Heating Discussion

In Verigold's office we sat, facing the Man of Gold himself. Me as Goldwin and Asfi as Lena, our disguise as a noble trader was believed right away. Our sound and promising prospect conversation managed to fool him into believing that I was, in fact, an actual businessman. But that was only the opening session, a part where we fortify our masks.

Now, upon me touching the topic of three years ago, Duke Verigold's hospitality began to fade. I didn't even ask a specific question, yet the aura around him changed drastically I could feel it writhing on my wrists. His eyes sharply gazed at mine, and then slowly rolling to Tia's before finally softened up. He seemed to know what we're going to inquire of him. He's already cautious of this coming.

But one thing was certain. He was yet to know who we are.

With that, our conversation continued with my lips on the initiative.

"Your Lordship… Was it true that three years ago, there was some accident here in Avaros?"