Chapter 12: Brotherhood

Bates: Why do you want to win this tournament?

Jahruno: Excuse me?

Warui: Master, what's the meaning of this?

Bates: I asked your old students the same thing, remember?

Warui: Really?

Bates: Of course. *Chuckles* I'd expect you to remember since you're younger than me.

Warui: Hmm... You know what? I do remember now.

Jahruno: What's going on?

Bates: You see, Jahruno, training at Benbow Academy is one thing. But training at Benbow Crescent is a whole different story. The Crescent is for the real champions. So tell me, why should I allow you to train there so you can win this tournament.

Warui (Whispering): You got this, 'Runo.

Jahruno pauses and begins to talk.

Jahruno: You see, when I was first informed about the tournament, I wasn't too fond of the idea of fighting to win, yet, I knew I couldn't quit because I was thinking about what would happen if the wrong person won the tournament. But, over the past few days, my desire to win the tournament has grown dramatically.

*Jahruno and Ricky shaking hands on the bench scene*

*Him defending his gay friend, Andrew scene*

*Saving a little boy named Carl from 2 bullies scene*

*Comforting Mariya after finding out about her beast form scene*

*Saving Ymor from falling into a lake scene*

*Jahruno and Ricky at the hospital scene*

*Fighting alongside Dionte scene*

*Dealing with Felisha's loan sharks scene*

*Jahruno's horrifying dream scene*

*Solving the problem with Mariya's dad and his neighbor scene*

*Jahruno and Mariya hugging under the moon scene*

Jahruno: I've understood that I was capable of saving others and making changes around me. And when I learned about the terrible situations that my close friends were going through, I knew that I wanted to work towards ending the suffering of not just my friends, but everyone on Earth. I want to live in a world without suffering, a world where everyone is there for each other. And when I win this tournament, I can make this dream come to reality.

Warui (Thinking): *Smiles* This kid is special.

Bates: Huh, that's interesting. What you just said was nothing like what Hasuke said.

Jahruno: *Chuckles* That's my brother for you.

Bates: However, one thing is certain.

Jahruno: Yeah?

Bates: *Smiles* You've got my full support. I like your spirit, Jahruno. This world needs more people like you. So do me a favor and train your hardest so you can beat Hasuke and win this tournament.

Jahruno: You mean I can train at the Crescent?

Bates: Indeed, you can.

Jahruno: Thank you so much sir!

Bates: Hehe, my pleasure.

Jahruno: You hear that, Warui?

Warui: Hell yeah!

Bates: Language.

Warui: *Nervous smile* Oh, sorry.

Jahruno: Well, let's get going!


Bates holds up the keys to the pontoon.

Bates: Don't forget these.

Jahruno: Oh, right.

*Jingle* *Plop*

Bates tosses Jahruno the keys and Jahruno catches them.

Jahruno: Thanks!

Bates: You're welcome. Good luck on your journey.

Jahruno walks back out of the door.

Bates: You pick them well, Warui.

Warui: Heh, guess I'm just lucky.

Warui follows behind Jahruno. Soon, they arrive at the shore behind the academy. Just as expected, the pontoon is waiting for them.


Warui: What the hell!? Are you good!?

Jahruno: Master Bates!!! Are you kidding me!? That shit is hilarious!!! You have no idea how much it hurt to hold this in!

Warui: *Chuckles* You jackass.

Jahruno wipes a tear from his eye.

Jahruno: *Sigh* Oh man.

Meanwhile, Bates stares at Jahruno from the office window and smiles. "The fake name never fails" he says to himself.

In the next moment, an unknown individual in a black suit entered the office.

???: Master, how did everything go with Jahruno?

Master: Everything went perfectly. I have very high hopes for him.

???: Was he anything like Hasuke?

Master: No, not at all. They're two opposites.

???: What does that mean?

Master: Hasuke represents selfishness. On the contrary, Jahruno is a selfless person. I can tell he would be the type to drive himself near death to save others. Both personalities do have their positives and negatives. But what goes around, comes around. In Jahruno's case, if he's constantly helping others, eventually, people will be there for him.

???: What if nobody helps him, despite what he's done for everyone else?

Master: Someone like Jahruno doesn't help out others for something in return. He does it because it's what feels right to him. As for Hasuke, he'll be in better physical and mental condition compared to Jahruno since he isn't concerned about anyone else. However, people are less likely to be there for Hasuke in his time of need.

???: So that means both brothers must find a balance between selfishness and selflessness in order to be safe?

Master: Precisely.

???: Alright then. Hopefully, they can figure themselves out.

Master: Yes, hopefully.

The person in the suit bows and walks out of the office.

Master: Why the hell did my father name me "Master"? I curse that sperm donor every day.

Back at the shore...

Warui: Yo, Jahruno, you still got the keys?

Jahruno: Yeah, right here.

Warui: Alright, hand them over, I'll drive.

Jahruno: You got it, boss.

*Jingle* *Toss* *Plop*

Jahruno tossed the keys into Warui's hands. They board the pontoon and Warui gets it started.

Warui: Alright, Jahruno, this is where your journey really begins. Keep in mind, I will work the absolute shit out of you and I will not tolerate complaining nor will I tolerate excuses. Are you sure you want to continue?

Jahruno: The fuck do I look like? Let's get this thing started!

Warui: *Laughs* Then we're off!

*Splash!* *Vroom!*

The pontoon takes off.

Jahruno's training has officially begun. Despite all of the ups and downs on the way, he kept his strong attitude and made it through. Now he is a step closer to achieving his goal. Many wonder what happens at Benbow Crescent. But only a few can experience what really goes on...

Currently it is Saturday, March 25th at 3:19 PM, 2 minutes after Jahruno and Warui set out to Benbow Crescent.

Outside the store of an unknown city, 2 unknown individuals walk out of the door carrying bags. One of them wore a tan coat with black fur and black jeans, the other wore a black coat with tan fur and black jeans.

???:Dang, they really upped the price on this.

???: No kidding.

As the pair was walking down the sidewalk, they ran into a tall, brown skinned man with long, blonde dreadlocks. He wore an expensive, tan, fur-covered coat, black jeans, and a pair of sunglasses.

The man took his glasses off and smiled.

???: Ha! Look who it is! Yubo and Yuwo, my two boys!

Yubo was revealed to be a brown skinned man in the tan coat with the same blonde dreadlocks but slightly shorter and in a ponytail with two locs in the front. Also his eyes were yellow just like the tall man.

Yuwo had the same hairstyle but his locs were black and he had light skin and black eyes. He was the man in the black coat.

Yubo: Yeah, what do you want, buster?

???: Buster? Now is that the proper way to speak to your pops?

Yubo: Shit, I can speak to you anyway I want. You're practically a motherfucker I've never met before.

Yuwo: Come on, Yubo, let's just go. Mom's waiting for us.

Dad: Oh, that woman? I don't even know why you bother keeping her alive, it's not like she wants the best for her.

Yuwo (Thinking): It's no use trying to stop Yubo at this point.

Yubo: You take that back! You know damn well she left you 'cause the money got to your head!

Dad: How else would I put it? We could've been doing the entire Yamagishi bloodline a favor! But no! She didn't want that now did she!?

Yubo: Hey, Yuwo, take my bag and run home...

Yubo hands him the bag and Yuwo runs off.

Yuwo: Just don't get in trouble!

Yuwo is out of sight.

Dad: You can't baby him forever, Yubo.

Yubo: I'm not babying him, I'm protecting him from what I'm about to do to you.

Dad: And what exactly is that?

Yubo lifts his right hand halfway up and opens his palm.


From his palm, Yubo creates a flaming ball of yellow light and fully puts his hand in the air.

Yubo: Born On The Sun.


An extremely hot wave of dry heat explodes from Yubo's palm, covering the entire block.


The man's coat and some of his hair suddenly caught fire.


Yubo: *Smiles* You asked for it!

The man quickly took his jacket off but more of his clothes began to burn.


Half of the man's face began to burn. Eventually, he scorched almost the entire block.

Yubo: Oh shit, I got carried away.


Yubo calls off his ability.

Dad: HAH! HAH! Y-You're fucking crazy! You all could die for all I care!

The man runs off.

Yubo: Yeah yeah, that's why it took you 15 seconds to get mom pregnant, Mr. Quick Dick. *Sigh* Guess I better get back home.

At the front of an apartment door, Yuwo stands there, looking at the ground.

A flashback begins to play.

It featured both of the brother's father sitting at the kitchen table with no other light but the one above the table. Their father seemed to be severely stressed. He had a hand on his forehead and the table had several crumpled up pieces of paper lying around. He could barely write because he kept destroying his pencils out of frustration.

A younger Yubo and Yuwo watched from a distance. Even the brothers felt the weight of his stress.

Dad: Are you little shits just gonna keep staring!?

The brothers get scared and run off.

A light skinned woman with long, black, curly hair walks up to their father.

???: Honey, please, we don't need any more money. Our lives are perfect already.

Dad: You call this perfect!? This cramped ass apartment, perfect!? Our condescending landlord that knocks on the door wearing his crooked ass glasses every SINGLE month is perfect to you!? That fat bitch next door and her loud, tweaked out dog is just amazing to you!?

???: I-I'm sorry...

Tears began to build up in her eyes. Their father gently holds her shoulder.

Dad: Listen, I understand you're concerned about me. But once I make it big, our lives will be much better, and you all will be able to live stress-free. Just give me some time and space, okay? It'll all be over before you know it.

???: *Sniff* O-Okay.

Dad: I love you, dear, I really do. I just want the best for us.

???: I love you too...

They hug and the lady exits the room. In another room, she softly sits down on a couch. Yubo and Yuwo quietly walk over to her, carrying a worried expression on their faces.

Yubo (Whispering): Are you okay, mom? Did he hurt you?

Mom: No, I'm fine.

Yubo stares at his father from the other room with an angry look in his eyes.

Yubo (Thinking): I swear, I'll make him pay one day!

The flashback ends.

Yuwo looks up to see Yubo walking back from the fight.

Yuwo: How did everything go, bro?

Yubo: Things really HEATED up! HAHAHAHA!

Yuwo: *Sigh* That really stunk...

Yubo: Oh, come on! That was good!

Yuwo: Whatever you say.

Yubo: Man, you're no fun.

Yuwo: I can be fun without the bad jokes.

Yubo: Oh yeah? Tell me one.

Yuwo: Alright, let's see...

Yubo: And don't try to be super edgy either, only losers do that shit.

Yuwo: Don't worry, I can actually be funny without the shock value.

Yubo: I'm waiting.

Yuwo: What's long, hard, and has cum in the middle?

Yubo: The hell are you on? I don't know, a dick?

Yuwo: A cuCUMber.

Yubo: Pfft ha! That was bad but I liked it.

Yuwo: Haha, yeah. Now let's hurry up and get inside, mom's probably worried.

Yubo: You're right.

Yuwo hands Yubo back his bag and they walk inside. The inside hasn't changed since the flashback. They walk through the kitchen, the living room, and finally, at the end of the hallway, they enter their mom's room.

Their mom, who was the same woman from the flashback, was lying down, sick.

Her skin lost some of its original hue, she was covered in sweat, and her eyes were borderline lifeless. Yet, she was able to hold a smile at the sight of the two brothers.

Yubo: *Smiles* Hey, Mom, we're back.

Mom: My two boys, it's wonderful to see you again...

Yuwo pulls out medicine from the bag and pours it into a small, plastic cup that he sat on the nightstand. Once the cup was three quarters full, he inched his hand towards his mother's mouth and helped her drink the medicine. In a few seconds, she finishes the medicine and Yuwo sets the cup back down.

Yuwo: So, Yubo, you wanna tell her who we ran into?

Yubo: Oh, right...

Mom: What happened, dear?

Yubo: We ran into dad for the first time since he left us a year ago.

Mom: He hasn't changed, has he?

Yubo: Not at all.

Mom: What happened when you guys encountered each other?

Yubo: Well, he talked down to you and I... Uhh...

Yuwo: Hold on, what did you do? You didn't use that ability did you?

Mom: Oh no...

Yubo: Yes, I burned him... I just couldn't stand his presence. The entire block was in flames.

Mom: Yubo, I understand you fought for me but I don't want you to get in trouble. *Cough*

Yubo: It won't happen again, ma'am.

Mom: *Coughs loudly* Ack! *Cough*

She coughed blood and mucus into her palm.

Yubo: Ma!

Yuwo: Are you okay!?

Mom: Heh, yeah...

Yubo: Damn! We still don't know what's wrong!

Yuwo: The medicine obviously isn't working so what do we do?

Mom: Relax, boys... Maybe I'm meant to suffer...

Yubo: Don't you say that, ma! We'll cure you one day!

Mom: *Smiles* I know you will, sweetie...

Yubo: We'll enter the tournament together as "The Yin Yang Twins" and we'll win just for you!

Mom: I really appreciate you two...

It is 3:30PM. Warui and Jahruno are in the middle of the lake between the Academy and the Crescent.

Jahruno: Yo, Warui, you said you used to train some people around my age in the past, right?

Warui: I sure did.

Jahruno: What were they like? And how are they now?

Warui: Well, you certainly remind me of one of them. They're professional fighters and trainers now.

Jahruno: Do they have special abilities too?

Warui: You mean a "Vibility"?

Jahruno: The fuck is that?

Warui: A Vibility is a supernatural ability that the soul manifests because of a strong spirit or desire. Certain Gods read the strength of human spirits and granted them the ability to manifest a Vibility.

Jahruno: Hold on, how do you know this?

Warui: Hehe, I know a lot more than you think...

Jahruno: Uhh...

Warui: But let's get back to your previous question. Yes, they all have Vibilities. Strong ones at that. I don't think you could last a minute against any of them.

Jahruno: Please, I can take anyone on.

Warui: Jahruno, don't get me wrong, dude. You're strong, very strong. But the way you are right now, you wouldn't stand a chance.

Jahruno: What about after my training?

Warui: Only you can determine that. I can only help you so much.

Jahruno: *Smiles* Then I'll make sure I'm the strongest being in existence.

Warui: That's what's up!

They pause and look at the island in the distance.

Jahruno: So, you've been here already?

Warui: Yeah, that's where I trained my old students.

Jahruno: How is it?

Warui: Oh, man, it's perfect! The environment and layout is already perfect for training, plus, they have a lot of other things that can help you progress! And I can't forget the house we get to stay at!

Jahruno: I hope I'm not too much of a pain at night.

Warui: Why do you say that?

Jahruno: Ever since Wednesday night, I've kept having the same horrifying dream and I would wake up screaming, sweating, and vomiting.

Immediate, yet subtle shock hits Warui's face.

Warui: What exactly was this recurring dream about?

Jahruno: I would keep waking up under a tree of dead children, then I would end up in the ocean and then the desert. There were these giant, glowing hands that would cause something every time they clapped. Nothing but death and destruction around me. Next, there were these seven trumpets that sounded lower with every blow. There was this infant in a forest that warned me about a "king". After that, I heard the king's voice and I was suddenly back at a destroyed version of my school. These angels came out of an airship and poured this black liquid everywhere. I was then taken back to the field where the dream started and the angels used the black liquid to create a kingdom for this "king". Demons would run around me, chanting, before lighting struck down on me. After the lighting hit, I'd finally wake up.

Warui: Jahruno...

Jahruno: Yeah?

Warui: I don't know how to tell you this but...

Jahruno: But what?

Warui: Listen, I'm not sure why, but what you've been dreaming about is an actual event that happened thousands of years ago.

Jahruno: Huh!? What could that possibly be!?

Warui: It has been dubbed, "The Creator's Divine Retribution".

-Chapter 12 End-