Tuantuan Wants to Go to School

Jiang Wanwan wiped the sweat on her forehead and grabbed Qin Jingchi's arm, "Let's rest for a while before picking it!"

Qin Jingchi nodded quickly when she saw how tired she looked, looked around, saw a large stone slab, and pulled it away. She sat down with Jiang Wanwan, "Sit here, there may be dew on the grass."

Jiang Wanwan raised her head to talk to him, but was stunned, this man was sweating, so sexy! Jiang Wanwan blushed instantly. Seeing Qin Jingchi looking at her suspiciously, she quickly lowered her head and stammered, "You...you should be tired too, hurry up...sit down...rest for a while. Let's go!"

Qin Jingchi nodded, pulled the hem of his shirt, and sat on the other side of the slate.

Jiang Wanwan sat cramped, thinking wildly, thinking of something to say, otherwise the atmosphere would be too embarrassing!

Qin Jingchi sat next to her, and just turned his head, he saw her fair and slender neck, his throat rolled, and he couldn't help thinking of the round and white shoulders last night.

Qin Jingchi's heart was very complicated. It was obvious that their son was 3 years old, but he didn't know what was going on. Since yesterday, his whole body started to feel wrong, and his eyes could not help falling on her.

Before Jiang Wanwan could think of anything to say, she felt that the man next to her seemed to be staring at her. She thought about it, turned her head slightly, and just turned her head to meet Qin Jingchi's eyes.

Her face suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly turned her head away, "You...why are you staring at me!?"

Qin Jingchi coughed lightly and blurted out, "Good...good-looking!"

Jiang Wanwan Her face turned even redder, Qin Jingchi only felt more and more beautiful when she saw her like this!

The two looked at each other shyly and then averted their eyes.

After a while, Jiang Wanwan said hesitantly, "Let's... let's pick it up!"

Qin Jingchi saw her extremely shy look and stopped talking, just stood up and nodded.

Jiang Wanwan restrained her expression and said to him, "Let's pick some fruits and go back, and let's recut the potatoes after lunch! "

Looking at the fruit hanging on the top of the tree, Jiang Wanwan felt it was a pity, but they picked enough, so they didn't force them... When the two returned home, Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi put down their baskets, As soon as I opened the door, I saw Tuantuan and a young man having fun.

The boy looked fifteen or sixteen years old, Qing Jun was slender, and his face was a bit like Qin Jingchi, but Jiang Wanwan didn't remember this person in her memory. It seemed that the memory she got was incomplete.

Jiang Wanwan was thinking in a trance when she heard Qin Jingchi say to the young man, "Ayan! Why did you come here? Your academy is on vacation?"

Qin Jingyan looked at his elder brother and looked away with a guilty conscience. "Brother, I...I don't want to go to the academy anymore! I don't think I want to study. I've only been a child for so many years. I...I don't want to go."

Before Qin Jingchi could speak, he continued: "My father and mother are not very healthy either. I can help out more when I come back. I can copy books for the bookstore in the future, and I can also earn some money."

Qin Jingchi sat on the stool and was not angry. , their family finally had a scholar, and now they have to give up halfway!

"What did your father and mother say?"

Qin Jingyan replied tremblingly, "Father and mother, they all said let me go." After thinking

about it, he said, "Brother, I really can't waste your money anymore. If you can write more essays, I can't take the test!" Not to

mention that Qin Jingyan's essays are quite interesting, and his classmates read them with great interest.

After Jiang Wanwan listened to their words, she realized that this was Qin Jingchi's younger brother, no wonder he looked a bit like him.

Seeing Qin Jingchi looking like she was about to get angry, she hurriedly said, "Oh, tell Adi well, don't be angry."

"By the way, go wash some of the plums and persimmons we brought back for Adi and Tuantuan to eat. "

Qin Jingchi listened to her words, and it's not easy to have a seizure, so he had to wash the fruit.

Qin Jingyan looked at his sister-in-law and was shocked. She was not so talkative before, she was cold all day, how could she be so kind to persuade his brother!!

After thinking about it, she said to Jiang Wanwan, "Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "It's okay! Your brother is just like that, he just cares about you.

" Looking at the little dragonfly that his little uncle made for him, when he saw his father and mother coming back, his eyes lit up and he was about to call someone, but when they came back, he was talking to his little uncle, and he didn't even see him!

He pouted, "Mother!"

Jiang Wanwan was about to say something to Qin Jingyan when she heard the voice of her baby dumpling, and when she turned her head, she saw his small mouth pouting so high that he looked like he was aggrieved.

Jiang Wanwan smiled helplessly, hugged his little body, and kissed his soft little cheek, "Did you miss my mother, baby? My mother brought you some fruit."

Came in with a basket, Jiang Wanwan picked up Tuan Tuan, walked to Qin Jingchi, and picked out a few plums and persimmons for Tuan Tuan,

"Baby, can you taste the sweetness?"

Tuantuan looked at the fruit in her mother's hands, with bright eyes, "Wow!!"

He took a plum and stuffed it into his mouth, it was crisp and sweet, and his eyes narrowed when he ate it, "Mother, it's so sweet! Mother eats it too!" He took a plum and stuffed it into Jiang Wanwan's mouth.

Jiang Wanwan touched his head, and after eating the plums in his mouth, he couldn't help but kiss the baby in his arms again.

Qin Jingyan stared blankly at this scene, when did his sister-in-law treat Qi An like this? ! He glanced at his brother again, but Qin Jingchi took it for granted, not surprising.

Jiang Wanwan looked at Qin Jingyan in a daze, smiled at him, and said, "Adi, try it quickly, the fruits we picked today are quite sweet!"

"Ah? Oh, okay, thank you, sister-in-law! "

Qin Jingchi looked at his younger brother's stupid appearance, so he got angry, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Qin Jingyan, "If you don't go to the academy, what do you want to do in the future?"

Qin Jingyan was eating Li Zi, hearing this, looked at his brother with a confused expression.

Qin Jingchi looked at this, and shook his head with hatred, "Do what you want!"

Qin Jingyan put down the plum in his hand, and lowered his head, aggrieved and helpless, he was not the material to study, but he felt very sorry for him. Brother, his brother has always been very good to himself. Even if he moved out after Qi An, he would give him some money to buy pen and ink every time he came back from work.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't know what to do, "Brother, I'm sorry."

Qin Jingchi sighed, "That's all, it's your own choice, but you have to think about what to do in the future, it's sixteen, and it's counted. Sir."

Qin Jingyan nodded obediently, "I see, I will." The

the group looked at his father and then at his little uncle, the little master said like a little adult: "Father, don't be angry, little uncle doesn't want to go to school, In the future, I can let Tuantuan go, Tuan Tuan wants to go!"

Qin Jingchi saw his playful and cute look with his eyes rolling, his anger disappeared in an instant, he hugged his precious son and kissed him a few times.

"Okay! Daddy will send us to school in the future, we won't learn from your little uncle. In the future, we'll be the champion!"

Tuantuan rubbed his father's face and narrowed his eyes happily, "Well! !"