Chapter 13: Loubouton VS Dolche

Warui: It has been dubbed, "The Creator's Divine Retribution".

Jahruno: T-The Creator?

Warui: Of course, how else do you think we're here?

Jahruno: Well, I guess. But why would they punish us?

Warui: It is believed that long ago, humans on Earth went against the natural formula that was built into all of existence. We were meant to keep everything balanced but the issue was that humans made Earth completely good. Because they made everything good, The Creator caused all of the destruction they could in order to restore the balance.

Jahruno: Why does it have to be that way?

Warui: That's just the formula that's been imbued into existence. You see, when the "Good" goes down, the "Bad" goes up as much as the Good went up previously. So what that means is if the Good doesn't stop going up for a really long time, it increases the intensity of the Bad. If The Creator wasn't gonna do some shit, something else would've.

Jahruno: And I'm assuming it's the gods that determine what's Good and Bad?

Warui: Correct.

Jahruno: Who exactly is responsible for the start of the Good skyrocket?

Warui: I don't remember their last names but the main four people were Joshua, Virgil, NeNe, and Mary. Those four had a goal in mind and they recruited four more people to help with their cause. Those four being Trent, Hakucho, Suno, and Muno. Those eight, together, gained many supporters over time and eventually conquered the entire world.

Jahruno: So that's why...

*Flashback to parts Jahruno's dream*

*Souls surrounding Jahruno scene*

All Souls: Don't change the world... Don't change the world...

*Infant talking with Jahruno scene*

Infant: You did this to us, Jahruno. You've agitated them and now, we all must suffer. You shouldn't have tried to change the world.

*Flashback ends*

Jahruno: In the dream, they told me not to try and change the world. I guess this is why...

Warui: The dream... told you not to change the world?

Jahruno: Yeah...

Warui: That's strange... It's like someone is trying to reach out to you.

Jahruno: Do you think it's The Creator?

Warui: I'm not sure at all. Assuming someone is trying to reach out to you, as long as your goal is still to change the world, you'll keep having the dream until you lose your spirit.

Jahruno: Shit...

Warui: So ask yourself this, Jahruno; how bad do you really want it?

Jahruno: What do you mean?

Warui: Is putting your mental health and possibly the entire world at risk really worth it?

Jahruno pauses and trembles for a moment. He thinks for a moment about what his loved ones went through and the dream he had. Soon, he finally calms down.

Jahruno: I'll change the world whether The Creator likes it or not. Hell, I'll take them down if I have to.

Warui: D-Did you just threaten to kill God?

Jahruno: What's it look like?

Warui and Jahruno start to laugh hysterically.

Warui: Haha! That's some crazy shit!

Jahruno: Hehe, oh, man! *Sigh* Nah I couldn't kill The Creator, let alone anyone else. I'd sure as hell beat their ass, though.

Warui: Heh, you're a different motherfucker, I'll tell you that. Best case scenario, the Divine Retribution doesn't even happen and you can change the world with no worries. Maybe once your journey truly ends, those dreams can finally end.

Jahruno: You really think so?

Warui: Just hoping for the best.

Jahruno: Regardless of what happens, I'll still find a way to come out on top.

Warui: That's what we like to hear!


The boat begins to slow down and stop next to a dock.

Jahruno: We're here already? That was quick.

Warui: Yup.

*Clink!* *Clink!*

Warui sets the anchor down and they walk off the pontoon.

As they stand on the dock, they gaze at the huge mass of land. Beyond the beach, there were towering trees and a gigantic mountain.

Jahruno: Behold, Jahruno, Benbow Crescent!

Warui: That's my line you goofy motherfucker.

Meanwhile, the gang and the Guelfos train in the large, white room under Loubouton's palace.


A large wave of neon green flames erupts.

*Shoo!* x7

A figure moves swiftly as the flames follow. Two punches, a jump, and four kicks helped create a beautiful dance of fire. The flames separate to reveal that Dolche is behind those movements.

In the air, Ravenno, covered in a purple aura, began to summon purple stakes from thin air.

*SHINK!* x13

All the stakes hit the labeled targets perfectly.

In the background, some of the rest of the group is sparring with each other.

Loubouton smiles as he watches them perform.

Loubouton: Phew, goddamn! You all are looking good! The invasion will go smoothly!

Ravenno lands back on the ground.

Ravenno: Thank you. It's a pleasure working with you.

Loubouton: Not a problem.

*WHOOM!* *CRACK!* x2

As Dolche practices using his fire, Tommy, who is a few meters away from him, jumps high up, puts his arms in front of him, and generates a massive, powerful, pink ball of energy from both his palms.

Tommy: Yo, Dolche, watch out, haha!

Dolche turns around and falls into shock.

Dolche: Dude!


Tommy fires the energy ball at Dolche.


Dolche uses his gauntlets of magma to catch the blast. He's struggling to hold it in place.

Dolche: The fuck are you doing!?


Huge gusts of wind blow around the room.


The ball of energy explodes and blasts Dolche and Tommy into the walls.

Ravenno: Are you guys okay!?

Dolche: Hah... Hah... Tommy, you're a fucking dickhead , you know that!?

Tommy: I know!

Loubouton: That was a beautiful performance, you two! Dolche, you handled yourself surprisingly well!

They both get up and walk towards Loubouton.

Tommy: Damnnn, Dolche! He basically called you a bitch!

Loubouton: Ha, what the hell?

Dolche: Huh?

Tommy: He said "surprisingly" which basically means he thought you were a bitch before.

Dolche: Oh, word?

Loubouton: Nah. *Chuckles* Tommy, don't set your friend up now.

Dolche: Set me up? We don't even know your Vibilities. What am I supposed to be afraid of?

Loubouton: Dang it, Tommy. I'm beating your ass next for this.

Tommy: *Gulp* Uh...

Loubouton: Alright, Dolche, I guess I can show you ONE of mine.

Everyone else in the room backs up from the group.

Ravenno (Thinking): Are we really about to see Loubouton fight this early?

Loubouton: Listen, Dolche...

He talks as he takes his shirt off and reveals his slim, muscular build. He had multiple tattoos of chains covering both his arms, chest, and upper back. All the chains connected down to a ball on his lower back.

Loubouton: You don't want this work. You think you do, but you really don't.

Near the walls, one of the gang members, ReRe, speaks up.

ReRe: *Blush* Ah! He's so hot!

A couple of other members blush too.

Tommy (Thinking): Is this really happening right now?


Loubouton emits a hot pink aura.

Tommy: Ah!

Tommy ran back to the wall with the others.

Loubouton: Alright, here's how it's gonna go, Dolche; you have 2 minutes to land a clean hit on my body or face. I will dodge and block but I will not attack for those 2 minutes. If you hit me... hmm...

Dolche: I get to lead the invasion and rule the world!

Loubouton: You know what? Fuck it, yeah. If you can hit my body or face once, you'll lead all of us.   

Dolche: Hell yeah! Let's go then!

Loubouton: Ravenno, can you get my cell phone from my desk so I can start a timer?

Ravenno: Yeah, I got you.

Dolche: Get me a side of fries while you're at it!

Ravenno: Shut the fuck up, pussy.

Dolche: What was that?

Ravenno: You're corny, bitch, shut up. Motherfucker, you look like you professionally massage anemic beavers, you're really ugly as shit, I'll-

Loubouton: Aye, let's break it up, alright?

Ravenno: *Sigh* I'll be back.

Ravenno walks out of the room. Everyone except for Dolche laughs.

Loubouton: Ha! He was on your ass, goddamn!

Dolche: Man, it wasn't even funny.

Diadora: Anemic beavers? Bro, fight back!

Dolche: Leave me alone! Shit!

Lotto: You got cooked, Dolche, handle it!

Dolche: I gotta deal with Loubouton first!

Loubouton: Boy, you aren't on SHIT!

Dolche: Wait until Ravenno's ugly ass comes back!

Tommy: Now you wanna talk about him?

Dolche: Shut up!

Ravenno soon comes back with Loubouton's phone and hands it to him. He opens up a timer application, sets the timer for two minutes, and hands the phone back to Ravenno.

Ravenno: I'll start whenever you guys are ready.

Dolche: Oh, I'm ready.

Tommy: Hey, Dolche, Ravenno's back, don't you have something to say!?

Dolche: Oh, yeah. Ravenno, you're a-

Ravenno: Shut up, bitch.

Loubouton: Save it for later, guys. But I'm ready too.

Ravenno backs up from the two and leaves them in the middle as they're about to face off.

Ravenno: Andddddd GO!


Dolche's fiery aura is reactivated and his magma gauntlets respawn.

Dolche: Duntsane!


He quickly rushed towards Loubouton with a flying kick.

Loubouton: That's what you're gonna call it? Duntsane?

Loubouton swiftly leans to the left and dodges Dolche with ease.

*Swish!* x9

Dolche stops and tries to punch Loubouton multiple times. Lou leans, shifts, and ducks to ensure that Dolche's hits don't connect.


Dolche pulls his right palm back and pushes it up. A massive blast of neon green fire erupts. Loubouton quickly jumps back without a mark on him.

Loubouton: Not bad! Still didn't hit me, though!

Dolche: Don't worry, I'll get you!

Dolche rushed at Loubouton once again. He held his hands back with his palms towards the front, carrying a huge trail of fire behind him.


Dolche blasts the fire at Loubouton, yet, he still evades by jumping to the roof and kicking off it to land behind him.

Dolche: Damn!

He runs back to Loubouton and continues to strike at him. Dodge, dodge, dodge, Loubouton continues to do. He smiles at the sight of Dolche's failure to touch him. Dolche's movements progressively get more and more intense as the timer nears its end.


Dolche tries to sweep kick but just as expected, Loubouton jumps up to dodge. However, the sweep kick created a spinning cyclone of flames as he was airborne. The flames grow significantly, to the point where Loubouton loses sight of him.

Loubouton: Huh, nice trick.

Dolche (Thinking): If my calculations are correct he should be right... here!

A fist heading towards Loubouton emerges from the flames.

Loubouton: Got ya!

*BOOM!* x78


Dolche unleashed a flurry of punches on what he first thought was Loubouton's body. However, as the flames separated between the two, he quickly realized that all of his punches were clashing with Loubouton's rapid kicks from only his right foot.

Dolche: Damn it!

Loubouton: Never said it was gonna be easy!

Dolche's punch barrage comes to an end and so does Loubouton's kicks. Loubouton lands back on the ground and immediately jumps away from Dolche.

Ravenno: 45 Seconds!

Loubouton: Damn, boy, you better hurry up!

Dolche: Why am I surprised? You agreed with such a dangerous bet so easily because you know how powerful you are compared to me.

Loubouton: Hehe, yeahhhh.

Dolche: I'll still wipe that smile off your face!


He quickly rushed over to Loubouton.

*BOOM!* x112

Dolche attempted an even more intense barrage of punches. Yet, again, Loubouton blocks all of them. This time, using his palms.

Dolche: I'll add some more firepower!

He covers his moving fists in the green flames.

Loubouton: That's much better!

Dolche (Thinking): Fuck, no matter what I do, he keeps blocking!

Ravenno: 10! 9! 8!

Dolche (Thinking): I got it! I'll grab his arm right...

Ravenno: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3!

Dolche: Now!

Dolche successfully grips Loubouton's right arm with his left. In the next moment, he goes for a right uppercut.

Loubouton: Oh shit, haha!

Dolche's fist was mere centimeters away from Loubouton's chin.


Ravenno: 2! 1! Time's up!

Dolche smiled at the noise of what he thought was his punch actually landing.

Crowd: Aww!

Dolche: Huh, what's that about?

Dolche looked over and went into a state of awe. He saw that his fist actually hit the palm of Loubouton's left hand.

Loubouton: I'll admit, that wasn't a bad plan. You move pretty quick, Dolche, just not quick enough.

Tommy: Damnnnn!

Addie: He was so close!

Pius: I shouldn't be surprised. I don't think Loubouton would really make us work under some gangbanger or whatever you shits call yourselves.

Yonex: Suck my dick.

Ravenno: Hold on, since you didn't get hit, what does that mean for Dolche?

Loubouton's pink aura slightly grows.

Dolche: Uh...

He lets go of Loubouton and backs up.

Dolche: Y-Yeah, Lou, what does that mean for me?


Loubouton grins as his aura explodes with power.

Tommy: Think about it, Dolche!

Dolche: What!?

Loubouton: Dolche, Dolche, Dolche, you didn't think this bet was one-sided, did you?

-Chapter 13 End-