Choice [2]

"...What is it, Alishia?" I asked Alishia who sat before me, on a couch.

We had changed our location to a more private place, a VIP room. Of course, it belongs to me.

How did we end up here?

Well, It happened after she said: 'We need to talk' with a stoic look. 

Yes. That's all she said.

And since I too wanted to have a talk, I agreed with an 'alright.'

Resulting, in our current situation.

Besides me and Alishia there were two other people, in the room.

One was Ella, while the other was Agatha.

Both of them stood behind their respective masters. 

"I wanted to have a talk regarding Calvin."  Alishia started the conversation and wasted no time, getting straight into the important subject. She was looking straight at me to perceive a reaction.

'I see what she is on about.'

Even without her mentioning this, I could tell her purpose, the moment she called out my name.

"Hmmm. Continue, I am listening." I said nonchalantly.

But just after I said that I grasped a sudden change in her expression.

It was very slight, a difference that could easily go unnoticed if one wasn't paying close attention.

The change she had was one of surprise.

Something she knew but didn't believe.

'Agatha must have informed her about the change I had in the past few weeks and the things I was doing.'

She knows what I did and where I went.

And also about the sudden change in my personality.

She heard it all.

But even though she heard it from a close confidant, it was not something she could easily believe, it wasn't her fault that she couldn't. After all, I was considered trash for the longest time of my life, I would be surprised if she accepted it instantly.

Even though we hadn't had many interactions since childhood, she had heard a lot of rumours surrounding me,

And they were never portrayed in good light...

"You must have heard all the rumours surrounding Calvin these days. Don't you?" She asked calmly, her expression changed to normal.

'Well, that's how she is.'

"... I have."

A simple response that she expected.

"Then don't you think it's right time, right time to-"

"Attack, and weaken his standing." I cut her off and completed her sentence to which she simply nodded, while at the same time I picked a cup of coffee from the table in front and took a sip.

But the reaction she had wasn't what one would expect from someone having an intelligent partner, and instead of rejoicing, her mood declined.

'She realised, didn't she?'

I chuckled internally, looking at her sudden change of expression.

What did she realise?

...That I can't be manipulated, or used, the way she wanted.

Her initial plan was to use me as a pawn in her plans. But, with just a single sentence, all her plans crumbled.

'She knows, I ain't the fool that people say.'

"Isn't that what you want?" I asked again while sipping some coffee.

"Yes. That's what I want." She didn't hide anything and admitted it openly.

"And what do I get from joining your side?" I inquired.

"Hmm? Don't you understand? ...Wouldn't it be easier if we joined hands? That way, it will be easy to stand against Calvin." 

"That is true.... but what it is in for me? I have nothing to gain from that, Why would I join hands with you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hearing my question, she contemplated, before she smiled.

"You have to, don't you? You fought with Calvin not long ago, and the way you behaved towards him was disrespectful. So, sooner or later, he would retaliate against you. Wouldn't it be better if you attacked him first?"

"But does he have time?" I asked while keeping the cup on the table, just to add some impact.

"For what?" she asked.

"Stop acting oblivious. You understand what I mean." I proclaimed calmly.

"...No. He doesn't." she stated.

An obvious statement.

He doesn't have time to do anything against me. He is already busy enough to keep his position safe.

"But, won't he retaliate in a few months after he regains his standing? Didn't you think of that?"


"Huh?" She didn't understand what I meant.

"Father. He would be back by that time. Do you think Calvin would dare do something in front of father's eyes?" I proclaimed.

This time, She was quiet since she understood the meaning behind my words, what I said was: 'Father would keep me safe'. This is true, he would interfere if Calvin tried to do something big. 

Unlike her, Father favours me a lot even though I was said to be trash. For him, I am worth a lot more than Alishia; the reason for the demise of his beloved. There's no doubt that he would not stand idly if Calvin openly did something against me.

"Now, that we are clear on that. Let's start again. What can I get to join sides with you." This time, I said it while emphasizing my last words, seemingly putting pressure on the other party.

But even with that, Alishia looked undeterred.

Observing that, I couldn't help but look at Agatha, who was standing behind Alishia with a blank expression.

'She really did a good job.'

I thought before turning my gaze back on Alishia.

She thought for a couple of seconds, and was about to say something until I impeded and said:

"Before you begin, I will state one thing clearly. You have only one chance to offer something, and if it isn't satisfactory enough, I will leave without a second thought." 

I announced, took a breath and continued:

"Even you must know what situation you are in, joining you means I am standing against Calvin, who is currently the one in power, and even before that, he is the rightful heir of Clan Ulfred; Someone who will take the position of the leader. So make an offer wisely."

After I said my piece, I looked at Alishia, just to find her in deep contemplation.

What I said was more than fair. If she wanted me, she needed to satisfy me, and offer something reasonable for me to stay by her side.

...Otherwise, I would leave.

And that was not a threat, I really would. The statement is true for now at least.

Now, the question is, why was I doing it in the first place, didn't I already choose Alishia to be the one on my side?

Well, I did.

But that didn't mean that I would become a toy in her hand and would act the way she wanted.

If I hadn't asked anything, and just went on with her plans, she would have left no chance to make use of me, treating me like a puppet.

But now she knows, dhe can't control me, nor am I stupid enough to fall for her tricks.

What I wanted to create... was value, I wanted her to realise how important I was for her plans, and my choice to join her.

That way, she won't make shitty schemes regarding me.

This was the best way to prove my importance and the worth I possess.

"I will offer you...."

Edited By: WorthyAdversary