

That was what I felt when a figure appeared before me, while I was in the middle of the foyer alongside Ella, who was busy keeping her facade.

The figure was none other than... Alishia.

And looking at the direction she was coming from, I can't help but smile.

'Everything is going better than I expected.'

It wasn't hard to comprehend what had transpired.

Thinking that I can't help but snicker inwardly.

If it continued this way, there won't be any problems with my plans, to make them oppose each other.

At least there shouldn't be but...

'Everything can't go the way it is planned.'

And that's what happened...


New Quest Assigned: The Trust Of A Sibling.

Assigned By— Zaldaar Equivalence.

Description: Alisha and Calvin. Two important characters of the novel [The Last Of Legends] and the siblings of Lykus. The relationship between the host and his siblings is in shambles, there is neither trust nor loyalty. The host needs to make a choice and gain the trust of one of the individuals.

Requirements to complete the Quest: Increase the Loyalty of one of the siblings up to 40.

Limitation: The host can increase the Loyalty of only one of the siblings.

— The information related to Quest can't be disclosed.

Reward: 5 Points will be allocated that can be used on stats or to level up Authority.

Additional Reward: Can only be gained, if the requirements of the quests are exceeded by a significant margin.

Time limit: No Time limit. However, the quality of the reward may deteriorate with time.

{Note: Another Quest can't be assigned before the completion of the quest.}


A new quest was assigned to me.

The Title of the quest [The Trust of A Sibling] was quite incorrect in my opinion.


Cause, it was not about the trust, it was about the choice. The Quest was basically asking me to choose between my siblings— The one I want to see in the future by my side, which will automatically result in the other one being in the opposition.

'Zaaldar. You vicious cunt.'

I wasn't cursing him, contrary to it. I was praising him, a praise directed at the entity responsible for my misery.

And for the misery, I had to face in the future.

But even then I can't help but admire that scheming bastard.

'That fucker, sure is enjoying it.'

Now, even without knowing him, I have got a glimpse of his personality and maybe the reason why I got reincarnated...

A simple reason...



What do I mean?

Simply put, I might be just a source of entertainment for him. Nothing more than a player, who is putting his life on the line and playing a game of Survival, just for his sake of entertainment.

'If my guess is correct and... that's what you really want. Then, do not worry, I will provide you with entertainment beyond belief... a game, you have never seen before, a game of life and death, Trust and Betrayal..... Hahahahah~.'


A notification rang in my head.

[Zaldaar is impressed by the amount of courage displayed by the host.]

[Zaldaar has sent a message to the host: You Wish...{Mocking Imoji}]

'Bastard! Is he mocking me..? ....Ain't he just a petty bastard for a higher being?'


[The host has completed a hidden quest.]

Another notification rang in my head and a screen appeared before me.


Hidden Quest Completed: The Mystery Behind The Reincarnation [1]

Description: The sudden reincarnation of the host into the body of Lykus Ulfred, gave birth to a lot of questions as well as suspicion. The questions were directed at the fundamentals of How? Why? and Who?

Requirements to complete the quest: Uncover one of the reasons for the mystery of the host's abrupt reincarnation.

Limitation: Completion of the quest without the use of Authority.

—The Information related to the quest can't be disclosed.

Reward: The Ring Of Fate [Rank-A]



There was something odd when I read the title of the quest.

Something that caught my eye.

'Huh? Why is there an [1] at the end of the quest title?'

But it didn't take long for me to realise its purpose after I continued to read through the description until I finally gazed at the 'Requirements to complete the quest.'

There it was clearly stated— Uncover one of the reasons behind your reincarnation.

'One of the reasons.'

Which implies that entertainment is not the entirety but one of the factors, responsible for my reincarnation.

'Hmmm? The Ring Of Fate? An A-rank artefact.'

Eventually, I looked at the reward that I got.

It would be a lie if I say I wasn't feeling ecstatic since I got an A-rank artefact without the need to do something.

It was almost as if it was free, a present by the god.


I laughed hysterically.

What can I do? Other than laugh, at the misery of those people who risked their life in dungeons just to obtain some D-rank trash. And here I got an A-rank artefact just to solve a stupid riddle.

Not that I hate it...

If anything I love it, this is how I want it to be....


While I was busy laughing like a crazed person, Alishia stood a couple of metres away from me, glancing at my side profile, before I started to move and walk in the direction of the Training Ground.

Even though a lot of stuff was going on inside me and I was busy trying to appear edgy in front of Zaaldar. But in actuality, I was completely aware of my surroundings and the things happening around me.

And on the surface, from the beginning to the end of my inner monologue, I looked like my usual self with no change whatsoever.

Perks of being an experienced individual.

"Lykus, wait!"

Alishia who was now at a considerable distance from me, called out my name as if she has a piece to say.

I too stopped in my tracks as this was something I expected to happen after the tutorial quest [The Fate Of The Villain] was completed which means she finally let go of her suspicions.

When did it got completed?

Just the moment of our encounter, the quest was completed.

I can understand why it got completed now of all times.

...And having a conversation with Alishia is in my best interest.


Well, because of the new quest.

Because I need to make a choice.

And in truth, it's not even a choice.

From the very start, I could only bet my chip on Alsihia.

After all, she is a future S-rank, if not the SS-rank.

And I can gain a lot, just from her being on my side.

Compared to her, Calvin was a speck of dust who didn't have much to offer.

On the other hand, he would cause me a lot of trouble and bring me the terror of an S-rank catastrophe, by making Alisha my opposition just by being on my side.

And to be completely honest, from the traits he has shown thus far, he seems to be a future villain of the novel whose doom is imminent, and being on his side, would mean it's the end for me too.

And even if I leave all those factors aside, even without those complications, he didn't mean much even with his strategic brain.

After all, even Alisha possesses quite a high intelligence as well as the mind to play dirty politics.

'She really is the ideal ally for me.'

And knowing all these, I can't find a reason to choose Calvin.