A Tight Hug from A Friend; A Kiss from a Lovedone

Faint knocks on the thick windowpane flabbergasted Gala and Nevuda. However, their astonishment was immediately replaced with curiosity as to who or what it might be, for her chambers were several feet above the ground.

Another knock came.

"It's Alvaro. Nevuda, it's Alvaro!" She chirped. Joy and relief swept across her face when she saw the silhouette of Alvaro's wings from the glass window.

The knocks were getting more forceful and louder. Fortunately, no one from the officers outside of her chamber noticed it, as the noise from the battle that was happening below them drowned out the noise from the knocks.

She wanted to dash towards the window and open them, but she was bound by the chains.

Nevuda's head jerked behind her, and saw two silhouettes. The one with the wings was carrying another person, who was knocking on the windowpane with something she assumed was a weapon.