Come to my house for dinner

"Are you all sold out of wolf tooth potatoes? This business is too good!" Li Yuan asked in surprise, looking at the empty stall.

Jiang Wanwan shook her head and said with a smile, "No, the students from Changhua Academy come to eat every day, but they can't come until after school, so we divided half of them out to keep for them."

Li Yuan nodded . , "So it is."

He was originally very greedy for potatoes, but because of his identity, it was difficult to say something to him.

Jiang Wanwan saw his concerns and thought about it. Anyway, there was plenty of potatoes left. Although there were not many fish balls, they could be evenly distributed, so he said, "I'll fry some potatoes for you. In the past two days, new fish balls have been added, you can also try it!"

Li Yuan was overjoyed, but his face did not show, and said, "It's so good! Ben... Then I'll have to taste it."

Jiang Wan Wan neatly divided some of the potatoes and fish balls and fried them. The potatoes were cooked quickly, and they were quickly mixed. The father and daughter didn't refuse anything, and they ate at their stall with bamboo tubes.

"I haven't eaten it for several days. Your craft is still very good. It still tastes like before."

Li Xuezhen hadn't eaten it for several days, and she was greedy. It 's really delicious!"

Qin Jingyan looked at her with a smile in her eyes, and she was eating with small bites, she felt like a very cute little rabbit, her heart seemed to be scratched, and she couldn't help but feel a tingling itch. .

Li Xuezhen was eating potatoes, and looked at Qin Jingyan unintentionally, but happened to meet him, looking at his silly appearance, her anger was relieved a little, but she didn't give him a good face. He looked away at a glance.

Seeing that she hadn't noticed her appearance at all, Qin Jingyan couldn't help but feel downcast, what was he thinking, he was the daughter of the county magistrate, so who was he? It's just a country man who can't stop after reading for a few years.

Li Yuan and Li Xuezhen were eating potatoes, and the fish balls were fried to brown. Jiang Wanwan fished it out, sprinkled it with chili noodles and rolled it, then put it in a bamboo tube and handed it to them, "Try this fish ball, see See if you like it or not." The

father and daughter smelled the smell, put the potatoes down first, and ate the balls with toothpicks.

As soon as they took a bite, the father and daughter looked at each other with glowing eyes, and said in unison: "Delicious!"

Then Li Yuan said, "This fish ball is tender and chewy, the surface is crispy and spicy. Spicy, it's really delicious!"

Li Xuezhen also praised, "Yeah, it's really delicious! Madam Boss, your cooking skills must be very good!"

Li Yuan said with a smile: "Of course, I'll go. The next time I took the yamen to help their family plan a homestead, but I stayed at her house and ate a delicious meal!"

Li Xuezhen looked at him blankly, and said angrily, "You don't take me with you to eat delicious food!"

Seeing his daughter's angry appearance, Li Yuan smiled and said, "Dad didn't go to the office. I forgot to mention it when I got back. I didn't remember it until today."

Jiang Wanwan paused in her heart and said, "If you don't Disgusting, you can take the young lady and wife to my house for dinner, my little dumplings were still talking about my uncle and my beautiful sister a few days ago."

Li Xuezhen said happily, "Did Tuan Tuan miss me? They all forgot about me."

Li Yuan couldn't help but put on a smile when he thought of that cute and well-behaved little dumpling.

Jiang Wanwan said again, "Sir and Miss, why don't you go to our house for a light meal today."

She knew that it was necessary to have a good relationship with the magistrate, and the magistrate and the lady were both good-natured People are also worthy of deep friendship.

After hearing this, the two of them moved in their hearts and looked at each other. Li Xuezhen thought of Qin Jingyan, who was silent next to him, and said, "Dad, why don't we go, I want to eat small balls, and I also want to eat delicious food. !"

Li Yuan was also heartbroken, anyway, he took a rest today, and there was nothing to do, so he came down, "That's really bothering you, but you potatoes and fish balls are still waiting to be sold to the scholars, Xuezhen and I will go first. Go back and call my wife, and let's go to your house later."

Jiang Wanwan agreed, "Of course." They came later, so she might as well go back to prepare.

In the end, the father and daughter went back first with a fish ball and potatoes.

Qin Jingyan looked at Li Xuezhen's retreating back, his heart was sour, and his whole person was lethargic.

Jiang Wanwan saw him staring at Li Xuezhen who had walked away in a daze, and then looked at his dejected appearance, thinking of something, and his heart moved, no wonder every time Li Xuezhen came, something was wrong with him, it turned out to be the beginning of love.

Jiang Wanwan smiled and thought to herself, for the happiness of A-Di, it seems that their family has to behave well, otherwise they are the daughter of the county magistrate, how easy would it be for him to marry a beautiful girl!

Jiang Wanwan also began to think about what to do at night to entertain people, after all, she might be her future in-laws.

Next to Lin Erniang, she was shocked and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time. She knew about the two just now. They were the magistrate and his daughter. What are the identities of these two people, they even came to eat Jiang Wanwan and the others. The potatoes, not to mention praise, but also go to her house for dinner!

She quietly covered her thumping heart, and was terrified. Just now, she thought... Fortunately... Fortunately...

Li Yuan and the others just left, and the scholars from the academy came here happily.

Jiang Wanwan saw them from a distance and put all the potatoes in the pot.

"Ma'am! We're all starving, how long will the potatoes be good?"

Jiang Wanwan said, "it's fast, the potatoes will be cooked quickly!"

Qin Yue also came over today, and he said happily, "sister-in-law, I heard that What other fish balls do you sell? Wang Linzhi said it was delicious! Isn't it?"

Without waiting for Jiang Wanwan to say anything, Qin Jingyan looked at Qin Yue and said, "Ayue, can you still trust my sister-in-law's craftsmanship? I think it tastes better than potatoes!"

Qin Yue patted his shoulder, "You are If you have a good meal, you can eat delicious food every day!"

But in a moment, a steaming pot of potatoes was ready, Jiang Wanwan packed them one by one and put them on the side of the stall, "You guys are hot. Eat it! I'll fry the fish balls for you." After frying

the fish balls, Jiang Wanwan saw that they were delicious and said, "Actually, you can bring some rice or something to eat, and you can also eat potatoes with your meal. Yes , eating potatoes every day will make you tired."

After listening to this, everyone said angrily: "Yeah! Why didn't I think of it!"

"Sometimes there are not enough potatoes, and if you bring rice, At the same time as being full, potatoes are even more fragrant when eaten with rice!"

"Yes, we will bring them over tomorrow."