I transmigrated into a dating sim! [1]

A translucent screen with text appeared right before my eyes, it looked like something straight out of a video game.

The text that appeared on the screen was read out loud by a little robotic female voice.

'Huh? What the heck is this now?' I thought; confused by the things I witnessed just now.

[It is what it is, didn't you ever seen a system in games or novels?]

The female voice said as the text present on the screen changed.

Still system, I have seen those things in novels but is that kinda thing really happening with me right now?

[Yes all this is real, and you're a big idiot if you think that this is a dream]

Ah I don't have time to think much!

"Will I get saved if I activated this system?" I asked.

[Considering possibilities: Yes that is possible]

"Then I will activate it, yes I want to activate the system," I said.

"Save me now!"

[Yes yes I know. I will be using a huge sum of A-points by the way, is that okay with you: Yes/No]

"It's okay, yes. If anything I don't wanna die a virgin!"

[Accessing store]

[Using A points to buy 'The heavens fortress']

[Purchase successful]

Suddenly the area above me blacked out as something very huge appeared in the sky. It was so big that I was not able to see anything, like someone have turned the light bulb off.

From what I *was* able to see, it looked like that was a giant flying ship. It looked like a whole island if someone ignored the details.

[The heavens fortress has been summoned]

[Now teleporting you inside the ship]

"Wait a second! You're going to do what!"

Before I could understand anything a pillar of bright light that was launched from the base of that ship hit me and swallowed me inside.

My body started glowing in bright white color and I started feeling fuzzy, the next moment everything turned black while I heard a beeping sound buzzing in my ears.

The next thing I saw was that I was in a different location and I could feel the ground below my feet, meaning I wasn't in the air anymore.

I looked around and saw that I was in a big hall kinda thing. All the walls, floor, and room were made of steel and some technical details gave it a futuristic look.

I turned around and looked in the other direction, and saw a throne made out of metal. There was a white-colored cushion on the sitting area that made it look like a super modern sofa.

"What is this place?" I asked myself.

[You are currently inside the heavens fortress]

"And what is that?"

[It's a battle fortress that I summoned using your A points and the system's store function]

Okay, I understood some things.

"So you mean this whole thing is mine?"


This time the text on that translucent screen was not changing and I was only hearing the voice in my head.

Well, if this ship is mine then I can sit there right.

I ran to the throne and sat on it, it was very comfortable and soft. The padding that was placed on its bottom and back was not the like I've seen before.

'But wait a second; won't I get detected in the radar system of the military if something like this is flying in the sky?'


[Let me tell you if by any chance you are not but right now you are not in your old world]

"What…do you mean by I'm not in my old world?" I asked.

[You were transmigrated into another world]

Now now, are you kidding me? There's no way that can be true! I mean, that's insane.

"Can you prove that to me?" I said.


[With the use of heavens fortress it is possible to take a look at this world]

"Show me then."

I heard some sounds and then a robotic arm extended from the roof with a screen attached to it. It stopped after placing the screen in front of me and then the pixels lit up and the screen displaced some scenery.

It was showing islands of various shapes and sizes floating in the air. Some islands were used to make a house on while some were fully empty with forest and vegetation on it.

The scenery changed and an island, very big compared to the other came into sight. It was so big that it made me think that 'how can something this big even fly' but it was floating in the air.

And instead of one or two houses, there was a whole city built on top of it, the houses and infrastructure; this wasn't something you'd find on earth. The screen changed scene changed again and a different island appeared this time.

It was big but not as big as the last one and there was something like a special building built on top of this island. Many other people were roaming outside and I was able to see them.

All of them were wearing the same kind of uniform, the only difference in clothing was the difference between boy's and girl's uniforms.

I leaned back on the throne and held my forehead. Is this really what I think it is?

"Hey is this all real? I mean, is *this* the world I am in right now?" I asked, my voice shaking from excitement and anxiety.


[All the images on the screen are the live representation of this world that is being recorded via magic]

'Damn, now magic also!'

But I can't deny that I have a system and that very system summoned this gigantic ship, then it must mean that this world is also real.

"Fuck! If it's true then I transmigrated into the world of 'Fantastical love'!"