Cooking Beef

"Ah!! Daddy! Tuantuan likes Daddy so much!" After speaking, the little guy stood up and put his arms around Qin Jingchi's neck and kissed him a few times.

Qin Jingchi felt the wet saliva on his face, and was very happy in his heart, but he still wanted to tease the little dumpling.

He wiped his face in disgust and said, "Hey, it's all drool! Tuantuan is so dirty!"

Tuantuan pouted, covered his mouth, and explained anxiously: "Tuantuan is not dirty! Daddy is a bad Daddy!

After speaking, she looked at Jiang Wanwan aggrievedly, "Mother, did you say that?" Jiang

Wanwan hurriedly pulled Qin Jingchi's hand over and slapped it a few times, "Tuantuan is right, mother helps Tuantuan teach a lesson." Dad."

Tuantuan was defended by his mother, and he seemed to have a backer in an instant. He also pulled Qin Jingchi's other hand and gently hit it a few times, but before he hit twice, he let go, wrinkled. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll stop fighting, Daddy's hands are so hard, and my hands are hurting."

Qin Jingchi took his small hand and looked at it, it was a little red. Originally, his hands were rough in woodworking every day, but Tuantuan's hands were white and tender. After a few pats, they turned red.

He glanced at Jiang Wanwan incredulously, then comforted the little dumpling and blew on his little hand, "Be good, Daddy, it won't hurt when you blow it."

"Then Daddy and Mother should kiss . Tuantuan!"


"Okay! Kiss you!" The

two of them kissed each other on the small cheeks on either side of him.

After being kissed by the two of them, Tuan Tuan narrowed his eyes happily, and said excitedly, "Dad and mother, tomorrow, Tuan Tuan wants to call Brother Goudan'er and Brother Erwa to our house and play with Tuan Tuan in the carriage, Are you okay?"

Jiang Wanwan rubbed her nose against the little guy's face, looked at his bright eyes, and said, "You can do whatever you want! You have the final say!"


The three chatted for a while, and then Tuantuan began to yawn, his eyes narrowed, obviously sleepy, but he still hugged the carriage and couldn't put it down.

"Tuan Tuan, are you sleepy? Are we going to sleep? When the brothers come to you tomorrow, will you play the pony car together again?"

Tuan Tuan put the pony car in her hand, "The mother helped Tuantuan put it in the small cabinet. I can take it by myself tomorrow."


Seeing that both mother and son were lying down, Qin Jingchi also got up and blew out the candles.

The next morning, when Jiang Wanwan woke up, Qin Jingchi had just woken up, and Tuan Tuan was still sleeping soundly. Jiang Wanwan didn't wake him up, and said to Qin Jingchi, "Let Tuantuan fall asleep, and they will call when they come over. He got up."

Qin Jingchi nodded, "It's still early, you can sleep again."

Jiang Wanwan shook her head and said, "I still have to deal with the beef I marinated yesterday."

Qin Jingchi didn't force it anymore, after all He doesn't know how to do it either, "Then I'll go to the carpentry workshop, you and Adi will be slower on the road later."

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Wanwan simply washed and went to the kitchen to bring out the beef that was marinated yesterday. .

The beef was marinated yesterday afternoon, and now it is completely delicious. Jiang Wanwan removed all the spices and other things on the surface of the beef, and put the beef on the outside window sill of the kitchen to dry, where it can be seen all day. Daylight is a good location.

After finishing the beef, Qin Jingyan, Qin's father and Qin's mother also came.

"Sister-in-law, are you ready? Let's go!"

Jiang Wanwan hurriedly came out of the kitchen and said, "I'll be here soon."

Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingyan were pushing the cart in the yard, "Father and mother, let Tuantuan Wake him up a little longer, he slept a little late last night."

"Okay, slow down on your way."

Jiang Wanwan replied repeatedly: "I know, you all come in, my brother and I are leaving."

Qin Jingyan also urged, "Come in, it's very cold in the morning."

Jiang Wanwan took the day off . Half of her fish balls were distributed, and some potatoes were also distributed to the scholars in the academy, and the rest were kept for sale. What she didn't expect was that there were not enough to sell at all.

Yesterday, some people felt that the eight cents were too expensive, so they fought with others to buy a fish ball, tasted it, thought it was delicious, and when they wanted to come back to buy it, it was already sold out. They have learned to be good today. They waited here early in the morning. Knowing that it was delicious, they were unwilling to fight with others. They even asked for four or five copies if they were cruel.

Yesterday, I prepared a total of fifty kilograms of fish balls, and divided half of them. There would be a lot of people, and they sold all of them in a while, and even most of the potatoes were sold.

People who came to buy after hearing the wind, saw that the fish balls were all sold out, and regretted that they had slept a little longer, otherwise they would have been able to buy fragrant fish balls.

But there are still some potatoes. They are also smart. They know that if they don't buy potatoes, they will be gone in a while, so your portion and my portion are sold faster than before.

In less than an hour, they were all sold out, and the two sat beside the booth to rest.

Lin Erniang next to them looked at them angrily. Since they came, she hadn't sold any of her potatoes, and what kind of fish balls from Lao Shizi sold better than potatoes. She couldn't understand why. Eight cents of money will be bought by someone! Her potatoes are so cheap, these people are blind! !

Qin Jingyan turned his head and saw her gnashing teeth. Qin Jingyan paused, narrowed his eyes and stared at her blankly.

When Lin Erniang came back to her senses, she saw Qin Jingyan's dark eyes, her heart skipped a beat, she turned her head in a panic, and didn't dare to look at them with hatred anymore, just in a place where no one saw it. , the hatred and resentment in his eyes are as sharp as knives.

After a while, as if thinking of something, she slowly smiled grimly. Anyway, her husband is a formidable man, and it would be easy for a few people to cause them some trouble.

There was still a long time before the academy left, and Jiang Wanwan and Qin Jingyan were both a little bored waiting.

Qin Jingyan was sitting crookedly against the wall, but he didn't know what he saw, and suddenly sat up straight, his eyes involuntarily aimed at the people who were approaching the booth.

Li Yuan didn't go to the county government office today. Seeing his daughter's frowning and preoccupied look these days, he took her out for a stroll.

It was rare for Li Yuan to take a break, and Li Xuezhen could not refuse, so she obediently followed him out the door.

Jiang Wanwan and the others didn't come to set up a stall a few days ago, and Li Yuan was also a little greedy for the wolf tooth potatoes, so he took Li Xuezhen to Jiang Wanwan and the others' stall.

Li Xuezhen saw Qin Jingyan from a distance, and when she saw his crooked body suddenly sitting upright, the corners of her mouth could not help rising, her heart was full of laughter, but after seeing the man's dodging gaze a moment later, she realized that she was still laughing, and suddenly He restrained his smile, feeling irritable in his heart.

When Li Yuanyou arrived in front of the booth, Jiang Wanwan came back to her senses. Seeing that the person coming was the county magistrate, she was immediately at a loss, "Sir, you..."

Li Yuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't call me. My lord, I'm taking my daughter out to relax today."

Qin Jingyan was watching Li Xuezhen, and when he saw Li Yuan and what he said, he realized that the person in front of him was actually the daughter of the county magistrate. Wasn't he... hopeless.