Braised Noodles with Poached Eggs

Jiang Wanwan put down the pen in her hand, and when the ink was dry, she went to Qin Jingchi with the blueprint, "Do you see how many cases like this can be done?"

Qin Jingchi took the blueprint in her hand doubtfully and saw At the moment of the pattern, he was stunned, unable to say a word.

Seeing his elder brother's stunned appearance, Qin Jingyan put down the chair in his hand, and also came over. He just glanced at it, his mouth widened in shock, and stammered: "This... this... this is also It's so ingenious!"

They know that the tables used by the big families are very regular and square in shape, and the engraving patterns are similar, mainly because they will buy paint and brush them all over the table. Repolished.

Qin Jingchi's work is actually quite good, but he just made it simple, carved some patterns and patterns, and didn't dare to spend too much money on expensive paints to brush and polish, otherwise the rich people would not like it. People who have no money can't afford it, and in the end, it will be lost in their own hands!

However, Jiang Wanwan's painting is very beautiful. When Qin Jingchi was studying with his master, he had also seen many valuable cases, but compared with the drawings, it was completely unreliable.

Ordinary cases are only a few hundred yuan, and those more expensive can be sold for dozens of taels of silver.

But if the case on this drawing is done well, even if it sells for hundreds of taels, it will make it.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the dazed expressions of the two of them, and waved in front of them, "Recovered! What's the matter with the two of you?"

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak for a while, she quickly asked, "What? Does it look good?"

Jiang Wanwan sighed, yes! Before the end of the world had not happened, the wooden cases in the shopping malls were so beautiful, the ones I painted were far worse than those!

Qin Jingchi's hand holding the blueprint turned pale, and he looked at Jiang Wanwan with a complicated face. He didn't know she had such talent!

Just as he was about to speak, Qin Jingyan came back to his senses and said:

"Sister-in-law! How could it not look good!! My brother and I are going to look stupid. If this is done, I am afraid that those dignitaries will rush to ask for it!!"

Qin Jingchi glanced at his brother helplessly, and nodded. " This case is very ingenious and exquisite, I have never seen anything more beautiful than this!"

Jiang Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good!"

After a while, she asked nervously, "Can it be done?"

Qin Jingchi nodded, "Yes, but it may take a few months!"

Although it has been a long time since he left the master and found work by himself, he hasn't painted and polished the wood, but the craftsmanship is still there and not unfamiliar.

Jiang Wanwan smiled happily, "It's good if you can do it. If the price is high in the end, it will be worth the extra effort."

Qin Jingchi nodded solemnly, "Yeah!"

"Then you have put away the drawings! You can start researching when we come back tomorrow."

Qin Jingchi put the drawings in his clothes like a baby, and after thinking about it, he went out to find a place to put them properly.

Jiang Wanwan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She actually remembered the drawings. But looking at the man's cherished appearance, he still didn't speak.

Jiang Wanwan thought about it calmly. According to Qin Jingchi, the woodworking products they designed are still far from modern.

She still has many, many ideas in her mind. Let's wait for Qin Jingchi to finish the case and see if it can be sold well before making plans!

Qin Jingchi and Qin Jingyan finished cleaning up the desks and chairs, Qin Jingchi couldn't wait to study the drawings, and even took a pen to write and draw.

Seeing how excited he was, Jiang Wanwan ignored him and just said to Qin Jingyan, "Adi, I'm going to cook first. Help me to bring Tuantuan back!" This morning, the little Tuanzi was attacked by a dog not long after he got up. Egg called out to play.

Qin Jingyan responded and went out.

Jiang Wanwan went to the kitchen to think about it, and decided to simply cook the noodles.

There are still a few eggs in the cabinet, you can make a poached egg braised noodles.

Take out some flour and noodles, knead the dough, put it on the chopping board to wake up, then roll the dough thin, cut it into thin strips with a knife, and finally stretch it again, and the simple handmade noodles are ready.

First prepare some ingredients, pour oil in the pot, there are about 10 eggs in the cabinet, thinking that there are two big men at home, so I just fry them all.

Put the fried poached eggs aside, add some soy sauce, sugar and salt to a small bowl to make a simple sauce.

Just fry the onion, ginger, garlic and a small amount of chili with the remaining oil in the pot, pour the sauce in, add a large bowl of water, add the poached eggs and noodles, cover the pot, and it will be cooked in a while.

Jiang Wanwan sprinkled a handful of chopped green onion in the pot, and only took four bowls and began to put noodles. In the bowls of Qin Jingchi's two brothers, she put a large bowl of noodles, and three poached eggs in each, herself and the small dumplings. Just use a smaller bowl and add two poached eggs to each.

When Jiang Wanwan put all the noodles on the table, Qin Jingyan also came back with Tuantuan's hand.

As soon as Tuantuan entered the house, he smelled the strong fragrance, and his little eyes lit up instantly!

"Mother, mother!!"

Jiang Wanwan hugged him and kissed him, then put him on the stool and sat down, "You and uncle eat first, I'll call your father."

Qin Jingyan smelled the sauce-flavored noodles. , swallowed involuntarily, "Sister-in-law, go and call my brother! I and Tuantuan are waiting for you!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "Okay!"

When she came to the woodworking room, Qin Jingchi was still concentrating on research drawing.

Jiang Wanwan walked over and said softly, "Don't look at it, let's go to eat first. I made noodles today, so I have to eat it quickly, otherwise it will be a mess."

Qin Jingchi looked up at her and said softly, "Okay. !"

Every time he stared at her, Jiang Wanwan felt embarrassed and blushed brightly, "Then... let's go!" When the

two came in, Tuantuan and his little uncle both stared at the person in front of him with the same eyes. He simmered the noodles, and swallowed his saliva quietly.

Jiang Wanwan looked at Xiao Tuanzi's greedy appearance and thought it was very cute. She walked over and patted his head, "Okay, let's eat!"

Qin Jingyan picked up chopsticks when she saw her brother and sister-in-law come in. After taking a mouthful of noodles, the noodles were smooth and fragrant, and the sauce was full of flavor. His eyes lit up and he ate faster.

Seeing that his little uncle was eating deliciously, Tuantuan also took small bites with chopsticks.

Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan looked at each other and ate noodles.

While eating, Qin Jingyan suddenly said in surprise: "Sister-in-law, how come there are eggs in this side!!"

"Ah! I have ten eggs in the cabinet, and they have been kept for too long. I am afraid that they will be damaged, so I fry them all. I have added three for you and your brother, and you have been working hard these days!"

Qin Jingyan said with some distress: "Oh, it should be all for Tuantuan, my brother and I don't need to eat."

Qin Jingchi also wrinkled He lowered his eyebrows, "You can eat it yourself and Tuantuan, we two big men don't need to eat this."

Jiang Wanwan was extremely helpless, "It's just a few eggs, we can earn some money to eat every day in the future, don't think so. It's a pity, and the egg is also afraid of being bad."

Listening to her words, Qin Jingchi thought for a while and said, "Okay, you're right!"

Then the two of them continued to eat. The eggs were laid by domestic chickens. It is very fragrant, and it is soaked in soup, and it is even more delicious when you take a bite.

Several people ate their heads and buried their heads in their bowls.

After eating, Tuan Tuan rubbed his belly, "Mother, the eggs are delicious!! Tuan Tuan wants to eat them in the future!"

Jiang Wanwan scratched his little nose and said dotingly, "Okay! Mother! In the future, I will often make it for Tuantuan baby!"