Chapter 11: Benbow Academy

Warui: Behold, Jahruno, Benbow Academy!

Jahruno: Wait, these are the guys that own Benbow Crescent!?

Warui: Yeah! Come on!

Jahruno: O-Okay!

They walked through the main entrance. The first thing they saw was a beautiful interior with multiple students walking around.

Jahruno: Goddamn, this place is huge!

Warui: It's even better the second time.

Jahruno: So, what are we doing?

Warui: Not much. We just have to meet the principal so we can pick up the keys for the pontoon that'll take us to Benbow Crescent.

Jahruno: Then let's get going.

The two walk further into the school on their way to the principal's office.

Jahruno: What kind of school is this anyway?

Warui: It's actually a fighting academy. They teach all types of styles here. Hell, you name it, they teach it.

Jahruno: Sword fighting?

Warui: Yup.

Jahruno: Archery?

Warui: Yeah.

Jahruno: Spoon fighting?

Warui: The fuck is that?

Jahruno: I... I don't know, man.

Warui: *Sighs* Anyways, we shouldn't be too far from the office.


Jahruno accidentally bumps into someone walking in the opposite direction.

Jahruno: Oh, sorry about that.

He tried to continue walking before the person he bumped into grabbed his shoulder.

Jahruno: Woah, I said I was sorry!

Warui stopped walking and turned around.

Warui: What's going on?

The guy that was next to the person Jahruno bumped into spoke up.

???: Do you know who you're talking to right now!?

Jahruno: Obviously not.

Rye: Remember me?

The person Jahruno bumped into was Ricky's brother, Rye.

Jahruno: Who are you???

???: He's one of the Benbow Beasts! Respect him!

Jahruno: Oh my god, shut the fuck up.

Rye: We met at the hospital in Stonehenge. Remember? You put my brother, Ricky, in the hospital.

Jahruno: Oh yeahhh I remember now! But who are you?

Rye: YOU SO- *Pause* *Sigh* It's fine... Either way I'm still beating your ass for what you did to my bro.

Warui: Jahruno, forget these losers. We've got somewhere to be.

???: Shut it, old man!

Warui: Motherfucker, I will-

Jahruno: Don't worry, I'll handle them. You can stand back.

Jahruno hands Warui his bag and steps back to leave Jahruno and Rye open. Rye's friend walks to a certain spot near Jahruno.

Jahruno: I'll just hurry up and get you guys out of the way. Weeping Angels.

Jahruno tried to use his time stopping ability but nothing happened.

Rye: What's the matter, you little bitch?

Jahruno: Huh?

Jahruno is ticked off but nothing happens.

Rye: *Chuckles* I bet you're confused right now.

Jahruno: Uh, yeah, what the hell is going on?

Rye: Look down.

Jahruno looks down at his feet and notices the intense shadow he's standing on. Rye's friend smiles at the sight of Jahruno falling into the trap.

Rye: That's my Laughing Shadow.

Jahruno: Looks dumb. What's it do?

Rye: HA! It means you can't use your abilities for as long as I'm conscious!

Jahruno: Man, you really think I need any of my abilities to beat you? *Chuckles* I'll fuck you up so bad you'll be eating smoked shit casseroles through a medical straw, ugly bitch.

Rye: Yeah, keep talkin'. I'm still standing, bud.

Rye's Friend: Haha, yeah! What ya gonna d-


Still looking at Rye, Jahruno wallops Rye's friend with his right fist.

Jahruno: You don't get tired of that guy suckin' you off?

Rye: A little bit... I mean come on!

Jahruno: Hehe, alright.


Jahruno quickly rushes towards Rye holding his right fist up. He was within Rye's range in less than a second.


Rye's right fist clashes with Jahruno's right.

Warui (Thinking): Jahruno might actually be up against some competition...

Rye: I've been waiting to get my hands on you!

Jahruno: Sorry, I don't roll that way but I hope you can find the right man.

Rye: Shut up!


Rye tries to hit Jahruno with a left hook but he ducks down.


Jahruno quickly shifts both of his hands into position to swiftly punch both sides of Rye's ribs.

Rye: Hng!


Rye: I said I was gonna beat your ass... I'm not going down like this!


Rye punches Jahruno in his face and pushes him back. Jahruno slides on his back and hops back up.

Jahruno: Awww shit! *Laughs* I know I heard your ribs break! You can still fight?

*WOOSH!* x2

Jahruno and Rye rush and jump at each other.

*BAM!* *BOOF!*

Rye blocks Jahruno's right kick to his head.


Immediately after, Jahruno uses his left leg to kick Rye into a locker.


Jahruno ran towards Rye. Once he was close enough, Rye right kicked up on Jahruno's chin.


With his right leg still in the air, Rye kicks Jahruno in his stomach and he flies into the wall.

Rye gets back up and flies towards Jahruno. Jahruno quickly recovers, picks his fists up, and moves towards Rye.

*DOOM!* x4

Jahruno hits Rye's ribs twice, a left hook on his jaw, and a right uppercut.

*Swish!* *BAM!* x3

Rye misses a left hook and Jahruno responds with 3 alternating hooks to his face.

Rye: *Heavy breathing* I'm not... I'm not done yet!

Jahruno: Good, me neither!


Jahruno misses a straight right punch towards Rye's face as he shifts to the right.


Rye counter punched with his left and knocked him right in his nose. Right after, Rye hops off the ground.


Rye drop kicked him into the wall and Jahruno left a trail of broken wall before falling back on the ground.

Jahruno: Wow, you're actually kicking my ass! Don't bust a nut though, because I'm nowhere near finished!

Rye: Then give me your whole load! Wait...

Jahruno: What the hell, man!?

Rye: I didn't mean it like that!

Jahruno: You said it right after I mentioned busting nuts!

Rye: I would've said that any other time!

Jahruno: You go around asking guys to give you their entire load!?

Rye: Shut up!


Rye rushes over to Jahruno and they push against each other's arms.

Jahruno: Heads up.


Jahruno high right kicks Rye up on his chin and pushes him into the air.

Jahruno: Ricky's lucky I didn't hit him with this!

*POW!* x55


He unleashed his signature rapid punch for 5 seconds.

Jahruno: GET BACK!


Rye flies back into the locker and goes unconscious. Seconds later he opens his eyes back up.

Rye: Damn... I got knocked out. Wait, that means...

Right when he looks up, Jahruno's red aura shines upon him.

Jahruno: Haha, oh man... You know ya fucked up right?

Rye manages to stand up and starts to inch towards Jahruno.

Rye: I... I still have to avenge my brother...

Jahruno: We already made amends. Everything's cool so what are you avenging?

Rye: I don't care! It's the principle!

Jahruno: Guess I can't talk to you... Just don't die.

Rye: Wha-

*FWOOSH!* *BAM!* *BOOM!* *POW!* x388

With his aura coming into play, Jahruno bolted towards Rye. He punched him and sent him flying to his left. Another punch shot him to the right.


Moving back to the same direction, Jahruno flew as he released near light speed punches all over his body.

*DOOM!* x50

At this point, Jahruno is playing ping pong with himself the way he's knocking Rye all around the hallway. Warui watches as the scarlet light from Jahruno's aura covers the room.


Jahruno's finishing punch shoots Rye into the floor and he grinds through the ground, leaving a trail of broken stone.


Jahruno lands on the floor and walks as he shakes his hair. He lifts his head up and looks back at Warui.

*Pat!* x3

Jahruno smiles as he pounds his chest with his right palm.

Jahruno: He can't hold me!

Warui (Thinking): *Smiles* This guy is something else! Once he can control his aura, he'll be unstoppable!

Jahruno walks over to Rye's bloody, bruised body. He then lifts him up from his collar.

Jahruno: You had enough, little guy? I wish I could feel bad for you but you kinda deserved this.

Rye: Y-Yeah... I'm done... I guess I couldn't keep up.


Jahruno's aura goes away.

Jahruno: You've got a good ability, dude. Polish your combat skills and you'll be set.

Rye: Alright... *Smiles* Once I'm done training, I'll come back for my rematch...

Jahruno: *Smiles* I'll be waiting then. Can you walk?

Rye: Yeah...

Jahruno lets go of Rye's collar.


Rye falls straight on his back.

Rye: Hng... No...

Jahruno: *Sighs* Alright, let's take you to the clinic.

Jahruno stands him up and walks with Rye's arm around his shoulder.

Jahruno: Where is the clinic anyway?

Rye: The one on this floor is the first room on the right of the west hallway back at the lobby.

Jahruno: Alright, let's go.

A couple minutes later, they eventually reach the clinic and Jahruno sits Rye on the bed.

Jahruno: Welp, I guess this is where we part ways.

Rye: Yeah. Thanks for taking me here, you really did a number on my ribs.

Jahruno: Sorry about that...

Rye: Don't worry, you're all good. You must be going to see the principal now.

Jahruno: How'd you know??

Rye: Hehe, he's the guy that sent me after you in the first place. He wanted me to bump into you so a fight would start. Besides, after he told me who you were, it made me go even harder against you.

Jahruno: Well, shit!

Rye: *Laughs* *Sighs* Maybe Ricky was right, you're a cool dude.

Jahruno: *Smiles* Right back at you. Guess I better get going.

Rye: You're right, you still got somewhere to be.

Jahruno: It was fun getting to know you.

Rye: You too.

Jahruno walks towards the door.

Rye: Oh, one more thing!

Jahruno: What's up?

Rye: Whatever you do, do NOT laugh at the principal's name. The second you laugh, the second your journey ends.

The nurse sees Rye and rushes into the room.

Nurse: You poor thing! Sir, you have to leave! I have to treat him!

Jahruno: Wait, what's his name!?

Rye: His name is-

The nurse shoves Jahruno out of the clinic and he loses sight of Rye.

Jahruno: Hold on! Damn... Warui's probably getting impatient, let me go find him.

He makes a couple turns and ends up back to where the fight started. Warui is still standing in the same spot.

Warui: You're back. We didn't waste too much time. Let's go.

Jahruno: Alright.

Warui gives Jahruno his bag and they continue walking down the halls on their way towards the office.

Warui: Alright we're almost there, Jahruno.

Jahruno is spaced out.

Warui: Jahruno?

Jahruno: Huh!? Oh, sorry, what was that?

Warui: Are you feeling okay?

Jahruno: Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been thinking about what Rye said.

Warui: What did he say?

Jahruno: He said not to laugh at the principal's name.

Warui: Oh yeah! I remember that from the last time I was here with my former students.

Jahruno: Well, what's his name?

Warui: Hehe, I forgot...

Jahruno: Come on, man!

Warui: It's been a while!

Jahruno: Oh, man...

Warui: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Besides, how funny can one man's name really be?

Jahruno: I guess you're right.

The two finally approach the large door with big golden words that read, "Grandmaster".

Warui: This is it right here.

Jahruno: Here goes nothing...

Once they opened the door, they saw a luxurious office with a great view of Benbow Crescent through the window. In front of the window, sat an old, bearded, bald man in a divine, purple suit.

Bald Man: Warui, you've finally arrived. And I see you've brought your student as well.

Warui: It's nice seeing you again, sir.

Bald Man: Please, have a seat, everyone.

Jahruno and Warui sat in the 2 chairs in front of his desk.

Bald Man: Greetings, young one. My name is Grand Master Bates.

Warui uses every muscle in his body to keep a straight face.

Warui (Thinking): Oh shit! That WAS his name! Jahruno is screwed!

He looks over at Jahruno and he's surprised that his face is completely straight.

Jahruno: Nice to meet you. I'm-

Bates: Jahruno Bando. Yes, I am already aware of your identity.

Warui: Hold on, THAT'S your last name!?

Jahruno: Uh, yeah... What's wrong?

Warui: Hold on, do you know who Hasuke Bando is!?

Jahruno: *Smiles* Of course I do! He's my brother!

Warui: Your brother is one of the greatest fighters in the world!?

Jahruno: Yup! I'm so proud of him!

Warui: Hold on, I gotta tell the guys about this!

Jahruno: Who?

Bates: Oh, I haven't mentioned your last name up until now.

Jahruno: How come?

Bates: I wanted to get both of you together.

Warui sets up a group call between him, and #1-6 from the tournament association. The phone rings and they pick up one after another. #1 is in her bed, #2 is walking his dog, #3 cleaning his bathroom, #4 is in the gym, and #5 and #6 are cuddled up on the couch.

#4: You rang?

#1: Hello...?

#3: This isn't the best time. I think I got piss on my neck.

#2: What's up?

#5: Everything okay?

#6: Babe, who's that?

#5: It's Warui.

#6: Tell him I said hello.

#5: #6 says hello.

Warui: Tell him I said hi. But this is important. You remember the Jahruno guy that you all selected for the tournament?

#3: How could I forget? Hold on... Vick, get the fuck down!

A dog can be heard barking and running over the phone.

Warui: You alright? Who the hell is Vick?

#3: My dog! He just shit in my sink!

#2: Better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit.

#3: Kiss my ass.

Warui: Alright, we're getting off track. So that Jahruno guy... He's actually the brother of the first pick for the tournament, Hasuke Bando.

The moment Warui uttered those words, everyone went into complete shock.

#1: Seriously!?

#5: His brother!?

#6: What's the matter?

#5: You remember Jahruno?

#6: Yeah, what about him?

#5: He's Hasuke Bando's brother!

#6: No way!

#4: This is perfect! Warui, do you know what this means?

Warui: What?

#4: Since Hasuke is already famous, once we complete and release the trailer for the tournament, everyone will be waiting for the rivalry between the brothers!

Warui: You're right!

Jahruno: What's going on?

Warui: Right! I gotta go, y'all.


Warui hangs up the phone.

Warui: Sorry, sir, what were you saying?

Bates: I was saying that I wanted to get you two together. The reason we wanted Jahruno down here is because we wanted to give him special training after learning he was Hasuke's brother. And being the grandmaster, I was one of the first people that partnered with the tournament association. Not only that, I'm the reason Hasuke was selected first. When I heard about Jahruno, I thought to look at Hasuke's files for more info since I recognized his name.

Warui: Is that why you had me test him?

Bates: Indeed.

Warui: It all makes sense now.

Jahruno: Damn, I'm only here because of my brother?

Bates: Do not worry, Jahruno, you would've still been selected for the tournament, regardless.

Jahruno: I guess...

Bates: Now comes an important question, Jahruno. Your answer will determine whether or not I let you continue any further.

Jahruno: Ask away, man.

Bates: Why do you really want to win this tournament?

-Chapter 11 End-