
"Finally I got my hands on this!" I said, staring at the game disc in my hand.

It was the world-famous dating sim game that have just been released and is breaking the records, and I had just returned home after buying it.

It was the last piece left in the game store, I tried buying it online but it was always showing out of stock. This game was so much popular that people were even buying it for double its original price from third-hand sellers.

'Fantastical Love' was the game in talk. The reason behind its success was the amount of work put it in. This game was in development for many years now; it was made by one of the best game companies out there.

Of course, most of the characters in this game were kind of gorgeous. A popular artist had done the character designs and sprites, and the cast was voiced by famous actors.

But that was not the best thing about this game, the reason it was different and won against all the other dating sim games was that this game has RPG elements in it.

That was the main selling point of this game, and I had also bought it for this very reason.

I was a hardcore gamer and I loved RPGs, usually, I don't play things like a dating sim but since this game had RPG elements in it and I have read online that the fantasy world in this game was amazing, that was enough to make me by this.

The world in this game had both advanced science and magic, you could use flying bikes and flying ships along with casting destructive magic spells.

Also, this game had more than one world, first, you start in a world of flying islands that was like earth but there were many more worlds you can access as the game progress and you level up.

And every single world was filled with beautiful girls that you were able to date. Some reviews also said that this game had erotic scenes and it was so hardcore that it left this game hanging on the thin line between a dating sim and a hentai game.

Ahhhhhhhh! I'm so excited to play this game!

But well, I can't do that right now. It's night already and I have to sleep or I'll be late in the morning. Tomorrow was also the graduation ceremony of my high school and I don't wanna miss that.

I looked around my room and my gaze locked on my soft and fluffy bed. I was exhausted after standing in a waiting line for 4 hours; hence, I quickly threw myself on the bed.

I closed my eyes and hugged the game disc gently and rolled on the bed. It didn't take me long to fall asleep. I fell asleep without even changing my clothes as I held the game near me while doing so.

I would have cursed myself in the morning if the disc broke because of this.


"Huh?" I muttered as I rubbed my eyes.

'Is it morning already? And who the heck turned the AC on?' I thought.

It was because I was feeling cold air all over my body like I was sleeping just below the air conditioner but I felt something wrong and opened my eyes.

The thing was that I didn't even have an air conditioner in my room. Then where the hell all this air was coming from?

It was a little hard to open my eyes as the pressure I was feeling on my face because of all the air hitting me was too much.

I placed my hand in front of my face to block some air and then slowly lifted my eyelids.

"What the fuck!" I shouted the moment I saw the view before my eyes.

I was…in the sky and was falling down at great speed.

'So this was where all the air was coming from huh!' At least I got some answers.

"Well, that explains that but…I'M GONNA FUCKIN DIE IF I KEPT FALLING LIKE THIS!" I screamed.

How the hell did I get here in the first place? The last time I closed my eyes was in my room.

Did someone kidnap me out of my house, put me inside an airplane, and then threw me in the middle of the sky?

The fuck! I don't remember making an enemy out of a sadist like that!

But it wasn't the time for questioning things, that can wait. I'm seriously going to die if I don't do something quickly!

"Ahh! Like hell I can do anything in this situation!" I cried out loud.

I have nothing like a parachute or something and I didn't watch videos on how to survive a free fall.

The pressure I was feeling kept increasing as I went down, my hair and clothes were fluttering because of the high-speed wind hitting me from below.

Below me were nothing but big clouds, I was not even able to see the ground. All there was were gigantic white clouds, looking at them from this close they looked like Godzilla or some kind of big monster.

I stretched out my arms and legs in hope that I will start gliding or something but it had the opposite effect as the amount of air hitting me increased the moment I did that.

"Man I'm done for," I mumbled, there was no way I can survive this.

And I missed the graduation ceremony also.

I sighed and closed my eyes accepting my fate, dying this way would be too painful but I can't do anything about that.


I heard a crisp sound in my head which caused me to open my eyes immediately.

A translucent screen with text appeared right before my eyes, it looked like something straight out of a video game.

The text that appeared on the screen was read out loud by a little robotic female voice.