Braised Prawns

Jiang Wanwan saw the two brothers hug Tuantuan teasingly, smiled, and said, "I'll cook first, you eat less fruit, or you won't be able to eat any more food in a while."

After that, she kissed Tuantuan again, " Just play with Daddy and Uncle, Mommy will be fine in a while!"

"Mmm, okay! Mommy!"

Seeing that her mother was about to cook, Tuantuan threw down the fruit in his hand, his little head. He leaned into his uncle's ear and said, "Little uncle! Little uncle! Don't eat fruit. Mother's cooking is delicious, otherwise you won't be able to eat fragrant rice in a while."

Qin Jingyan kissed her hard. After taking a sip from him, he nodded, "Okay! Little uncle won't eat it."

Jiang Wanwan walked to the kitchen, cooked the rice, and started processing the prawns. He washed the prawns in the wooden tub several times one by one and disposed of them. Put the shrimp line aside first.

Originally there were a lot of shrimp, but I thought that there would be more people eating at home today, so I thought I would make one more dish. Peel and shred the potatoes, chop some onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, and put them aside for later use. I washed the green vegetables and planned to stir-fry them for a while. a bit.

The ingredients were almost ready, Jiang Wanwan walked to the stove, lifted the lid of the pot, and the brown rice inside exuded the fragrance of grain. Scoop the rice into small wooden bowls. Just brush the pot and start cooking!

Pour oil in the pot, put the prawns in the oil and stir fry for a while, then add the onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, add the right amount of salt, sugar, soy sauce and continue to stir fry a few times, then add a bowl of hot water, cover the pot and simmer Just cook it.

After a while, Jiang Wanwan opened the lid, the prawns inside were covered with sauce, and the kitchen was instantly filled with the fresh aroma of braised prawns.

Jiang Wanwan sprinkled some chopped green onion in the pot, put the prawns in a crock pot, and closed the lid to prevent the prawns from getting cold for a while.

Simply brush the pot, pour the oil, and start frying the shredded potatoes. Put some onion, ginger, garlic and chili in the shredded potatoes and stir-fry for a few times. Add some salt, vinegar, and soy sauce to taste, and make a crisp and delicious shredded potato. All right.

Finally, stir-fry the green vegetables, just add a little salt to taste and put it on a plate.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the hot dishes by the stove, smiled with satisfaction, live it up!

Jiang Wanwan took the crock pot and walked to the bedroom, put it on the table outside the bedroom, and said, "Okay, come and eat!"

Qin Jingchi saw her walking to the kitchen again, so he also went to serve the dishes. .

Jiang Wanwan scooped a bowl of rice for all of them, before lifting the lid of the earthen jar, "Eat, try the shrimp I made, today's shrimp is plump and fresh, and the taste should not be bad! But don't eat the head. !"

The moment she lifted the lid, the two big and one small were captured by the tangy aroma, and the three of them couldn't wait to eat with chopsticks.

However, Qin Jingyan still held back his greed for a while, and asked curiously, "Sister-in-law, what is this for? I can't even see it." After speaking, Qin Jingchi and Tuantuan also stared at her suspiciously.

The resulting prawn curled up and changed color, and none of the three of them recognized that it was a multi-legged worm in the river. They all thought that this shrimp was Jiang Wanwan's new food.

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "It's the kind of bug with many legs that Tuan Tuan said yesterday!"

"Ah! Mother, is it a multi-legged bug? How do you eat it?!"

Jiang Wanwan just smiled, " You will know when you eat it."

Then he reminded: "You can peel off the shell when you eat it, but you can also not peel it, but it may scratch your mouth a bit."

Although the three were a little suspicious, the taste was too fragrant to eat. Definitely not bad in the mouth!

Qin Jingyan took a big prawn and threw it into his mouth before removing the head. The sweet sauce scent filled his mouth instantly. He widened his eyes, "Sister-in-law, this...this is also delicious!! It's better than I have ever eaten. Everything is delicious!!" Qin Jingchi nodded in agreement after eating one.

Jiang Wanwan was quite happy to hear that others recognized her cooking skills, she smiled, Jiang Wanwan put down the shrimps that were being peeled round and round, and put a few shrimps for Qin Jingchi and Qin Jingyan, "If it's delicious, eat more. !!"

Seeing that his mother put down the shrimp she had peeled, she quickly pulled down Jiang Wanwan's sleeve and stared at the shrimp in the earthen jar, "Mother mother!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled helplessly, "Baby Don't worry, there are many more, my mother will slowly peel it for you!"

Qin Jingchi saw that she had been peeling Tuantuan all the time, but he didn't eat a few bites, and said, "Tuan Tuan came over to Daddy's place, and Daddy peeled it for you to eat."

"Look at it. , Mother hasn't eaten a few bites yet."

After listening to his father's words, Tuantuan was embarrassed to apologize to his mother, "Mother, I'm sorry!"

Then he explained shyly: "I...I I just think this shrimp is so delicious!!"

Jiang Wanwan felt very distressed, "I'm Tuan Tuan's mother, Tuan Tuan doesn't need to apologize to her mother, don't listen to your father's nonsense, my mother likes to take care of our Tuan Tuan, and she likes it too. They peeled the shrimp for us."

After hearing this, Tuan Tuan kissed her on the face, "Tuan Tuan also likes her mother, and she also peels the shrimp for her." But

his little claws were completely oblivious, and after peeling it for a while, it didn't work. After peeling out the whole shrimp, he couldn't help frowning, and his mouth was shriveled. It was very difficult to peel shrimp and shrimp. He was so stupid that he couldn't peel even a single one!

A few people couldn't help laughing when they looked at the little dumpling. Jiang Wanwan took the shrimp from his hand, "My mother is an adult, you can eat it directly, it doesn't matter if you eat shrimp shells."

"The dumpling is still too small, so I just I don't know how to peel it, when you grow up, you can peel it for your father and mother!"

After hearing this, Tuantuan slowly became happy, "Then when you grow up, you can peel it for your father and mother, um ...and my uncle, and my grandparents!"

Qin Jingchi nodded his little nose, "Okay, let's eat it!"

A few people ate half of the shrimp before they started eating with shredded potatoes and greens!

Qin Jingyan originally saw that these two were vegetarian dishes, so they definitely wouldn't be too delicious, but he took a chopstick and put shredded potatoes in his mouth. The prawns complement each other perfectly.

While thinking about it, I kept holding the dishes, one bite of the shrimp and one bite of the vegetables, and I had a great time eating.

Seeing his rude eating, Qin Jingchi couldn't help shaking his head in disgust. He really didn't look like a serious scholar...

After a few people had eaten and drank for an hour, they decided that Qin Jingyan would follow his brother up the mountain to dig potatoes, while Jiang Wanwan and Tuantuan stayed at home.

When Tuantuan knew that her mother was going to be at home with her, she was very happy, and today she finally didn't leave him alone at home!

Jiang Wanwan looked at Xiao Tuanzi's lively and cute appearance and couldn't help but smiled, "Tuan Tuan, do you want to go out and play with other friends? For example, your brother Goudan."

Tuan Tuan jumped excitedly, " Can you really go? Mother??" He hadn't played with Brother Goudan and the others for several days!

Jiang Wanwan nodded, then put some plums in a cloth bag and stuffed it into Tuantuan's arms. Most of the persimmons were still a bit astringent, so she decided to make them into persimmon cakes, so she didn't pack them.

"Go! Take the plums and share them with your friends."

Tuantuan took the cloth bag, tiptoed and kissed his mother's face, "Then I'll go!"

After speaking, he opened the door Bounced and ran out.

Jiang Wanwan looked at his small back and shook her head with a smile. No matter how well-behaved and sensible she was, she was still only a child. She was still at the age when she liked to play with children...

She was the only one left at home, so she checked the doors and windows. , Jiang Wanwan planned to go to the space to have a look.