
"So, How do you feel about this?" Alsihia questioned, looking straight, deep into my eyes with a stoic look.

No expression was evident on her face.

Even I couldn't guess what was on her mind, even though she had just finished narrating her plan to take down Calvin.

...I listened through all of that, and came to know one thing.

'Even a 5-year-old can't be underestimated in a novel, even more so when it's a fantasy world.'

Who knows, maybe a child in diapers might become the reason for your demise.

Sounds childish, right? It does. But apparently it became my harsh reality.

And something I learned of just now.

It was not that I wasn't aware of it. I knew it from the beginning.

But... unconsciously I over looked this fact and took it as a joke; something that won't happen.

Something absurd.

It wasn't totally my fault, the world feels fucking real, the people around me feel alive and breathing, no different from earth.

Absolute no damn difference.

Making me forgot such an important point. However, I was glad that I realised it before anything happened, before I showed an ounce of tardiness, just cause I was flabbergasted after listening to the plan of a 15-year-old girl, which was more complex and sinister than the ones performed by terrorists and/or even by the government.

It was hard to comprehend how a 15-year-old girl could plan something so... impeccable.

'Well, she is one of the main characters.'

That's the only justification I can think of. 

...Not really, there is another one.

Something widespread, that one can discover, if he/she has read enough novels, and it was also something I came to realise when I was scrolling through the comment section of [The Last  Of Legends].

—Hellbent69: Stupid motherfucking author, writing trash just to rack in a few bucks, I am truly disappointed in this site, exhibiting works of such trash authors.

The comment was made two years back, the time when the book had yet to be complete and the author was getting hate for writing some dumb shit, according to the reader's perspective.

—Bigdick666: What happened, mate? Chill out! Why are you so agitated? This work is so good and well written. The author even won the Zetli award.

And that's how the wildfire spread.

—Hellbent69: @Bigdick666, And what is that supposed to do? I admit, this story was good halfway through, but now he is ruining all the build-up he created. And I wasted my whole weekend reading this shit, just to get frustrated in the end reading some shitty scenes he wrote of how a 10-year-old can beat the shit out of a veteran knight? How the fuck can you justify something illogical like that? And it's just one of that.

—Fillmeupdaddy12: @Hellbent69, This is not the first time he did something like that, even in the past, he wrote teenage characters who were better in politics than a veteran old fox. 

—Cassandraisnotreallyabitch1: @Hellbent69, What were you expecting bro? It's a fucking fantasy novel.

—Deeznuts25: @Fillmeupdaddy12, You came to the wrong novel bub, its genre is fantasy, not realism.

—RockingPP42: @Hellbent69, I feel you bruh, I felt the same after I read through the latest chapters.

—Iwantitbig28: Yeah, And if that wasn't enough, he even had to make it a shitty harem.

—Saggyjuicer99: @Iwantitbig28, The fuck are you reading bruh? Are we even talking about the same novel?

—Nocando37: @Saggyjuicer99, He ain't entirely wrong. Certain female characters have feelings for the protag.

—Mydaddyleftmeat5: @Nocando37, Well, there are a lot of dickheads who like to read a harem.

—Milkytities91: @Mydaddyleftmeat5, Did your dad leave to buy milk? {laughing emoji}

—Youaresmall86: @Milkytities91, Bad joke warning.

—PussyGoods45: @AngelKilo88, What's wrong with a harem? Isn't that something youngsters like to read?

—AngelKilo88: @PussyGoods45, What youngsters? Aren't they just moronic fucking losers, who can't land a girl and like to fap their dicks on a bunch of words?

—LoliconOnichan11: @AngelKilo88, Get the fuck out if you just want to spread hate. If you fuckers don't like to read harem, why the fuck did you click to read it? The author has already specified it in his tags and even made a post that he would make it a long-term harem.

—Iloveoppai09: Does anyone know? Why did the author grant Agatha such an op cheat?

—Hellbent69: @Iloveoppai09, How the fuck would I know what that shitty author is thinking? He hasn't explained the reasoning behind any of that.

—Agatha'sboobsarebig3: @Iloveoppai09, You can buy privileged if you want to read the latest chapters. He kinda explained that, and you will get an idea as to why he did that. And personally. I really love Agatha. She looks cold on the outside, but in reality, she is such a sweetheart.

—Iloveoppai09: Agatha'sboobsarebig3: Even though I love this story, I can't spend money to buy premium. I am just too damn poor. {Sad emoji}

—Sizedoesn'tmatter2: @Iloveoppai09, I feel you, bro.

—PPneedstobebig: @Sizedoesn'tmatter2, Actually, size does matter. 

—CasanovaGuns34: @Agatha'sboobsarebig3, a simp has been spotted. 

—Kathrynbestgirl29: I simp for Kathryn, she is the best. All hail Kathryn.

—LoliconOnichan11: @Kathrynbestgirl29, What are you talking about? Kiara, is the best girl.

—Kathrynbestgirl29: But, she is freaking 13!

—LoliconOnichan11: Isn't that the best part? {Evil emoji}

—Kathrynbestgirl29: @LoliconOnichan11, Arghhhh!  A pedophile has been spotted, I need to report it. Hello CBI.

—Wantasuasage32: Hey, can anyone spoil me on why Cassandra started to act nice towards Alishia?

—Deeznuts25: When did that happen?

—Wantasuasage32: Were you asleep reading this?

—Deeznuts25: I was fapping Deez nuts. He he he he!

—Curiouspussy20: Hey! Hey! Hey! Why does Vivian have two classes? Is she an ally or an antagonist? Why is she so creepy even though her illustrations are beautiful? And why the fuck can't I find her information on the wiki?

—Wantasuasage32: Deeznuts25, {Mommy I am scared} GIF.

—Punkasbitch2: @Wantasuasage32, Do you really want a spoiler?

—Wantasuasage32: @Punkasbitch2, Not really.

—Curiouspussy20: Hey why are you guys ignoring me? At least tell me, how the class system works.

—Punkasbitch2: @Curiouspussy20, Alright my guy, I will explain it for you. Basically, there are 4 different categories when it comes to classes— Common, Unique, Special, and Broken. I think you are smart enough to understand that.

—Curiouspussy20: @Punkasbitch2, Not that one you smartass, what I meant was how you categorise a class?

—Punkasbitch2: @Curiouspussy20, As in division? Like a warrior, support...?

—Curiouspussy20: @Punkasbitch2, yeah, that one.

—Punkasbitch2: @Curiouspussy20, Well, to be honest, I don't know much about them. They aren't categorized in a section nor did the author explain how it works, but after reading through all those chapters, I came to a basic understanding as to how it works.

—Curiouspussy20: Do tell me, your highness, {Hailing} GIF.

—Punkasbitch2: @Curiouspussy20, Alright. So, there might be 5 to 6 divisions, but I can only divide it into 4, which are Practical, Support, Unknown, and finally, Impractical. And they also have their sub-divisions. Truly complicated shit.

—Curiouspussy20: @Punkasbitch2, Alright thanks, man.

—KarimOppahasbigD23: @LoliconOnichan11, Don't pay attention to those fools, they just know how to spread hate and talk like they know real shit. 

—Degenerate6969: @KarimOppahasbigD23, You talk big as if you know shit, isn't the story just getting trash at this point, why make it a big deal if we point it out?

—KarimOppahasbigD23: @Degenerate6969, Even if it is getting trash, do you even have a right to say it's trash when you came here after reading it on a pirated site?

—Degenerate6969: @KarimOppahasbigD23, What if I did? Do you think this trash of a story deserves my money?

—Ijerkeveryday02: Chill out guys, no need to make such a ruckus, the author even made a clarification post justifying his actions. Wait a minute, I will add it to the comments for you all to see. Here's the post...


Hey, my dear readers, AlpachinoKris here, I know many of...

Edited By: WorthyAdversary