Fish and Shrimp

After a while, Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan carried wooden barrels and homemade net bags, and took the two little guys to call the second baby on the other side of the locust tree, and then a group of people walked to the river.

Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan walked to the back, chatting, and the three little guys walked in front of them hand in hand, chatting non-stop.

"Tuantuan, Erwa, I found a bird's nest in the tree behind my house yesterday!" Goudan'er said excitedly.

Then he said discouraged: "It's a pity that the eggs inside are all broken! There are five!" Erwa

and Tuantuan were also very frustrated, and said in unison: "That's a pity!"

Brother Wa looked very sad, and Tuantuan whispered: "Don't be sad! Today, my father bought me candied haws, but they didn't eat them. There are three left, which were all hidden by Tuantuan. I'll go back and eat them for you later. !"

Erwa asked in surprise, "Your father is so kind to you! What does the ice-sugar gourd taste like??"

Erwa's family is also very poor. His father broke his leg before he was born and has been lame. , I can only make money by weaving some back baskets or something. His mother's needlework is not bad, and she just sews and mends to subsidize her family, so she has never eaten any snacks.

Tuantuan excitedly described: "Sweet, sour, crunchy, delicious!!"

Hearing what Tuan Tuan said, both of them swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

Goudan ate once a few years ago. He thinks it is the best food in the world, but he is older and doesn't care about everything like two little brothers, so he leaned into Tuantuan's ear, He whispered: "Tuan Tuan, if you give us food, will your father and mother be unhappy? Bingtang haws are very expensive!"

After hearing this, Tuan Tuan frowned, ran directly to his father and mother, and asked : "Dad, how many candied haws are left in me, can I share it with Brother Goudan'er and Brother Erwa?"

After Jiang Wanwan heard this, she glanced at the two cramped little guys standing in front of them, and said, "They are your good friends, and it is natural for good friends to share food, so of course Tuantuan can share it with others. My friend!"

Qin Jingchi also smiled and nodded.

After listening to it, Tuantuan grinned happily and ran over to hold the hands of the other two little guys, "My mother and father both said yes!"

Goudan'er and Erwa looked at Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wan embarrassedly. Wan, said in a low voice, "Thank you, Uncle Jingchi and Auntie Jingchi!"

Jiang Wanwan stepped forward and patted their heads with a smile, "In the future, you can come to my house to play with the balls more often!" The

two little guys were happy The ground nodded quickly,


"Got it!"

A few people chatted and laughed along the way, and after a while they arrived at the river. It may be because no one was fishing at all, so the fish in the river were not afraid of people at all. facilitate them.

Jiang Wanwan took out the net pocket, stuck it in the middle of the river, and put some brown rice in the net pocket.

After a while, when Jiang Wanwan picked up the net bag, there were already a lot of fish and shrimp in it. Although most of them were relatively small, there was a fish of about four or five kilograms, and the shrimp inside were all quite big.

After taking out the big fish and shrimp in the net pocket, Jiang Wanwan continued to put the net pocket into the river.

The three little guys watched with great interest and thought it was very interesting, and wanted to try it, but Jiang Wanwan righteously refused, "Don't come here, you can't go into the water alone, there are many children who just want to play and fall into the water. drowned!"

Seeing the scared expressions of the little guys, Jiang Wanwan slowed down, "If something happens to you, the family will be very worried! So if you go out to play by yourself in the future, don't go to the riverside. Come on, do you know?"

Several little people nodded quickly.

"That's good!"

Qin Jingchi on the other side caught a fish weighing five or six kilograms and a prawn weighing about six or seven kilograms in a short while. He estimated that it should be almost enough to eat, so he packed up and went to Jiang Wanwan and the others.

Jiang Wanwan looked at the fish and shrimp in his hand and gave him a thumbs up, "You are amazing! But I also netted about four kilograms of shrimp, and the shrimp was less, maybe only two or three kilograms, but add them all together. That's enough!"

Qin Jingchi took all the fish and shrimp from her, and then greeted the little guys to go home.

Goudan'er looked at the fish and shrimp in Uncle Jingchi's hand, quietly leaned into Tuantuan's ear and asked, "Tuantuan, why do Uncle Jingchi and Aunt Jingchi catch fish and myriads?

" He said, "Of course it's for eating. My mother's fish and shrimps are delicious. You'll know in a while!"

Goudan'er and Erwa looked at each other with some sympathy. Although the family can't afford meat, they can still eat wild vegetables and brown rice. Tuan Tuan's family even catches fish and polypods that are fishy and smelly, how unpalatable it is!

The two little guys were a little silent along the way, with complicated expressions on their faces, but Jiang Wanwan and the others didn't notice.

When they got home, Jiang Wanwan greeted the two little guests to sit down, took out the cakes bought for Tuan Tuan at noon and put them on the table, "Eat all the pastries, Auntie will cook!"

Tuantuan grabbed his mother Kissing his hand, "Mother! You and Daddy can eat it too!" He knew that this cake was very expensive! How can mother and father not eat it!

Jiang Wanwan looked at his serious face, and reluctantly took a sweet-scented osmanthus cake and a peach cake, "Okay, I'll try it with your father, you and your two brothers will share it!

" Seeing that his mother only took two, her little brows knitted together, "Mother eat more!"

Jiang Wanwan coaxed him and said, "Neither mother nor father likes sweets very much, only you children. I just like it!"


"Really! Okay, don't make trouble! Mother, go and cook something delicious for you!"

Only then did Tuantuan let go of Jiang Wanwan's hand, "Okay, then brother Goudan'er and Brother Erwa will eat all the cakes."

Jiang Wanwan tapped his little nose, "Okay! Eat it!"

Jiang Wanwan came out, looked at the pastry in her hand, thought about her small appearance, and smiled helplessly and sweetly.

She broke off the two kinds of cakes to taste, and gave the rest to Qin Jingchi.

The two kinds of cakes were sweet in one mouth when they first entered the mouth. The taste was very rough, and the taste was very ordinary. It was not as delicious as the ones she made by herself. In the future, the little ones want to eat them, so they should make them themselves!

Qin Jingchi didn't like it very much either, it was too sweet.

After Qin Jingchi finished eating the pastries in his hand, he decided to do some work, "I'll go to the woodworking workshop first, call me if you need help."
