Deciding on House Land

When Qin Jingchi came into the house with Tuan Tuan in his arms, he suddenly touched the persimmons hanging on the eaves. Tuan Tuan felt as if something had been knocked off his head, so he quickly called Jiang Wanwan next to him, "Mother! Tuan Tuan seems to have been knocked off. Something!"

Jiang Wanwan looked at the persimmon cake she made, and there was a layer of hoarfrost on it, she chuckled lightly, and nodded his little nose, "It's the persimmon cake made by my mother, if it wasn't for Tuantuan After getting it down, my mother almost forgot, the sun has been good these days, and this persimmon should be edible!"

Tuantuan's eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise: "Really? Can that Tuan Tuan be eaten right now? That's great!"

"Yeah, you can eat them all, my mother took them all down for us to eat!"

As she spoke, Jiang Wanwan stepped on her feet to reach for the persimmons on the eaves, but she hung up At the time, it was hung on a stool, but now it is naturally out of reach, Jiang Wanwan thought in frustration, forget it, let's move the stool!

Seeing her aggrieved appearance, Qin Jingchi chuckled lightly, put the ball on the ground, then wrapped her arms around her legs and asked her to sit on his shoulders to pick them.

Jiang Wanwan's body suddenly jumped into the air, and she was startled, "Ah!" She called out, and after she sat firmly on Qin Jingchi's shoulder, she covered her pounding heart, and lowered her head and patted it angrily. Qin Jingchi got off, "You scared me to death!"

Qin Jingchi smiled reassuringly, "Okay, take it off quickly!"

Only then did Jiang Wanwan remember the business, and carefully took off the persimmon cakes one by one.

Break open a persimmon, the pulp inside is soft, and you can smell the sweet smell.

He stuffed half of the broken persimmon into Qin Jingchi and Tuan Tuan's hands, and said, "Try to see if it's sweet."

Tuantuan couldn't wait to take a big bite. The little guy tasted it slowly, but he didn't insist After a while, he began to take small bites, "Delicious! Sweet!"

Qin Jingchi took a bite and said in surprise, "This persimmon is not astringent at all! I remember it was astringent when we first picked it up. And sour!"

Jiang Wanwan smiled, "Persimmon cakes are very sweet, and the weather is good during this time, so this persimmon cake is also a great success!"

Qin Jingchi ate half of the dried persimmon cake and stopped eating it. First, he wanted to keep it for his daughter-in-law. Another reason for eating it with my son is that the dried persimmons are a little too sweet, and he feels a little squeamish when he eats them.

Jiang Wanwan knew that he wasn't particularly fond of sweets, so he didn't force it, but for Tuan Tuan, it was so delicious, the taste was soft and sweet, and in his heart it surpassed the candied haws!

Jiang Wanwan didn't dare to let him eat too much, "Tuan Tuan, eat a little less, if you eat too much sweet food, your teeth will be broken, and it will hurt especially!"

Tuantuan listened to her words and covered her cheeks. , and looked at the persimmons in his hand reluctantly, and asked aggrievedly: "How much can you eat? But the persimmons are really delicious!"

Jiang Wanwan thought about it and said, "Mother eats it every day. One, okay?"

Although Tuantuan felt that one was too few, he was frightened when he thought that his teeth would hurt in the future. He had seen some uncles in the village who had severe toothaches and their whole faces were swollen, which was scary!

Thinking of this, he nodded quickly, "Okay! Tuantuan will eat one!" Then he said, "Can you give me a few, my mother, I want to share it

with Brother Goudan'er and Brother Erwa!"

He picked it up and kissed, "Okay! But they can't eat too much! Tomorrow you can stay at home with Daddy and the others, and then go to play with them, or let them come to our house!"

Tuantuan wondered. He asked, "Won't Daddy and Mommy go to sell potatoes tomorrow?"

"Daddy stays at home for something, grandpa and grandma will go with Mommy tomorrow!" The

little dumpling nodded, "Oh, Tuantuan knows!"


More than half a month has passed in a flash. During this time, their potatoes have been selling better and better, and they have saved about forty taels of silver. This money should be enough for them to build a large blue-brick house.

They have been busy for more than half a month. Today, everyone is at home for a day off. Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingchi plan to go to the county to plan a homestead together with the village chief. Before winter comes, they quickly build the house. Winter is coming. Can also be more comfortable.

The two went to the village chief's house with a piece of pork belly.

Qin Yue took a rest today and happened to be at home. Standing in the yard, he saw them approaching his house from a distance. He waved his hand

quickly, "Brother Jingchi! Sister-in-law!"

Qin Jingchi walked over quickly and said with a smile, "You don't have to go to the academy today?"

Qin Yue said with a smile, "Let's rest today!"

Carrying a piece of meat, he asked suspiciously: "Brother Jingchi, do you have anything to ask my father? Why are you still carrying the meat? How can you make such a waste? Every time I go to buy potatoes, my sister-in-law, uncle, etc. I'm so embarrassed!"

Qin Jingchi patted him on the shoulder, "What's the matter! We are here to find the village chief to plan a homestead, and we plan to hurry up before winter comes. Build the house, otherwise we will have a hard time."

Qin Yue nodded, "Well, come in and sit with me, my father is out and should be back soon." The

two of them After sitting and waiting for a while, Qin Dahai came back with a pot of wine, and Qin Yue said hurriedly, "Dad, Brother Jingchi, they came to you to plan a homestead! Where have you been? You haven't come back for so long, mother. I don't know where it went."

Qin probably put down the jug in his hand leisurely, then went into the small hall, looked at Qin Jingchi and said, "Kin Qin, I heard from my boy what potatoes you are selling, business is not bad, right? "

The business is okay. The village chief can go to the county one day to try it. My parents and daughter-in-law often sell it there!"

Qin Dahai patted his shoulder and said, "It's fine if the business is good, save more." The house has been built by Erqian, and in the future, you can send your little Qi'an to the school, that little guy looks smart, maybe he will have great prospects!"

Qin Jingchi thought of his little dumpling, and his tone couldn't help but soften a lot, "You're right! Wanwan and I think the same way! I don't ask him to do anything, just hope he can read and understand things clearly. It's over."

Qin Dahai looked at Jiang Wanwan's gentle appearance, suddenly remembered something, and said with emotion, "Wanwan, you will live with Jingchi well in the future, look how good you are now, seeing how good your family is now. The new house is about to be built, and it will be a good day in the future, don't think about it like you used to!"

Jiang Wanwan nodded helplessly, looked at Qin Jingchi, and said, "I know, I won't be as angry as before. Qin Dahai talked to them for a while before he remembered the business, "

Which piece of land are you planning to plot?"

Qin Jingchi said, "It's just the piece of land next to my house, it's been deserted anyway."

Qin Dahai thought about it . I want to say: "Will the land be too big, can you plan half of it?"

"We all plan to build a bigger house, and then live with my parents and the others."

Qin Dahai frowned and reminded : "That will cost a lot of money, and it is estimated that you will not be able to come if it is less than fifteen taels. You..."

Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan looked at each other and said, "Don't worry, we have saved some during this time, and it should be enough. Only

then did Qin Dahai nodded, and he didn't ask any further questions, he just said, "Then let's go now, take my carriage, we can go faster, and it can be done later in the afternoon.