Scheme [2]

"From to-today onwards, I will be re-responsible to look after the ne-needs of Ma-Master Lykus."

'Argh, her meek act was already annoying enough, now I even had to deal with her sham stuttering.'

The person who stood before me and appeared to be quite meek, at least on the surface was none other than...

'Ella Ross.'

And if her act wasn't annoying enough, she even has to stutter in between her sentences.

'Well, her act looks genuine, I'll give her that.'

Nevertheless... I can't take it anymore.

"All right, before anything else, stop stuttering at every damn sentence, Otherwise..."

My intentions were pretty clear and evident for her to see...

Any sane individual would get the feel of it.

...But who was Ella? An assassin who cherishes the misery of others. In short, a crazy psychotic bitch.

"Ye-yes," Ella replied seemingly oblivious to my threat, of course, that was a continuation of her act.

'This again...'

I sighed, she was really getting on my nerves.

First of all, I am not an enthusiast of a weak or meek personality, but I can look over it if it's genuine, but this bitch is clearly enjoying and feasting over my agony.

This makes me wonder, how effortless it would have been if I haven't acquired such useless Traits, even now my emotions were chaotic because [Impetutous] was acting up.

'But If that's how you want to play, then I shall oblige.'

I thought inwardly, and soon a smile crept over my face.

Ella flinched a little at my sudden change of expression.

Not to make it obvious, I diverted her attention to a question.

"Did August assign you as my personal maid?"


'Hmmm, Seems like that old shit is really after me, or is he after something that I possess~?'

Before this, I just had a suspicion, but now that he sent his daughter, it turned into a conviction.


Because I have read of him enough to know his character, and how much he loathes noble brats with no qualification whatsoever but still likes to think of themselves as the centre of the world, who in actuality, is nothing more than delusional brats.

And because of that reason, I am sure, he wouldn't assign his precious daughter to be a maid to Lykus, someone who can be considered the epitome of delusional.

At least, this was the case with former Lykus.

Now on to the revenge part...

"So, My Maid~."

I spoke softly and immediately turned towards Ella, gaping at her dubious reaction.

What I saw was quite satisfactory.

Just mere words were enough to stiffen her body and for her eyes too wide open.

'She sure has a good control.'

...Why do I praise her?

Because I can sense an urge, gnashing her to chomp on her lips and dug her nails in her own flesh.

I was impressed with the resistance she showed, keeping her behaviour in check.

Now, the question is, why did it cause such a strong reaction?

The answer to that is quite simple.


Since childhood, she has been through a lot to develop such a twisted personality, and because of such trauma, she doesn't like to be referred to as 'My'.

What happens if someone refers to her as 'My'?

Well... in most cases, it's instant death.

Then, why the fuck did I do that???

Because I know she won't kill me, or should I say she can't kill me!

...That is true for now.

Now, you know why I referred to her as 'My'.

I just wanted to irk her.

'That's a nice expression. I want to see it more~.'

I was being childish, but I really wanted to be true to my desire, which can only be fulfilled by enraging her.

"My Maid~ What happened? You haven't answered to your Master's call. Aren't you quite defiant?!"

Hearing my voice, she returned to her senses and immediately turned her face towards me, for a brief moment, murderous intent was evident in her eyes.

And just a few moments later, I heard a notification.


[Ella Ross's Favourability decreased by 5.]

'Welp... that's quite unfortunate~.'

I thought with a smirk.

I wasn't really worried about her drop in Favourability.


It's just that I didn't care about the favourability of a crazy bitch.

If she doesn't have a favourable impression of me, then it's her problem. I won't bootlick her just to increase her favourability that doesn't even provide me with anything.

Maybe, in the future, she might be a great asset to me— if I were to increase her favourability high enough for her to fall for me.

...Then I will have my own assassin.

However, there's a problem with that. Knowing her crazy personality, I can say...

'She is definitely the yandere type.'

And I don't want a yandere after me, who can kill me just because I conversed with another girl, making her jealous.

After all, only those people can handle a yandere, who possess a higher strength level than their said yandere lover.

And that is something, I don't yet possess.

So, for now, all I need to do is pay attention to her favourability, for it to not drop so low, that it becomes a threat to my life.

'Anyway, I should check her potential and status window.'

I thought and muttered status under my breath.

[Checking the Status Window and Potential of the Character— Ella Ross.]


Name: Ella Ross

Title: Demise, The Daughter Of Nightshade, The Possessor of Ishnew, The Other Half Of Assassin Duo, The One Who Enjoys The Misery, Two-Faced.

Age: 24

Rank: B

Class: Assassin


Strength: 53 (C) / Potential C

Agility: 64 (B) / Potential A

Stamina: 47 (C) / Potential B

Endurance: 21 (D) / Potential D

Magic: 37 (D) / Potential D

Magic Resistance: 15 (E) / Potential E

[Special stats]

Luck: 42 (C) / Potential C

Charm: 51 (C) / Potential B

[Skills: {Tap to view}]

[Traits: {Tap To view}]

[Equipment: {Tap To view}]

[Favourablity: -15]

[Loyalty: 0]


'B-rank? Well, it does make sense for her to be a B-rank at this point. The story has yet to start and she can reach her max A-rank potential in the future.'

And from her stats, she can be considered one of the best B-rank potentials in the entire continent of Streha and not just Krazikta.

Other than her A-rank potential in Agility, she possessed a B-rank potential in Stamina and even Charm, which was considered a special trait.

Even achieving a single B-rank potential is already hard enough for me, and here, she possesses three high-ranked potentials, which perfectly complements her assassin class.

'Author's sure are biased.'

Well, moving on from my inner sadness, I turned my gaze toward her Titles.


That's the name she got after the massacres she performed over the years as an assassin.

After a few seconds, I shifted my gaze to the next one, just to see an interesting title.

[The Daughter Of Nightshade.]

August is the one who is referred to as Nightshade. Now that I think about it, I have yet to check his status window.

'Well, there is no need to hurry.'

After that, I moved on to the next one.

[The Possessor of Ishnew.]

Even though this is the same title that I once read in the novel, but in all honesty, I didn't really know was it meant.

Other than that everything else was pretty much self-explanatory.

But then it leaves a question. If I have read the descriptions regarding Ella's status screen and know about her titles, then doesn't it mean that I should also be aware of Austin's title?

And if that really is the case, why the fuck was I surprised when I saw his [The Leader Of The Gaints] title?

Well, I didn't know about his titles because his status window was never described in the novel, at least to the point that I have read.

The reason for that might be because of him being just a side character that didn't add much to the story, or...

'He might be a hidden boss for the upcoming story.'