Try Planting Potatoes?

When a few people arrived at the county office, they happened to meet Li Yuan, the magistrate. He was going to go out to inspect the repair of the river, but stopped when he saw Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan.

Seeing that he was the county magistrate, Qin Dahai hurriedly knelt down and gave a salute. Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wanwan also knelt down hurriedly.

Li Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "What's the matter with you?"

Qin Dahai said quickly: "Master, the villain is the village chief of Qinjia Village, and the one next to him is Qin Jingchi, this woman is his wife, we are here to draw a house. The base."

Li Yuan looked at Qin Jingchi and his wife, and said, "This official will do it for you!"

Qin Dahai said quickly, "Thank you, sir!" To do it, leave it to the yamen.

In the end, Li Yuan took a few yamen and rode with Qin Jingchi and the others to Qinjia Village, helped them measure the homestead next to his house, and signed the paperwork to finish the job, because it was done by the county magistrate himself, and there was no The yamen was greedy, and finally paid 10 taels of silver.

Li Yuan asked the two yamen to go back by himself, and then said to Qin Jingchi, "This officer has something to tell you." Then he looked at Qin Dahai and added, "You follow along too!"

Several people were extremely frightened, Qin Jingchi and Jiang Wan Wan looked at each other and invited Li Yuan to sit down at home.

Jiang Wanwan served Li Yuan a pot of tea, pulled Qin Jingchi over, and whispered, "You and the village chief should talk to the county magistrate, it's already noon, I'll cook first."

Qin Jingchi nodded, "Okay! You cook a few more dishes!"

Li Yuan took a sip of tea and was a little surprised that the tea had a strong aroma of rice!

In fact, the bag of glutinous rice fragrant tea that Jiang Wanwan turned out when she was cleaning up the space was not much. Qin's father drank it all in a few days. Jiang Wanwan saw that Qin's father liked it very much, so he thought about it by himself. I made some more, but it was more fragrant than the finished bag.

Although it's not a good tea, it has the fragrance of glutinous rice, which Li Yuan likes very much.

After drinking a few sips of tea, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Where did that wolf-tooth potato you sell come from?"

Qin Jingchi frowned nervously after hearing this, his Adam's apple rolled, and then he said carefully: " That's the new food that the villain and the villain's wife found on the mountain."

"From the mountain? Then do you think this potato can be grown by yourself?"

Qin Jingchi seemed to understand his intention after hearing this, and continued: "Little The lady said, the potatoes can be grown at home, and the yield should not be low. The potatoes we dug up on the mountain can be a pound or two big!"

Li Yuan was shocked, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Then you guys How many potatoes are there? If there are enough, next spring, every household in your village will use one mu of land for trial planting!"

Qin Jingchi was embarrassed and said, "But...but we haven't planted it yet, so what is the yield? It's all just my wife's guess."

Li Yuan nodded and said, "This official knows that if the trial planting is not ideal, I won't blame you, and the tax will be reduced or exempted as appropriate."

Qin Jingchi and Qin Dahai agreed. After a glance, he was relieved. Li Yuan wanted to continue to say something, but the door was suddenly pushed open.

The three of them looked towards the door, and saw their bare, white and tender little feet, their trouser legs rolled to their knees, revealing their calves like lotus roots, a little bit of mud on their faces, and a small basket made of grass leaves in their hands. There was still a small butterfly flapping its wings with difficulty.

"Daddy! We're back! Grandpa and grandma took Tuan Tuan to catch fish. We caught several big fish and a lot of shrimps!!"

He couldn't wait for Qin Jingchi to say anything, and he said anxiously: "There are more Tuantuan found an injured little butterfly, so my grandfather helped me weave a small basket to carry it, Daddy, look at it!! It's so beautiful!!" After speaking, the little guy walked up to Qin Jingchi and hugged it with one hand. hold his legs.

Because Qin Dahai and Li Yuan were sitting on the other side of the table, trapped in the shadows, the little guy didn't notice when he came in. When he handed Little Butterfly to Qin Jingchi, he turned his head and saw that there were guests at home.

He knew Qin Dahai, so he wasn't restrained, but he didn't wear shoes, so he was a little shy and hid behind Qin Jingchi. Looking at the uncle next to him, he didn't know what to say, so he grabbed Qin Jingchi's clothes and looked at him suspiciously, "Dad?"

Qin Jingchi finally came back to his senses, and quickly picked up the little guy and wiped his face. , watching Li Yuan solemnly introduce to the little guy: "This is the county magistrate, don't be rude!"

At this time, Jiang Wanwan heard the voice of the little dumpling, just came over, looked at Li Yuan and said : "Don't be surprised, magistrate, my son is not very sensible, and I won't let him bump into you in the future."

Li Yuan couldn't help showing admiration when she saw that she was neither humble nor arrogant. Woolen cloth.

In addition, he already thought that Tuantuan was cute, so he wouldn't blame him, "It's okay, I think this little guy is cute, and I'm very happy in my heart."

Several people were relieved when they heard what he said. Jiang Wanwan took Tuan Tuan's hand and said, "Then the woman will take this little brat to change clothes."

She led Tuantuan into the bedroom, put his little butterfly on the windowsill, and said, "This little butterfly is the wings. If it gets wet, it will fly away after a while when the water dries up."

Tuantuan nodded, "Okay, then put it by the window, and when it is healed, it will go home by itself."

Jiang Wanwan thought When the county magistrate was here, he put on the new clothes that Qin's mother made for Tuantuan. On the small azure clothes, a small clump of green bamboo was embroidered on the hem, and the little guy wore it on his body, which was soft and cute. Kind of handsome.

Tuantuan touched the new clothes and was very happy, "Mother, Tuan Tuan's new clothes look good, and there are little bamboos here !!


Be kind, Jiang Wanwan didn't specifically tell the little dumplings, the little guy is already very popular, and the county magistrate shouldn't hate it!

Jiang Wanwan tidied up his clothes again, "Okay, let's go out! Mother, go and cook for Tuan Tuan."

Tuantuan was very happy when he put on his new clothes, walked out of the bedroom, glanced at Li Yuan cautiously, and shook it. He walked up to Qin Jingchi and whispered in his ear, "Daddy, mother put on new clothes for Tuantuan, and Tuantuan likes it!! Daddy thinks it looks good??"

Qin Jingchi patted his head and replied. : "Good-looking! We look good in everything we wear!"

Li Yuan looked at Tuantuan, only to think he was cuter. No wonder his daughter likes this little guy so much, but she hasn't seen her go out to buy potatoes recently.

He took a sip of tea, smiled and said to Tuantuan: "Little guy, come to Uncle."

Tuantuan glanced at Qin Jingchi, Qin Jingchi nodded, "Go!"

Tuantuan walked over slowly, looking curiously at the legendary the county magistrate.

Li Yuan smiled heartily, took his little hand, and said, "Uncle hugs you, okay?"

Seeing him smiling all the time, Tuantuan was not afraid, and smiled happily, "Okay! Uncle hugs you!"