Garlic white meat, pickled fish...

Li Yuan held the warm Tuan Tuan in his arms, and he was ironing in his heart. He thought that Xuezhen would become a baby after two years, and it would be as cute as this little guy.

Sitting in the arms of the county magistrate's uncle, Tuantuan felt that he was kind-hearted and not vicious at all, so he became more courageous, so he leaned into Li Yuan's ear and whispered: "Uncle, Tuantuan heard others say that the magistrate is fine. Fierce is fierce, but Tuantuan thinks that Uncle is not fierce at all!"

Li Yuan listened to his soft and waxy children's words, and really felt that this little guy was cute and tight, and couldn't help kissing his little cheek. .

Tuantuan had never been kissed by an unfamiliar uncle. He didn't react for a while, and was stunned. After a while, his little face turned red and he buried his head in Li Yuan's arms, like a little quail, sullen. The voice came out, "Uncle kiss me, do you like Tuantuan??"

Li Yuan laughed, looked at Qin Jingchi and said, "Your son is really a treasure! So cute!"

Qin Jingchi sweated for his family After listening to Li Yuan's words, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The conditions at home are not good, so he was sensible and obedient since he was a child."

After listening to Li Yuan, he kissed the family and said, "Uncle likes you very much, If you have time, Uncle will take you to my house to play, okay?"

Tuantuan smiled and said happily, "Okay! Tuantuan also likes Uncle!" The

little guy was very relaxed in his arms, and slowly began to talk to him Li Yuan chatted, "Uncle, my mother's cooking is delicious! Fish and fish are delicious, sweet meat and meat are delicious, and sweet cakes!"

Li Yuan also He didn't quite understand what kind of dishes he was talking about, so he

tapped his little nose and said, "I want to try the uncle you said!" I'm talking about fish and pork ribs. If adults don't dislike it, I'll have dinner at home in a while, and I'll ask his mother to cook a few more dishes."

Li Yuan chatted happily with Xiao Tuanzi, and slowly put down the air and said, "Then The relationship is good, I have eaten your wolf tooth potato, and it tastes really good!"

Qin Jingchi said happily: "Then I'll go help now, you can drink tea for a while."

Qin Jingchi opened the door and walked out, and saw Qin's father, Qin's mother and Qin Jingyan sitting cautiously in the yard. Seeing him come out, they hurriedly left. He stepped forward, "How is it? The magistrate didn't say anything, right?"

Qin Jingchi smiled, "No, the magistrate is chatting with the group, it's not serious at all, don't be nervous."

A few people were shocked, Qin's father He hurriedly said, "Tuan Tuan chatting with the adults?? He is so young, what should he do if he says something wrong? What if he collides with the county magistrate??"

Mother Qin and Qin Jingyan frowned worriedly.

"Brother, why did you let Tuantuan stay inside? He must be very scared!"

Qin Jingchi said comfortingly: "The magistrate likes Tuantuan very much, and Tuan Tuan is also very happy, so I just chatted with him, don't be nervous."

Qin's father and Qin's mother breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and at the same time they couldn't help thinking proudly, as expected of their good grandson, even the county magistrate likes him! How dare you chat with the magistrate!

Qin Jingchi didn't care how they were feeling, he explained and walked quickly to the kitchen.

When he entered the kitchen, Jiang Wanwan was cutting fish fillets, and when he saw him, he happily said, "Fortunately, my parents and the others went to catch fish today, otherwise there will be few dishes!"

Qin Jingchi looked at her tenderly, "I plan to What are you doing? I'll help you!"

Jiang Wanwan glanced at him suspiciously, "Where's the magistrate?"

Qin Jingchi smiled, "He's chatting with Tuantuan! He seems to like our Tuantuan!"

Jiang Wanwan Surprised and delighted, "We are so cute, it's normal to like us!"

Then he asked, "What did the magistrate tell you?"

When he said this, Qin Jingchi became worried again, "The magistrate wants us to have every village in our village." My family has left an acre of land to try to grow potatoes, but I don't know if I can grow them."

Jiang Wanwan thought it was something. Seeing his worried look, he comforted him, "Don't worry, potatoes can grow that big in the mountains. They should be very easy to grow, and the yield must be high!"

Qin Jingchi nodded, " What you said also makes sense, I hope so! Well, let's not talk about this, what are you going to do? There are so many people today, so I need to cook a few more dishes!"

"I know, I have already thought about what to do. Well, didn't we buy pork belly and pork ribs yesterday, I plan to use them to make garlic white pork and sweet and sour pork ribs."

"And the fish and shrimp that my parents caught today, they made pickled fish and braised prawns, just before me. Pickled sauerkraut can be eaten in a few days!"

Qin Jingchi listened attentively next to her, and then heard her say: "For vegetarian dishes, I will fry shredded green peppers, potatoes and eggplant, oh right, I can add a cold cucumber and boil a cabbage at the end. The soup is ready!"

Qin Jingchi couldn't help but start to look forward to hearing about a few dishes he had never eaten before.

"Okay, you can decide, what do you need me to do?"

"No, my dishes are almost ready. The cucumbers are cold and mixed. When the rice is steamed, you can start frying!

" After chatting and chatting, the aroma of the rice gradually became stronger and stronger. Seeing that the rice was almost steamed, Jiang Wanwan started cooking.

Add water to the pot, put a whole piece of pork belly into the pot, add onion, ginger and star anise to the pot, cover and steam until cooked, then remove it and put it in cold water to let it cool down.

Pour oil in a pot, add onion, ginger and garlic to saute until fragrant, add sauerkraut and stir fry, then add water, after the water boils, add salt, soy sauce and a small amount of sugar to taste.

Pull out a few pieces of firewood, keep the fire low, put the fish fillets in slowly, slide the spatula a few times, the fish fillets are cooked, pour the fish in the pot together with the sauerkraut and soup into the clay pot, add the peppers and Green pepper, poured with hot oil, the spicy and fragrant taste instantly filled the whole house.

Sweet and sour pork ribs and braised prawns are often made at home, and Jiang Wanwan is also very easy to make. After a while, the sweet and sour pork ribs and braised prawns full of flavor are also ready.

In the end, I simply sautéed shredded green peppers and potatoes and eggplant, and cooked a fresh mushroom and cabbage soup with cabbage and mushrooms. The dishes are basically the same.

After Jiang Wanwan finished cooking, he felt that the pork belly should be completely cool, so he took it out of the cold water, cut it into thin slices, and placed it neatly on a large plate.

But the most important thing for white meat with garlic is the sauce. Jiang Wanwan took out a small bowl, added chili noodles and white sesame seeds, and poured some hot oil into the bowl, then added garlic, minced ginger, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and sugar. And chopped green onion, stir well, then pour the sauce evenly on the pork belly, so delicious and appetizing, fatty but not greasy pork belly with garlic is ready!

Qin Jingchi kept watching beside her. The smell of the dishes came out. He covered his growling stomach and said impatiently, "I'll bring the dishes! It's so fragrant, I can't help thinking about it. Eat it!"

Jiang Wanwan wiped her hands and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll ask my parents to help us serve it, there are too many dishes." "Okay!"