Chapter 10: South Sanity Forest

Loubouton: Haha! This team is perfect!

Currently, at 12:43pm, Jahruno is driving on the interstate.


Jahruno calls Warui.


Warui: Hello?

Jahruno: Yoo, I'm on my way. Benbow Crescent, right?

Warui: Yeah, but we need to make a stop first. Benbow isn't easy to get into, you know.

Jahruno: That's alright. Where are we going?

Warui: First, we need to meet at the front of "South Sanity Forest".

Jahruno: That place? You sure?

Warui: Who's the trainer here?

Jahruno: *Sigh* You...

Warui: Trust me, I know what's going on.

Jahruno: You're the boss. What do we do from there?

Warui: Go through it, of course. From there, I'll give additional instructions.

Jahruno: Sounds good. I should be there in a couple of hours.

Warui: Alright. I'll catch you later.

Jahruno: See ya.


The phone hangs up.

Jahruno: Oh, boy...

At this very moment, Felisha wails on a punching bag in Rocky's boxing gym.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

Felisha rapidly strikes the bag with a mixture of punches and kicks. She goes so fast that she ends up steaming. On the other side of the room are a big group of guys staring at her.

Felisha: Hah! Hah! Hah!

Guy #1: She's been going for at least 30 minutes now... Nanjo, weren't you looking for some competition?

The brown skinned guy named "Nanjo" with messy black and blue hair stepped up beside the guy.

Nanjo: She's perfect!

Guy #2: Wait, he can't fight a girl!

Nanjo: Don't try to downplay her skills because she's a girl. You think that's why I want to fight her? I see her as a warrior just like myself. Women can be just as strong as us. *Laughs* And I know for damn sure you guys would piss yourselves if she ran towards you!

Guy #2: Whatever you say, bro.

Nanjo: Yo!

Nanjo walks up to Felisha as she continues her squabble with the punching bag.

Nanjo: Hey, those guys over there said they could beat your ass!


Still steaming, Felisha comes to a stop and turns her head towards the guys.

Felisha: Is that so?

Nanjo: Yup! That guy in the middle wants to get in the ring first.

Guy #2: Wait, why is he pointing at me?

Guy #1: He's trying to make us fight her!

Felisha turns around and walks inside the ring.

Felisha: Don't run now! Come on!

Nanjo: You heard her!

Guy #2: Aw... Man...

Guy #2 Slowly steps in the ring with Felisha.


Nanjo sounds the bell.


Felisha instantaneously leaps towards the guy.

Guy #2: Wait! Wa-


She socked him straight into the wall.

Felisha: That ain't enough! I need to beat all of you guys up!

A random man in the crowd pissed himself and ran away.

Nanjo: Ha! I called it!

The group trembled at the sight of Felisha as her orange aura began to erupt.

Felisha: Either you guys get in this ring or I'm coming after you!

Guy #3: Uhh...

Guy #1: L-Listen, everyone! Uh... Look! She's already coming after us so I say we all go in there at once!

Guy #4: We're just gonna jump some random girl?

Guy #1: Yes!

Guy #4: Okay, let's go!

The whole group of people charge at Felisha, hopping in the ring one by one.

Nanjo (Thinking): This'll teach those guys for not recognizing a warrior when they see one.

Three men run up to Felisha and she jumps up.

*Spin!* *KICK!* x3

Whilst in the air, she knocked all of the 3 men away.


Felisha tilted her head back as another person missed their punch.


She quickly pummels the person to the floor.


Another man got his balls kicked.

Guy #5: *Squeals* Aww... I just got waxed too...


He plops down.

A huge group of people were about to pile up on Felisha.

Felisha: That shit's not gonna work!

*WHAM!* x388

Felisha unloads a massive amount of punches on everyone in her vicinity.


Everyone gets knocked out of the ring.


Nanjo released a blue aura and tried to punch Felisha from behind.


She turned around for a split second and dodged just in time.


Felisha spun and attempted to strike Nanjo but he shifted his neck to the right and avoided the punch.


Nanjo attempted to hook her. Luckily she weaved her head back.


Felisha headbutted him directly in the middle of his forehead.


He responded back with an uppercut right to her chin.


Her comeback was a right kick to his ribs.


Nanjo precisely kicked her temple.

*BOOM!* 500x

They continued trading blows at a high velocity. Their auras spread throughout the whole room.

Nanjo: You know you can't keep up with me, right!?

Felisha: We'll see!

Punch after punch and kick after kick, they still managed to stay on their feet.




Felisha and Nanjo striked each other at the exact same moment. Felisha had her fist in his head whilst his fist was in her gut.


They both fell down on their backs, exhausted and breathing heavily.

Nanjo: Phew! Guess I met my match.

Felisha: Same here.

Nanjo: *Chuckles* I didn't think we'd both go down.

Felisha: Hehe, my body just gave out. First time somebody gave me a run for my money in a while.

Nanjo: You can say that again.

Both of them stood back up.

Felisha: Say, what's your name?

Nanjo: Read the word next to this sentence.

Felisha: I'm not gonna break the fourth wall, dude.

Nanjo: *Rolls eyes* Fineee. I go by Nanjo. What's yours?

Felisha: I'm Felisha.

Nanjo: You know, that's my training partner's name.

Felisha: Really? Who's your training partner?

Nanjo: You!

Felisha: M-Me!?

Nanjo: Sure. Why not? We're each other's only competition so we can help each other get stronger!

Felisha: You know what? I like that idea! Let's do this shit, Nanjo!


Nanjo: It's a deal!


Jahruno pulls his car up to the front of the forest. He gets out and walks over to Warui who's standing up.

Warui: Jahruno, long time no see!

Jahruno: Yo! How's everything been?

Warui: Nothing much, just getting old. Anyways, let's get going.

Jahruno: Alright.

The pair finally enter deep into the forest.

Jahruno: So, this is South Sanity Forest, huh? These trees are big as hell.

Warui: Yeah, no kidding.

Jahruno: Where are we going, man?

Warui: Some place that owns Benbow Crescent. We have to go through them before we can train on the island.

Jahruno: I still don't understand why you had me come all the way down here just to train.

Warui: Between you and me, I don't know either.

Jahruno: What do you mean you don't know?

Warui: I just don't know. First, these guys suggested you get the special test, which involved you fighting all those people at the basketball court. Now, these guys want you to go down here for special training.

Jahruno: And they haven't told you why?

Warui: Not at all.


A snake strolls by in front of them. Warui picks it up.


Warui took a bite out of the snake.

Jahruno: What the hell???

Warui: *Spit* Eugh. Tastes like shit.

Jahruno: Probably because you ate a fucking snake!

Warui: I've had better snakes in the past.

Jahruno: You just go around eating snakes???

Warui: Believe the hype.

Jahruno: Hell no!

They continue walking through the forest.


Jahruno: What was that?

Warui: It came from over there, let's check it out.

Both of them slowly approach the source of the noise. They crouch behind a fallen tree at the sight of a massive grizzly bear wearing a red shirt.

Jahruno (Whispering): Haha, what the fuck? Is that Winnie The Pooh?

Warui (Whispering): That's hilarious. Go fight it.

Jahruno: Wait, what?

The bear heard the sound of Jahruno's voice and moved towards them.

Jahruno: Damn it...

Warui: It's part of your training now! Later.


Warui jumped on top of a nearby branch and watched from above.

Jahruno: Come on, man!

*STOMP* x3

The bear towers over Jahruno.

Warui: Just use your aura!

Jahruno: I'll try!


He attempts to activate his aura as the bear growls at him.

Warui: What's the hold-up!?


The bear obliterated the tree in front of Jahruno. He quickly evades.

Jahruno: It's not as simple as you think!


The gargantuan bear charges at Jahruno as he attempts to run.

Warui: What do you mean "it's not that simple"!?


The bear's claw crashes down on the ground in an attempt to harm Jahruno.

Jahruno: I just gotta feel a certain way! I don't know!

Warui: Alright, whatever! Just take the bear down so we can go!

Jahruno: I'll try!

He looks around for a moment and notices a beehive.

Jahruno: Hm... It's worth a shot!

He shifts his direction towards a beehive covered in honey on the branch of another tree.



Suddenly, the bear spun around at a high velocity like a spinning top. It stuck its claws out and headed towards Jahruno, destroying several trees in its way.

Jahruno: What kind of bear is this???

Warui: I've never seen anything like that. Huh, where's Jahruno going anyway?

*CRACK!* x10

More trees are broken apart as Jahruno is still being chased.

Jahruno: Almost there...

He finally reaches the tree and jumps high up to grab the sticky beehive.


Jahruno lands back on the ground and holds up the beehive to the bear's face. The grizzly bear stops and stares at the honey-filled hive.

Jahruno: That's right, Winnie. Look what I got.

He waves the beehive around in a circular motion and the bear follows with its head.

Warui: *Chuckles* Smart kid.

Jahruno: I might be stereotyping, Mr. Bear, but that's okay. All that matters is the honey...


He throws the hive high in the air. The bear stands on its hind legs and reaches for the honey, leaving it's belly wide open.

Jahruno: Right where I want you!

*BAM!* x222

A high speed barrage of punches is unleashed at the grizzly.


He winds up for one last punch.

Jahruno: GET HIM GONE!!!


Jahruno blasts the huge mammal far away.

Warui jumps back down from the tree and walks towards Jahruno.

Warui: Phew! I was not expecting anything like that!

Jahruno: Hehe, I guess I'm somewhat of an opportunist.

Warui: But you were strong enough to get him out of sight. Why didn't you just get it over with?

Jahruno: To be completely honest, I didn't know my own strength at the time.


Warui wallops the back of Jahruno's head.

Jahruno: Ah! Damn! What was that for!?

Warui: Haha! You got a lot of learning to do, young one!

Jahruno: Was the concussion necessary???

Warui: Everything is necessary, Jahruno!

Jahruno: Ughhh!

Several more minutes and they're still walking through the forest.

Jahruno: Hey, I have a question.

Warui: Yeah?

Jahruno: What made you become a trainer anyway?

Warui: I like helping people be better versions of themselves. I see the potential in everyone I meet and I can't help myself to just help them grow. It's something I'm good at.

Jahruno: I like that answer, Warui. I wanna try something like that too.

Warui: That's good for you. Remember, do your best at whatever you do.

Jahruno: *Smiles* I will. Also, how'd you get this job?

Warui: I used to train some guys about your age in the past. I was eventually scouted and I joined the association.

Jahruno: The tournament association, right?

Warui: Yes, indeed.

Jahruno squints his eyes. He notices something between the trees.

Jahruno: Hold up, what's that over there?

Warui: Where?

Jahruno: Look closer.


Warui: There it is!

Jahruno: What!?

Warui: Follow me!

Warui starts to run forward and Jahruno follows behind.

*Shhh* x4

They slow down and move past the big bushes in front of them.

Jahruno stares in surprise at the giant building several meters away from them.

Jahruno: What the hell is this place?

Warui: It's what we came here for! These are the guys that own Benbow Crescent!

Jahruno: Them???

Warui: Behold, Jahruno, Benbow Academy!

-Chapter 10 End-