Kira had waking up from Rei present day

Meanwhile, Kira had waked up from Rei's present day and she just we're hugging at her with some friend lovely couple to her.

Kira: Rei please stop you make me can't breathe again

Rei: sorry I won't ever again leave you by your own

Morita: but Kira can we talk alone inside here while everyone goes out from here with Rei as well

Rei: sure of course Kira we will wait for you outside once you are done with Morita

Kira: okay Rei thanks for the noted

Later everyone had gone outside from her master bedroom while Kira locked the door from inside the bed Morita was sitting on her bed while Kira was lying next to her side to see her face once again and make her very happy.

Kira: so what did you want to talk about here Hikaru?

Morita: first why did you have a futanari in the first place and second did you save Rei's life from them in the past self Kira

Kira: both answers are yes I did have a futanari and yes I did save Rei's life from them in the turn back time went I save her life once again

Morita: well can we do that thing here in the bedroom while I touch your futa cock for the very first time

Kira: please do the honour Hikaru

Once Morita was lying at top of Kira's body and Morita's right hand was touching her pant below she can feel that was something getting hard every time Morita was touching her futa cock that much until Kira unzipped her pant with her boxer and Morita can see that Kira futa cock is getting hard and ready to be fuck by Morita pussy inside the bedroom while other are outside waiting for them to come out from the bedroom together with Morita and Kira.

Kira: are you ready Hikaru

Morita: yes I'm ready Kira please put your fucking futa cock inside of my wet pussy

Kira: as wish you, Hikaru

While Kira was putting inside her huge futa cock and suddenly, Morita had a sweet moan on her face while Rei was using to cover both of her ears and not trying to hear them having sex inside the room with the new harem sex slave Morita Hikaru.

Kira: so damn sexy are you Hikaru I'm about to cum now

Morita: yes please cum inside of my wet fucking pussy Kira!!

Kira: Hikaru!! *sexy moan*

Finally, Kira had cum inside her pussy with white sticky semen or sperm and later Kira was letting Morita to sucking her futa cock and let her taste sucking her futa cock that hard until it had a second cum inside her mouth with very white sticky semen.

Kira: okay Hikaru let back with other and they are waiting for both of us

Morita: I guess your right Kira let go

Right before Kira was wearing back her new brand of pants and her clothes that cover with her semen and she throw or burn them with fire and completely went into space where Morita was holding onto her body while they unlock the door from the inside of the room and everyone are surprised by Kira to damn sexy and hot looking ones but Morita are been attractive to Kira cool imagine of her.

Rei: are you done yet Kira

Kira: yes I am done right, Hikaru

Morita: yes and should we go back to the school and later sawabe are worried about us

Kira: sure catch me if you can Hikaru

Morita: oh you are so on

Out of the blue, went Morita and Kira are running back to the school with speeding up with Kira others are getting surprised by Kira is so damn futanari she had sex together with Nao, Kawata, and Morita but not forget about Kobayashi and also get fuck with Kira amazing futa cock on her.

Tamura: so Rei went you saw Kira futa's cock?

Rei: why all of a sudden are you asking me about that?

Matsuda: we just want to know the truth only

Rei: fine I can tell a few of them once we walk back to the school

Flashback went Kira are still a normal self and she does not have anything below her virgin one day that something happened to her at the school cafeteria and later others were asking where is your best friend went anywhere at school and out of a sudden Kira come to the rescue to help me but she had accident herself toward them who are throwing Kira of the window together with them at the ground on the school floor and Rei start to run out from the school ground and see that they are dead with full of blood but Kira below were damaged into pieces and she just looking at Rei with worry about her life is turning upside down for her to become the first-ever futanari girl.

Rei: that is my story, everyone

Kira: oh Rei did you tell my story to them are you Rei?

Rei: yes and they need to know the truth about you so yes

Kira: let go Hikaru we should go back inside the classroom

Morita: sure of course my master

Kobayashi: if you are futanari that mean I can't pregnant or have a baby on my belly

Rei: yes that's right Yui senpai

Kobayashi: argh!!! that is not happening is there?

Kira: whatever you say Kobayashi senpai let go, Hikaru

When Morita was holding onto Kira's arm shoulder together with Rei by her side forever until the end and with everyone are follow Kira went back to the classroom but Kira was still dressed in a boy or male school uniform at the Sakura private girl school together with the member.

Sawabe: Kira wait they know you are a girl and have a futanari below your virgin

Kira: yes Sawabe they know Rei tell them about my past and dark past as well

Sawabe: so did you do that thing to her

Kira: yes and she had to regret having sex with me early this afternoon

Sawabe: thanks but I need to talk to you about something else inside the office together with Rei

Rei: you want me to follow you with Kira inside the office

Sawabe: yes Rei now and everyone please continue your school class please thank you

Kira: Hikaru please wait for us back to the class okay

Morita: okay my master *kissing*

Tamura: wow I didn't see that coming

Matsuda: yup so did I guys

Back inside the office with Rei and Kira were sitting in the chair and they were talking about something boring Sawabe problem with things that were supposed to do the right thing but not the wrong thing to the student itself.

Kira: so what did you want to talk about with us?

Sawabe: I heard a rumour that the Nogizaka private girl school had some student drinking blood with another student

Kira: wait… let's guess here they are living vampire who drinks some student blood am I right, Sawabe?

Rei: how did you do that so fast Kira

Kira: well…you that I am a futanari right?

Rei: you are a futanari but wait are you a vampire too Kira

Kira: yes I am a vampire with a futanari

Sawabe: it is a mind-blowing experience

Kira: so you saying that Rei and I need to transfer to the Nogizaka private girl school as the new student there

Sawabe: yes and Rei acting as herself like a girl but Kira you can keep dressing as a boy in their school and find who the vampire student

Kira: sure we can do that right, Rei?

Rei: yes we can do that but we need to tell others about your vampire thing too

Kira: of course, they need to know as well thanks again Sawabe and we are going by tomorrow to the Nogizaka private girl school

Sawabe: good luck to both of you

Later Rei and Kira went out and everyone still is outside the office they hear everything inside the room that said Kira are a vampire with a futanari.

Morita: Kira you are a vampire too

Kira: wait why did everyone didn't go back to the classroom and stay here waiting for us

Matsuda: because they want to say goodbye to Rei and you of course

Kira: Hikaru please stay here and wait for me to return to the school or I can find more harem sex slaves too

Hikaru: I'm gonna miss you the most Kira and you too Rei

Rei: take care of others while we get back here

Morita: okay Rei and Kira see you soon

Kira: yes see you Hikaru let go Rei

Rei: yea

Once Rei and Kira are changing into the Nogizaka private girl school and boys of course and they arrive at the school gate with everyone who is looking at the first ever couple of students had walked past the security hall check and they are cleared to go inside the school and went to the see the office room by the name of Himura Yuki.