Plan [2]


Hey, My dear readers, AlpachinoKris here. I know many of you are disappointed in the recent plot progression.

First of all, I want to make it clear that I won't make excuses regarding the illogical choices that I made about certain characters and their character growth, whether it was providing some cheat or op item… or if it was related to the class or skill a character possessed.

I know, I fucked up the story just for a few more bucks, resulting in a lot of mess.

However, in the next arc, I will try to undo my wrongdoings and I'll try to provide reasonable explanations behind my choices. There won't be any complications since I have already planned it out.

Lastly, To the haters, I know most of you used to like the story at some point in time and are now disappointed in me. But that doesn't give you the right to curse. And if you really feel the story is shit, then, do not read it. If you are still going to read it, "DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY."


That was the Author's post.

'Do Not Take This Seriously' was how he ended his segment.

However, instead of acting as relief, this post became the flare, the reason for the agitation of the readers.


First of all, novels are aspects which are engrossing by nature. And readers can easily get captivated while reading them, especially when we talk about the fantasy genre.

And secondly, most of the individuals who read fantasy novels are people who either want to explore the world but don't have the means to, or they just want to escape their harsh reality while reading it.

The author, without knowing it, hurt the sentiments of many readers, ensuing another round of chaos in the said comment section.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Alsihia asked as I had yet to utter a single word.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of the plan." I spoke plainly.

"Hmmm. Then what did you think of it?"

"What else is there to say, it's a sinister strategy." I proclaimed with a smile.

"It is." 

She too didn't refute my proclamation, it was a hard truth everyone was aware of.

...The plan might cost Calvin's life.

But does that even matter?

Wouldn't it be better if he just died?

It would be.

'Let's hope he dies.... or maybe not.'

Calvin's death may lead to the occurrence of many new variables which might change the course of the story.

But what of it?

....Aren't I the biggest variable???

'It's better for him to die... than to be a blockage in my way.'

Thinking that I couldn't help but grin, showing a sadistic smile, which was practically a trademark at this point.

"So when are we gonna execute the plan?" I asked while folding my hands.

"In 7 days."

"...Why so?"

"No particular reason."


I didn't know what to utter.

But there was something clear...

'She certainly has a reason.'

I was sure of that.

"Alright, If you say so..."

But even if she had a reason, there was no need for me to meddle in her affairs, it was unrelated to me and I had no use for such information.

For now, I have more important things I needed to tend to.

"Now, onto our EXCHANGE." 

Putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'Exchange', I stretched out my hands, asking her for the agreed price.


Alisha immediately took off the Pendant and the Earrings and passed them on to me.

I looked at both the items with a grin on my face.

I sure was pleased with what I got.


Back in my room.

I was rubbing my hands, not because it was cold, but because I was excited to look at the rewards I got after completing the tutorial quest.

[ Tutorial Quest Completed: The Fate Of A Villain ]

[ Reward for completion: 5 Points are allocated, which can be used to raise stats or to increase the User's Authority level. ]

[ Additional Reward Available. ]

[ Do you wish to open the Additional Reward— Yes/No ]

Without thinking much, I clicked on Yes, just for a blue-cloured window to pop up in front of me.


The Reincarnator's Privilege [A-rank]

• —The Blessing For The Otherworlder— •

Description: A special privilege bestowed in the form of a blessing on the otherworlder; A being of the other world.

— A privilege created with the Authority of Zaaldar. 

Functions Available—[2]

— [The Aspect Of The Reader] ° Grants the ability to have a glimpse of the background setting of a character.

° The ability consumes 15 magic per activation.

° 48 hours cooldown is required after each activation.

— [Impression Of A Villain] ° Makes an impactful and favourable impression of the host when confronting a character in the novel. 

° Passively increases the Favourability of a character by 5.

{Note: The Reincarnator's Privilege is not a skill, but a blessing bestowed on the host and for that reason — A special slot [Blessing] is created for the host to organize his Status Window.}


"Zaaldar sure is investing a lot in me, isn't he?"

I thought after I glanced over my additional reward, which was, as the description suggested, a blessing bestowed on me.

"He must be expecting a lot from me."

...And that was how the difficulty increased.

Now, I even got a special slot.


"Well, it's not just me, there are other few who were bestowed by a blessing in the novel, creating a new slot for them."

It was not something common for one to be bestowed a blessing.

But I certainly wasn't the only one who was endowed with a blessing.

"Since we are on this, let's check what other rewards I got."

Thinking that I immediately looked at [The Ring Of Fate] which I had already worn.


The Ring Of Fate. [Rank- A] 

Description: As the name suggests, it's a ring of fate, an artefact left by Azgar, The Emperor Of Fallen, after his demise caused by Reinfaal, The Arbitrator Of Gregory.

— The ring was initially an S-rank artefact, however, the rank has been degraded due to @#$%&.

Functions Available— [3]

— [The opportunist's Luck] • Increases the chance of landing on an opportunity by 7℅. 

— [The Thread Of Fate] • Increases the chance to encounter a Unique character in the upcoming story by 4℅. 

— Increases Luck stat by 3 when equipped.



That name was the first thing which intrigued my senses after I looked at my said prize.

It was not just the name, but the title attached to him— [The Emperor Of Fallen], which was basically screaming of him having a connection with Vikar— The Fallen.

It was not just guesswork, because I could feel that [Intuitive] was passively acting, trying to solidify my assumptions.

I wasn't particularly intrigued by the name Reinafaal, as I had no inklings about who he was or what significance he possessed.

But I had to say, his title [The Arbitrator Of Gregory] was surely not something I could make light of.


Author Note — Hey, Author here, I am writing this here as I was not sure how many people would read this in the author's thought.

It's not important, just wanted to say that the pace might seem a bit slow, but well, it is that way cause I want to set everything up, as, after 50 or so chapters, a shit ton of things will happen that u guys won't be able to cope with if I didn't give a broad setting. So yeah.

And, about update stability— I am trying! Well, I can't make promises, but I will try my hardest to provide at least 7 chaps a week, doesn't matter if it's daily or if I am posting it on a single day.

Lastly, I am making a discord server, you can join if you wish to see illustration art or just want to talk about the course of the story. I will post the link in some time.