Going to the County

The next day, Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi got up early, and they both cleaned up before calling Tuantuan.

Tuantuan squinted his eyes, lay on Jiang Wanwan's arms, rubbed against her, and dazedly called her mother.

Jiang Wanwan kissed him and discussed, "Tuan Tuan, mother and father are going to the county town. You can go to your grandparents' house to play today, okay?"

Hearing her words, Tuantuan immediately woke up and pursed her lips. He said, "But the last time my mother went to the mountain, she said that she would bring Tuan Tuan in the future!"

Jiang Wanwan was very distressed when she saw his aggrieved appearance. Looking at Qin Jingchi, she wanted him to think of a way to coax her. Little sticky person.

Qin Jingchi smiled helplessly and took Tuantuan from her arms, "Tuan Tuan, father and mother went to the county town to sell things, not to play."

"But Tuan Tuan wants to go!"

Qin Jingchi looked at his pitiful big eyes There was nothing left to do, so he glanced at Jiang Wanwan helplessly, then reached out and scratched Tuantuan's little nose, "Okay, I'll take you there!"

Hearing this, Tuantuan immediately burst into a wide-eyed smile.

Jiang Wanwan shook her head, this father favored the little dumpling more than her mother.

After getting dressed and washing his face, the two of them pushed the cart and planned to set off.

The cart was full of cabinets and chairs, and he didn't dare to put Tuantuan on the cart. He could only let him walk a short distance, and then Jiang Wanwan would hug him again.

Tuantuan originally insisted on going by himself, but he couldn't hold on before he went far. He leaned against Jiang Wanwan's neck and looked at the fine beads of sweat on his mother's forehead. He was very sad. If he didn't insist If I follow my father and mother, my mother will not be so tired.

Thinking of this, he struggled to go down to walk.

Jiang Wanwan patted his little butt, "Tuan Tuan, mother is holding you, there is still a long way to go!"

"But... but mother will be very tired."

Jiang Wanwan kissed his face, "Mother isn't tired, just let your mother hold you."

Fortunately, their village is relatively close to the county seat, and they crossed a field road in the middle, and then halfway through the road. The hour has come.

Qin Jingchi pushed the cart and took his wife to the place where he usually set up the stall. The two took things off the cart and arranged them neatly.

When it was done, Qin Jingchi took out more than 100 yuan in his arms and stuffed it into Jiang Wanwan, "This is the money for the delivery to Yang Dazhu's family that morning, you can go shopping with the group, I'll just watch it here. ."

Jiang Wanwan looked at him hesitantly, then nodded after thinking about it, "Then I'll take the group to go shopping."

Jiang Wanwan took the small group for a walk, and also went into the small restaurant to have a look. It was found that in addition to the small variety of food in this dynasty, the cooking method was only simple steps such as steaming.

Although things like pepper and garlic are already available, but few restaurants will use them.

The snacks on the street are also relatively simple, including steamed buns, steamed buns, cakes, soup noodles, and some snacks such as candied haws and cakes.

After going to the grain and oil store to find out the prices of various grains, oil noodles, and seasonings, Jiang Wanwan was satisfied and wanted to lead the group to meet Qin Jingchi.

But she lowered her head and glanced at Tuan Tuan, only to see this little brat staring at other people's ice-sugar gourd in a daze.

Jiang Wanwan picked him up, walked over to the merchant, and asked him to pick a bunch by himself.

Tuantuan's eyes were shining brightly, and seeing that the businessman was still a little shy, he quickly stretched out his small paws and chose a bunch of bright red rock candied haws, which were shiny and looked very thick.

Jiang Wanwan smiled, this little dumpling's vision is really good, and he is quite picky.

After paying the boss three cents, she returned with the group.

Tuantuan held the candied gourd carefully, and were reluctant to eat it. When they returned to Qin Jingchi, Tuan Tuan handed the candied gourd to Jiang Wanwan, "Mother! Eat it!"

Jiang Wanwan patted his head, bent down and ate one.

Watching her mother finish eating, Tuantuan handed the candied gourd to Qin Jingchi, "Daddy! Eat it!"

Qin Jingchi bent down and hugged him into his arms, "Eat Tuantuan! Daddy doesn't like to eat candied gourd."

Tuantuan frowned . , "Daddy, but...but candied gourd should be delicious!"

Qin Jingchi was very sad. Tuantuan had never eaten these things since he was a child, so he finally bought a bunch for him, and he had to give it to himself and Wan first. Wan eat, he suppressed the sourness in his heart, kissed Xiao Tuantuan several times, and then said: "Daddy has eaten, Tuantuan eat it!"

Seeing that his father really didn't want to eat, Tuantuan said in compromise: "Good! "

Then I ate one of them very cherishly.

He chewed and chewed, and felt that the sweet and sour rock candied gourd was obviously delicious. He couldn't understand why Daddy didn't like it.

He ate two and handed it to Jiang Wanwan, "Mother! Also, eat it!"

Jiang Wanwan shook her head, "Mother don't eat it, baby eat it! "

Tuan Tuan, "I really don't eat it?"

"I really don't eat it. If Tuan Tuan likes it, my mother will buy it for you in the future."

Hearing this, Tuan Tuan narrowed his eyes with laughter and his cheeks were exposed. A cute little dimple.

"Yeah! Tuantuan will have to eat in the future!" The

family of three watched the table, chairs and benches for a while before they welcomed the guests.

A chunky middle-aged woman walked up to them, looked at the table and chairs carefully, and said, "How do you sell this low table?"

Jiang Wanwan didn't know the price, so she didn't speak.

Qin Jingchi glanced at her before replying: "Auntie, this is two hundred and fifty cents."

The woman shook her head, "You are too dark! How can you be worth so much."

Seeing Qin Jingchi's frown, Jiang Wanwan knew that the price he gave was very fair, and said, "Eldest sister, whether this low table in our house is well done, you must be able to see it, just say this is a beautiful one. Carved flowers, you can't buy such good quality at the same price in other people's homes."

Seeing that the woman's expression was a little loose, she hurriedly said: "Well, you are our first guest today, so I will give you ten cents cheaper, okay? Okay?"

The woman thought for a while, thinking that the quality of this low table is really good, and after walking around a few houses, she settled on this one, gritted her teeth, "Then... OK! "

Jiang Wanwan counted two hundred and forty pennies.

After paying the money, the woman hesitated and became distressed, "I'm not very good at moving this table! Boss, why don't you help me move the house, my house is not far, just on the street in front."

Jiang Wanwan smiled He nodded, "Don't worry, I can deliver it for you."

Wen Yan Qin Jingchi moved the table to the cart, "Eldest sister, lead the way!"

"Hey! Good!"

When Qin Jingchi came back, Jiang Wanwan sold it again. She bought two chairs, and she estimated the price based on the price of the table. "I sold two chairs for 100 yuan each."

Qin Jingchi nodded, "Yeah! That's about the price."

The family of three sold for a day, and the sun slowly began to set before they were all sold out.

Finally counted, probably a little more than one or two silver.

Jiang Wanwan took 100 texts, "Wait for me here, I'll take a look at the butcher's shop."

And Tuantuan leaned on Qin Jingchi's shoulder, already asleep.

Qin Jingchi gently supported his little head and replied, "Okay! Go and go back soon!"