
A week has passed since then and nothing really changed.

Calvin didn't show the slightest change in his behaviour and carried himself as his usual self. And if that wasn't weird enough, I felt he was being a bit too nice towards me.

Well, I can more or less deduce what is he striving for.

"Huff... huff... Let's do another set."

I said, breathing heavily, I was currently in the Privilege Practice Area and was doing some basic training.

In the last few days, I continued with my training while adding some new workouts— Such as sit-ups and pull-ups.

I even tried weight-lifting, but it was a bit too much for the current me, the same goes for push-ups, I tried doing those but was unable to perform a single push-up because of my stomach fat.

Currently, I was running on the tracks, while at the same time, trying to triumph over my breathing which can enhance my training.

With just a week of training, I was able to raise my Endurance by 2 points. And it doesn't end with that, I was also able to raise my Strength and Agility stat by a point.

My current growth speed can be considered quite exceptional. However, I know for a fact that it won't last long, and after a certain time, I won't gain any more stat.

But since I have a cheat known as a— System, I don't really need to worry about raising my stats, which I can attain by completing the Quests assigned by the system.

However, I can't solely rely on them as I am unaware of how it actually functions, and how frequent the quest will be? Or if the reward assigned by the system in the upcoming quest is as high as the tutorial quest.

And if it is. Then I don't have anything to worry about.

Maybe in the future, it might even reward me by increasing my potential cap.

But that's a bit too far-fetched for the current me, and in reality, it's not really a major problem to raise my potential, some artefacts can achieve such feats.

But again, such artefacts are far too few and those who want to possess such artefacts are far too many to count.

Still, there is an artefact in this continent that can fulfil my desire and raise the potential cap.

However, the complications don't end there, as it is already in someone's possession— Evelyn Andrea, the daughter of Gustav Andrea and the future head of the biggest clan in the proximity of Krazikata, Clan Andrea.

"Wait a bit more... Huff... my dear artefact.. Huff... I will be there soon~."

Aside from that, I have yet to obtain the rewards of the quest.

'Seems like Alisha has yet to transgress her suspicion regarding me.'

At first, I thought she would disregard her suspicion in a few days, once she is satisfied with all the spying she did on me.

Yes, all this while, I was well aware of her actions. It's not like I can sense people spying on me. But knowing her personality from the novel, I can deduce her thought process, and the possible action she might take.

And in my opinion, it's just a matter of days before she drops her suspicions.

Why do I think so?

Two major reasons bring me to such a conclusion.

—First and foremost, in the past few days, I didn't show any form of hostility against her nor did I conduct myself in a way, which can lead to suspicion.

—And secondly, which is the most important thing, she doesn't have enough resources or personnel to waste on mere suspicion.

But even after all that, I might be wrong with my deductions. In that case, only time will dissolve her suspicion as it was clearly stated that I can't be too direct with my intention.

But to be honest, I don't feel that it would come to this, and I would get my sweet reward in a few days.


In a high-tech compartment, a man was seated in front of an exquisite desk that was bombarded with a lot of papers.

Tap. Tap. Tap

The room was completely silent, until a tapping sound prevailed, which was produced by the man's finger, nothing could be heard in the entire room.

Though, the man didn't seem to realise his actions as he appeared to be in deep thought.

Another man stood on the other side of the desk.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A few minutes passed just like that. However, the man on the other side of the desk didn't complain and stood at his spot patiently.

Another few minutes ticked by, and finally, the man seated on the chair opened his eyes and without any delay, announced in an authoritative tone:

"August, I called you here to assign an important task— Make an announcement and Inform the members of Clan Ulfred that we are going on an excursion."

"...Excursion? This time of year? Isn't it a bit too abrupt to embark on an excursion, My Lord?!"

"It is." The man sighed and continued: "However, we can't delay our venture any more than it already has been. After all, we can't leave the opportunity to obtain the rumoured SS-rank artefact, now can we?"

"SS-rank?!" August uttered in shock.

However his shock didn't last long and after assimilating it for a couple of seconds, he let out:

"I apologise for my impudence, however, Is My Lord certain that it's not just a rumour? I mean... It's already hard enough to obtain an S-rank artefact! Where are we even supposed to find an SS-rank, that's been a myth for a few centuries?!"

"Yes, I am certain that it's not just a mere rumour, I have already seen the thousand-year-old Scriptures that mention the existence of an SS-rank artefact."

"Is that so... If that's the case, I don't need to worry as My Lord must have already confirmed authentication regarding them."

"In fact, I haven't done any research regarding the authentication of those Scriptures."

"What?! But why, My lord?" August asked, a bit flustered as he simply couldn't comprehend the thought process of his lord.

" Because there was no need to, the name mentioned in the Scriptures were enough to clear any doubt that once arose."


'What place can it be for him to be so sure of such rumour?'

"The place mentioned in the scriptures is Nagris."

"Nagris? ...Now it makes sense as to why My Lord made such a rash decision," August spoke with a slight smile.

"Oh! you are quite daring, saying I am rash, even so on my face."

"I apologise for my insolence, I didn't mean to offend My Lord."

"Hahaha... I know, I know. I was just jesting to lighten up the atmosphere."

"So My lord, when are we departing?"

"We need to depart within 2 days, anymore than that and we would lose this golden opportunity to some other clan."

"If that's the case, I will begin the preparation ...Excuse me, My Lord."

After August excused himself, he left the room in a hurry to begin the preparations for the excursion.


The next day.

Everyone was at the dinner table, the atmosphere was a bit more heavy than usual, the reason for that is quite obvious.

The Excursion.

Munch. Munch. Munch.

However, I didn't care for any of that and dined in on my food because of a trait that I inherited.


Father seems like he was about to announce something, however, once he noticed that I was still busy munching on the delicacies, he halted his words.

After I was done with my food, I looked at the front, just to find everyone staring at my face, I didn't really mind them and just wiped my mouth with a handkerchief and turned towards father.

Once father confirmed that everyone was paying attention he started saying his piece:

"As you all might be already aware, tomorrow I will be leaving for an excursion."

He curtailed his words and gaped at everyone to perceive the reaction.

In the meantime, a single thought was going through my mind.

'Here comes the legendary chance for the villain to trample the protagonist.'

Even though, I was well aware that I was a villain myself but my condition was that of a hero who is about to get humiliated.

Why do I say that?

Because I could perceive the words, my father is about to utter in the next few seconds.

"The excursion might take months, so in the meantime, Calvin will be responsible to attend the matter's regarding the clan and its welfare."

And just what I thought, the words plunged out of his mouth were the same as what I expected, but the sad part is, even after predicting the outcome, there's nothing I could do.

After my father's departure, Calvin will try his best to oppress me and show his dominance, in an attempt of retaliation for the humiliation I caused him.

'Oh no! What am I supposed to do? I am going to be trampled on.'

Is that what you thought I would say?


I can't help but laugh hysterically.

'Now, everything falls in line, I didn't even need to do anything.'

'The table has been set... the pieces have been placed.'

'Wouldn't it be a waste, if we don't play a game, my dear brother~.'