Various Seeds

Some materials in the space were just thrown in in a hurry and piled up in a mess.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the dense stuff, sighed, and then slowly picked it up.

There are all kinds of seeds in the space, not only the seeds left by farmers after the harvest but also many bags, all of which are tightly packed.

Judging from the cover on the bag, there are various varieties of corn, potatoes, purple potatoes, rice, soybeans, peas, and other grain seeds in the big bag.

There are peppers, onions, green onions, coriander, cucumber, loofah, eggplant, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, and other vegetable seeds in pouches.

Jiang Wanwan had no memory of the food in this place, nor did he know if there was any such food and vegetables in this place.

Jiang Wanwan pondered and said, "Forget it, find a chance to ask Qin Jingchi!"

After packing up the seeds, she began to sort out the grain inside. The corn and rice were all processed, and there were tens of thousands of them. Jin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and more.

Jiang Wanwan estimated with naked eyes that it was at least a hundred thousand kilograms. Although it takes a lot of time to clean up, most of the food is placed neatly and it is not particularly messy, so it is enough to simply separate it by type.

After everything was done, Jiang Wanwan walked to the area for daily necessities, several thousand kilograms of vegetable oil and rice noodles, as well as various spices and seasonings, which were used for cooking and oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar. , and a lot of star anise, fragrant leaves, and other spices.

When she left the base, she kept only a small part of these things, and most of them were still here.

Jiang Wanwan smiled. Although there were a lot of things, it was fortunate that they would not spoil at all in the space. No matter what happened in the future, their family would at least not be hungry.

I put it briefly. Just when I was about to go out, I suddenly remembered that there is a small corner in the space dedicated to hanging bacon, bacon, bacon, and the like.

They used to just eat the simplest things to fight hunger outside the base, and they hadn't cooked meat for a long time, so she kind of forgot that there was such a good thing.

Jiang Wanwan took off a piece of bacon, carried another bucket of oil, and went out.

Went to the kitchen, hung the bacon on the wall casually, and looked at the oil tank, there was not much in it, there was not much in it, and she had used it almost for cooking in the past two days.

Remove the cover of the vegetable oil, pour all the oil into the oil tank, and put the oil drum back into the space.

Jiang Wanwan saw that it was still early and started making persimmons.

Tuantuan took the cloth bag to the big locust tree where the old people in the village were enjoying the shade and saw brother Goudan, brother Erwa, and the others.

Tuan Tuan was very happy, and jumped over, "Brother Goudan!"

Goudan's original name was Qin Jiabao, and he was almost six years old.

When he saw Tuantuan coming, his eyes lit up, "An An, come quickly, my mother made a cake today, but it was delicious, I secretly hid one, and I have already distributed it to the second baby, and the remaining half is for you! With bright eyes,

Tuantuan took the cake from Qin Jiabao's hand and ate it,

"Thank you, Brother Goudan!"

Even if the cake was a little cold, he didn't dislike it, and it was delicious.

After he finished eating, he remembered that there was still fruit in the cloth pocket in his hand.

He hurriedly handed the cloth bag to Qin Jiabao, "Brother Goudan, there are sweet plums in here, which my mother and father picked for me. You and Erwa's brother eat!"

Erwa heard what he was holding in his hand. Li Zi swallowed his saliva, but was still worried, "An An, your mother knows that you bring us the fruit, will she beat you? Don't give it to us, but take it back!"

Tuantuan small eyes slyly He smiled, "My mother treats me so well now! These plums are what she asked me to bring you to eat!"

Without waiting for the two to say anything, he continued excitedly: "My mother even gave me a nickname, it's called Tuan Tuan! Isn't it nice??? You will also call me Tuan Tuan in the future!

" He Erwa scratched their heads and looked at each other,

"Why is your mother being so kind to you all of a sudden? She was so bad before, will she lie to you?"

Hearing what Brother Goudan said, Tuantuan was a little angry, but also a little bit angry. Feeling aggrieved, he pouted, and quickly explained, "No! Mother is good to Tuan Tuan, and she even cooks a delicious meal for Tuan Tuan!!"

Seeing him a little angry, Goudan and Erwa hurriedly stepped forward He took his little hand and comforted him, "I'm sorry, An... Tuan Tuan, we just talked about it casually. Sometimes your mother didn't give you food before, and we were also worried that she would bully you again."

Tuantuan His mouth pouted, "Then you are not allowed to talk about your mother like that in the future, she is doing well now! She will take me to bed!" The

two quickly assured: "Well, well! Don't talk about it."

Tuantuan laughed, "Then eat the fruit!! It's really sweet!" The

two nodded, "Okay!" The

two of them were eating, and they didn't forget to put one in Tuantuan's mouth.

After the three little guys ate the fruit happily, they started running around, hiding and playing hide-and-seek games... When the

two brothers Qin Jingchi carried potatoes down the mountain, the sun had already started to set.

The two of them were carrying two baskets of potatoes on the road when they met a big cow who came back from a busy farm, "What are you two carrying? Why so many!"

Qin Jingchi smiled, "Brother Big Niu, this is what my wife found yesterday when she went up the mountain. Yes, if it is edible, we will dig some."

Daniel said suspiciously: "Is it edible? Will it be poisonous? You should be careful, you can't eat anything on the mountain!"

"It's okay. , we ate it yesterday, and it's not poisonous."

"That's good! But your An An is thin and small, so you can't just feed him these, you still have to eat eggs and meat occasionally."

"You also persuade your lady to be nice to the little guy, and the dog will take him with him. Going to my house to play, and thinking about sweeping the floor for me! Look at me! How well-behaved and sensible!"

Qin Jingchi nodded sadly, "I will!"

"Then go back, the sun is about to set."

Qin Jingyan Seeing his elder brother hesitating to speak, after a while he couldn't help but say: "Brother, sister-in-law... It seems that a lot has changed. She ignored us before and was very cold to Tuantuan, but today she is very enthusiastic, and I kiss and hug Tuantuan..."

Qin Jingchi glanced at him and raised the corner of his mouth, "Well! She said she would live a good life and treat Tuantuan well."

Qin Jingyan sighed with relief, " That's good! She finally figured it out. She can take care of Tuan Tuan more, and you can relax."

"Well. Let's go!"

Take him back together, "Tuan Tuan, come home with daddy soon, come back to play another day!"

Hearing his daddy's voice, Tuantuan turned around and happily ran over to hug his daddy's leg, "Daddy! Little uncle !"

Qin Jingchi couldn't bend over with potatoes on his back, he just touched his head, "Okay, don't act like a spoiled child, let's go back."

After that, he said to Goudan and Erwa, "Hurry up and go back too. , it's already very late."

"Mmmm! Got it, Uncle Jingchi."

Tuantuan also waved to them, "Brother Goudan, brother Erwa, Tuantuan leave first!"

After speaking, Qin Jingchi took the lead The little dumpling walked towards the house slowly.