Discovery in the Dungeon

Tareth, Eric, James, Asfi, and I marched down the spiraling stairs to the Hatf Dungeon. As we make our descent, I reminisced the moment when I got out of the dungeon for the first time and got a breath of fresh air in this parallel world. As we reached the depths, we walked to the area where there was a holy pillar.

I spotted several adventurers and knights. Those who excelled in the arts of sorcery constructed fortifications from magical barriers by planting magus rods in the ground while knights patrolled the area.

While we trotted to the deeper parts of the dungeon, the knight captain told us the situation as of now.

"Ever since the battle against Lady Tarte, hundreds of tasks still awaited to be finished. One of them was the looming threat of the Hatfa. Even though it won't come to the surface because its summoner—the Vector—was dead, we still feared of what it would do."