master bedroom and they are panicking to shake her body while Kira wasn't moving at all.

Rei: Kira please wake up I need you and everyone here too

Out of the blue, Kira slowly woke up from her faint and everyone is seeing her and that she was fine just fine but Rei can remember that she is the hero of her past self.