Buying Cakes for Tuantuan

Qin Jingchi put the cart on their booth and asked the aunt who sold the steamed buns to watch it for help.

The aunt who sold the steamed buns was also very happy and responded with a smile. In the past two days, Qin Jingchi and the others would fry him a wolf tooth potato, so they naturally remembered their goodness.

Then Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan took Tuantuan's hand and walked to the pastry shop.

The pastry shop was filled with all kinds of cakes. Thinking that Tuan Tuan likes to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, they bought one. Pink pastry froze.

Jiang Wanwan glanced at Qin Jingchi, and then said to the boss, "Boss, give us five more pieces of this pink pastry!" The

boss hurriedly packed them up, and when he asked the price, it was actually fifty So much text!

They bought ten pieces of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus for only 30 cents! Jiang Wanwan frowned, "Boss, what kind of cake are you? Why is it so expensive?!"

"Oh, guest, you don't know, we are peach blossom cakes, and there are peach blossom patterns on the cake. , so naturally it's more expensive."

Jiang Wanwan looked at the other cakes, and they were indeed rough, all square in shape, and the peach blossom cake was indeed more eye-catching in comparison.

Jiang Wanwan was a little hesitant. She felt that this peach blossom cake was probably not very useful, and it was not necessarily delicious. It was not easy to make peach blossom cake. But looking at Tuantuan's bright eyes, she gritted her teeth, "Then... then I will!" In the

end, Xiao Tuanzi carried both the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and the peach cake for himself, and he jumped up and down happily.

Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi walked behind him, their eyes filled with smiles as they looked at his cute little appearance.

As he was walking, Jiang Wanwan saw someone selling candied haws. Thinking that the little guy seemed to like it, he asked Qin Jingchi to quietly go over to buy a bunch, and give the little dumpling a surprise.

Qin Jingchi hid the ice-sugar gourd behind him and walked in front of the little guy. Tuantuan's heart was full of cakes in his own hands. How could he notice that something was wrong with his daddy, he just said obediently, "Dad, let's walk slowly, wait a minute. Waiting for my mother!"

Qin Jingchi looked at him so stupid, so he stopped hiding, and quickly put the candied gourd in front of Tuan Tuan.

The group stared blankly at the candied haws, and they were a little overwhelmed. In fact, he just saw the candied haws. Although he really wanted to eat them, his mother had already bought him a very expensive cake, and if he wanted the candied haws, he would be a bad boy. !

Qin Jingchi looked at the stunned little man, and squatted down in front of him doubtfully, "Tuantuan, what's wrong? Don't you like the candied haws that Daddy bought for you?"

Tuantuan said hesitantly, "Dad, but... But my mother has already bought a lot of cakes for Tuan Tuan, can Tuan Tuan still eat candied haws? The cakes are so expensive!"

Qin Jingchi stuffed the candied haws into his mouth, "Okay, if you want to eat in the future, just follow Father and mother said, let's buy it for you, okay??"

Tuantuan's cheeks were bulging, chewing the sweet candied fruit in his mouth, and squinting his eyes in enjoyment.

When he finished eating, Qin Jingchi shoved the candied haws into his hands, "Take it and eat it slowly."

Tuantuan took the candied haws, and then raised them tremblingly, "Daddy eat!"

Qin Jingchi touched his Head, "Daddy won't eat it, but Tuantuan eats it!"

Seeing that his daddy refused, Tuantuan ran to Jiang Wanwan with the candied gourd and said as if offering a treasure, "Mother! Daddy bought the candied gourd for Tuantuan!"

Jiang Wanwan wiped the crumbs of the candied haws from his mouth, tapped his little nose, and joked with a smile: "Little greedy cat, you can eat all the corners of your mouth!"

Tuantuan covered his mouth again shyly, and said: "No! There are no sugar gourds at the corners of Tuantuan's mouth!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "Okay, my mother just wiped it off for you."

Then Tuantuan put down his hand with confidence, and then raised the candied gourd in his hand, "Mother, eat it quickly! It's sweet!"

Jiang Wanwan held his little hand and shook her head, "Mother doesn't like it, eat it with Tuantuan. !"

Tuantuan looked at Jiang Wanwan suspiciously, as if asking 'It's so delicious! Why don't you like it? '

Jiang Wanwan patted his head, "Hurry up and eat!"