The room appeared to tilt as Daniel stood rooted, far more fazed by the startling revelation than Sawyer had anticipated. His eyes twitched and he could feel the tears so close. He didn't want to betray his Alphahood but he couldn't help himself, neither could he believe it. "Our baby..."

Sawyer whimpered in agreement, a bit frightened. Daniel looked as pale as a ghost – he'd never seen him look so old. Maddie rushed to put the chair in place behind him and he sat down heavily. Daniel dragged a second kitchenette chair closer. His legs couldn't hold him up anymore.

"Our baby." He repeated, his face breaking into a triumphant smile. "Our child. Is this the reason why you refused to open the door? You didn't want me to know about...my child?"

Sawyer's face heated up in both shame and embarrassment as he managed to blurt out. "Yes. You should never have known about this pregnancy. It's not your place, Sir."

"Do you hate me that much? Am I that distasteful?" Daniel knew he could come across as intimidating, but he never thought his fierce nature got to Sawyer. The omega left no hint that he was scared of Daniel. Where were all these coming from? Had he not performed up to his expectations last time?

Daniel knew the last one wasn't true. Sawyer's bulging pregnancy was such strong and admirable evidence that he'd done even a satisfactory job.

Sawyer sighed, easing his elbows down on the table and using his palm to support his jaw. "I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to feel like you owe me anything. Believe me, you've done way more than enough, and I'd always be grateful. This pregnancy...wasn't intentional. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing its responsibilities on you. I can manage it on my own." He raised the hem of his shirt lightly to scratch the navel that was popping out. "I'm so sorry I didn't remind you to use condoms when we had sex. Please don't – "

Daniel flew out of his seat and knelt in front of Sawyer, gathering the omega's hands in his. "Shut up. Be quiet. Why are you saying all these? What's with the false assumptions? It was a mutual agreement between us to knot and I share in the responsibility of getting you pregnant. As for condoms, I intentionally didn't use them. I didn't care because my instincts told me not to, and I listened. But Sawyer," he reached underneath the omega's shirt and flattened a palm on the protruding tummy. "I promise to not abandon you in this. If I'm honest with you, I've always wanted a baby. A little boy. And I wanted my mate to be the mother of my children. We're destined for each other, you bighead. You're not alone anymore. We're one as from this moment, understand?"

Sawyer gave a small nod, looking past him to Maddie who was watching on with a goofy smile on her face. "What are you smiling at, dweeb?"

She laughed. "You two are so cute. That was quite...some mushy stuff. I like it."

"Shut up." Sawyer rolled his eyes.

Daniel straightened, dusting his knees. He turned to survey the blonde as though for the first time. She was beautiful...and human too. How could he not have heard the balanced rhythm of her heartbeat from this close before? Her gaze flitted up to his now and she held out a hand.

"Sorry, we couldn't get to properly introduce ourselves before. I'm Maddie Perez, Sawyer's best friend and the cashier of this shop. Apologies on his behalf, Sawyer can be such a thickheaded drama queen."

"Jeez, thanks for the compliment." Sawyer huffed. "Now I'm tempted to chase you home."

Maddie giggled. "You don't have to. I was just about to leave anyway to give you two some much-needed privacy,"

"Thank you so much," Daniel beamed at her gratefully. "It's very much appreciated."

She nodded and crossed over to rest a hand on Sawyer's shoulder. "If you need me, you can call me okay? I could help pack up the shop if you like."

"That won't be necessary, dear," Sawyer shook his head. "I'll be fine. I can handle it."

She bent to kiss his stomach before she left, stepping over the ruined wood and shattered nails. Sawyer yelped now as Daniel unexpectedly lifted him bridal-style and sat, securing Sawyer on his thighs like a baby. "What are you doing? Put me down right this minute!"

The Alpha guffawed, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Sawyer locked his arms around his neck and drew him down even further as they made out, battling their tongues to filth. A few minutes more and Sawyer pulled apart for air, his forehead resting solidly against Daniel's "Would you like some candy? I made it just before you showed up."

"Only if it tastes like you," Daniel winked.

"Why don't you have some and find out?" Sawyer asked, swinging his legs slowly to the floor. Daniel helped him stand as his waist was hurting, then the Alpha sat back and watched him waddle about with heavy steps in the small and poorly-ventilated kitchen. Though pregnant, the omega brimmed with unusual energy he'd never seen anyone possess. "Are you sure you've not been overworking yourself?"

Sawyer waved him off with a frail hand. "As you can see, I've been really good. Don't worry about me."

"You're carrying my baby, you know. So you should be lying on my bed back at the penthouse and leave the work for Maddie."

"Seriously, I'll be fine. It's nothing I've never done. You and Maddie need to chill."

"She's advised you about the same thing?"


"Jeez, Sawyer. You need to listen. It might not seem – "

"I'll be fine, babe," Sawyer drawled as he placed a small bowl of colorful candies in front of the Alpha, drawing his kitchenette chair closer to sit. He caught Daniel looking at the cheap aluminum chair critically as though he was afraid of it. "What's the matter?"

"Are you comfortable sitting on that?" the chair creaked loudly in protest as Sawyer adjusted his bulk on it. "You know you can always have a seat here," Daniel patted his thighs, inserting a piece of candy into his mouth.

"It's fine, I guess. But Daniel, I'm scared," Sawyer placed his hands on the table, his shoulders sagging forward. Daniel could see the stress making Sawyer's shoulders tense. "I didn't want to be a father this early. But it happened and I'm grateful...but, I don't know."

"Neither do I have any clue too," Daniel admitted. "It's been a topic in my pack for years. The elders are always pressuring me to get married and have offspring to inherit the leadership of the pack after I must've passed on. I'd always pressed them for more time because I hadn't found the right omega – the right woman to father my child."

Sawyer picked a candy and chewed, his full attention on Daniel. "You thought that you'd have a female mate?"

Daniel shrugged. "It's always been the memo, Sawyer. We've never had a male Luna in our pack before. You're the first. None of the females sustained my interest longer than a day before I met you. it's funny because I couldn't stop myself from constantly thinking and worrying about you. I feared the ban might extend to Mexico and you'd be killed. I had no means of reaching you and I was empty. I was empty, Sawyer..." he patted on his chest, over his heart. "For the first time in years, I was disorganized and losing my mind. I had a ton of questions about fated mates because you see, I was raised by the Pack since I was a baby. My parents died earlier on and the prospect of mates had never been of utmost importance since we left our territory to the city."

Sawyer poured some of the coffee remaining in the kettle for him in a mug. "Are you sure we're destined to be together? Maybe you're getting everything wrong. Maybe it's because I was more challenging to woo than the other omegas."

"It's not because of that at all. There was an incredible bond we'd created in the short time we'd spent together. It's special, and unlike any connection, I've had with anyone."

"What would the press say about us, Daniel? You're never known to stick to one omega for longer than a week. Do you think they'll be convinced that I'm our mate?"

"I don't owe them any explanation about who I choose to stay with, Sawyer. The important thing is that we're together. We'll have our baby and get married." Daniel pushed the mug aside and reached for his hands once more, squeezing them gently. "Sure, I wasn't expecting this development, but I'm not fleeing. I want to take care of you, treat you like a little prince through this pregnancy. I want to prove to you that I can be a good father and mate to you and our child."

"Would I have to leave the shop?" Sawyer scanned the small space he'd managed for years now. "I don't think I'd want that. Mrs. Angelini entrusted me with this."

"How about I renovate the shop and employ a few more people, huh? Would that make you happy enough to go on a weekend stay with me?"

Sawyer brightened, hardly believing his ears. "You're kidding, right?"

"I don't joke with anything that has to do with you, babe."