The Legend of the Blue Pearl


"My beloved Ranaya! You really escaped from your father." The young Arnalio chirped when he saw his beloved swimming towards him.

Her bronze skin glistened against the rays of the sun, and beads of sea water trickled from her shoulders to her chest. Her dark, thick curls stick to her bare back. A warm smile plastered on her plump, round lips.

"Of course, Arnalio. You must know that I'm willing to risk everything for you." The young mermaid cried when she was already in front of him.

His smile faded, "Even your inheritance? You are the king's daughter. One day, it shall be you who will rule Sirendhall." He declared with so much enthusiasm.

Ranaya's electric blue eyes stared into his with confusion. "When did you get interested in my future role in Sirendhal, Arnalio?" She quipped with a subtle, dubious tone.