Book Wolf Tooth Potatoes

When they got to the place where the stall was set up yesterday, a large group of people were already surrounding them. Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan were taken aback and thought their place was taken by someone else.

When they pushed the cart closer, someone in the surrounding group shouted anxiously: "Why did you come here?? I've been waiting for a long time! I want ten portions of wolf tooth potatoes, plus that cilantro. Ah!"

Others also complained that they were too late, and then all said their demands,

"I want two, more chili!"

"I want five, and more vinegar!"

"I want three! "


Jiang Wanwan appeased the crowd, dumbfounded, "Don't worry, there are too many people, you may have to wait a little longer!"

"It's okay! We've been waiting for so long, you just need to do it quickly!"

Jiang Wanwan didn't expect business to be so good today! As soon as we arrived at the place, the potatoes were almost sold by a third or a little more.

By noon, there were only a dozen or so servings left in the big wooden barrel.

At this time, Changhua Academy finally finished school. The scholars who didn't buy potatoes yesterday hurriedly put away their books and walked quickly to Jiang Wanwan's booth.

When they got to the place and learned that there were only ten servings of potatoes left, everyone wailed:

"Boss! Why don't you make more??"

"Yes, boss! When we got off school yesterday afternoon, you all left, why are you today? Are they all sold out at noon??!"

Some people asked unwillingly, "There are only ten copies?"

After getting a positive answer, they said angrily: "How can we divide such a small amount?? We didn't buy it yesterday. Arrived, not even today?!"

Tuantuan was frightened by their loud voices and hid behind his father, then stuck his head out between his father's arms to peek.

Jiang Wanwan was anxious to explain, but they were talking to themselves and had no chance to explain. Qin Jingchi glanced at her and looked at everyone with a serious face and said, "Don't worry! Be quiet!"

Wait for everyone calm down! Jiang Wanwan said slowly: "Everyone, please forgive me, there is nothing we can do, there are indeed only ten copies." After

thinking about it, Jiang Wanwan continued: "Well, how much do you want to buy, tell me directly, I will tomorrow I'll keep it for you, and I'll make it for you when you come over after school at noon!"

Wang Linzhi was squeezed into the crowd, and after listening to Jiang Wanwan's words, he comforted him, "The boss's business is so good, so do you guys too. Don't worry, this just proves that the food is delicious! Let's divide the ten portions today and buy more tomorrow!"

Jiang Wanwan glanced at him gratefully, "Yes, yes, I will take this first. I'll make ten servings for you, and then I'll write down all the servings you will eat tomorrow!"

Everyone stopped talking and reported the number of servings they needed to Jiang Wanwan.

They thought that they would be able to eat several servings tomorrow, so they stopped making a fuss. They just waited for the ten servings of wolf tooth potatoes to be out of the pot, and after eating them, they felt even more uncomfortable. Such delicious food is so little , divide it up and down, one person can't eat a few pieces.

After eating the potatoes, all the greedy worms were drawn out. When they returned to the academy for lunch, they couldn't swallow at all. Their mouths were full of wolf tooth potatoes, and they were completely hooked by its spicy and crisp taste. Live like a soul.

On the other hand, Jiang Wanwan was not in the same mood as theirs. Thinking of how good business was today, she couldn't help laughing.

Qin Jingchi packed up, walked over to look at her and said, "Let's go to the pastry shop and buy some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for Tuan Tuan, he likes to eat that!"

Jiang Wanwan took Xiao Tuanzi's hand, nodded hastily, and said vigorously, "Buy Tuan Tuan. Buy some more for our baby to eat!"

Tuantuan jumped a few times with joy, "Wow! Thank you mom and dad!!