"We're home, baby," Daniel announced as he pulled into the penthouse's driveway. He tapped the omega who was fast asleep lightly on his cheek. "Come on, now, hun. Let's get you to bed."

Sawyer yawned and stretched his arms, his joint aching. He peered up at the familiar white, towering mansion in front of him as Daniel got out, over to the other side to open the door for him. He stepped out happily with his totes bag, slinging it over his left shoulder. Daniel wrapped an arm around his waist possessively, kissing his neck lightly as they walked into the spacious lobby. "I've called the pack doctor to come to check you up. But that would be later when you've fully rested, dear."

Sawyer was about to protest by Daniel quickly shut him up with a kiss. When the Alpha pulled back, Sawyer chased after his lips, but Daniel placed a palm on his chest to stop him. "Easy now, buddy. You've got to understand that as my mate, you and my unborn pup's health and needs are my top priorities. I wouldn't want anything happening to you two, which is why I've instructed her to prepare a diet table – she's going to work hand in hand with the chef and provide you with all the essential nutrients to help ensure an easy pregnancy. In the meanwhile, she's only coming over to look at you to make sure you and the baby are doing fine."

Sawyer considered this for a moment. Daniel made sense – the last thing either of them wanted was a malnourished or incomplete pup. "Okay. That's alright."

The elevator doors opened up ahead and Spencer stepped out into the lobby, alongside some pack's high-ranking gammas and an omega help. "What took you so long, runt?"

Daniel ignored his jab, turning to Sawyer as he introduced. "Sawyer, this is Spencer, my stuck-up right-hand man. Spencer, this is – "

"Sawyer Rivera. Pleased to meet you," Spencer nodded, motioning for the help to take Sawyer's bag from him. The other betas took cautious glances at Sawyer's baby bumps, a million questions in their eyes. "I suppose we should leave you two to rest, most especially you, Sawyer. You look tired, man."

Sawyer's cheeks heated up. He hated the attention and slight teasing in Spencer's voice. Like he secretly wanted to rile him up. He looked up at Daniel now with a frown and the Alpha leaned down to whisper sweetly. "Why don't you go upstairs and get naked for Daddy? I'll be up with you in a minute."

Sawyer nodded promptly, his body already in overdrive at the sensuality of Daniel's words. He gave a curt bow to Spencer and the betas, before proceeding down the lobby slowly, the help behind him in tow. Before the elevator doors closed after him, Daniel blew him a silent kiss.

Spencer cleared his throat, bringing Daniel's lingering attention from the elevator doors to him. Man, how he hated how cringe Daniel was acting. "Get a grip on yourself, arsehole. It's not like the elevator is going to magically stop working and he'd be stuck in there forever."

"He has a slight phobia for them," Daniel shook his head, mentally scolding himself for being so forgetful. How could he not have remembered? Well, if anything, he had the help to hold on to till the ride was over.

"Relax. He's got Sophie in there with him," the beta rolled his eyes, then dismissed the other betas with him hastily. Daniel led the way into his study, sliding the bolt over, and sat down on the leather couch.

"I wasn't expecting you to bring him home here so soon," Spencer said from his position at the study window, staring over the distant horizon at the beautiful sunset. "It's even a bigger surprise to see that he's pregnant as well. Seems you two weren't really careful."

"It was a surprise to me too. He never told me about it and from all I've been hearing from him so far, that's the only reason he didn't want to see me in Mexico. He doesn't want me to feel obligated, or feel forced to father the child." Daniel said, sifting through the pile of paperwork he'd neglected these two weeks ever since he saw Sawyer at the club. He needed to reorganize his schedule to hours more comfortable or stick to the current one.

A small smile played on Spencer's lips. "Interesting."

"Interesting what?"

"Everything," Spencer moved off from the window to sit on the swivel chair meant for guests. "If he really said that, which I think he did, then that shows he's a considerate fellow. The pregnancy is taking a toll on him...he looks so worn out."

"That's why I've invited Sherlyn over to take a look at him and the baby. I wouldn't want to take any chances."

"Look at you," Spencer laughed, "being responsible and shit. He has you deeper than I thought."

"You know I've always been. You're just better at being more efficient than I am these days."

"Say it till you believe it, man. What do you think the elders will say if they find out about this? It's all happening so fast. One minute, you're convinced he's your mate. The next minute, you're having a baby with him. I don't think they'll catch up to this information as we would expect them to."

"I understand. However, my mind's already made up concerning Sawyer. It's him or no one else. Start preparing our presentation tabs which we'd use to convince Gavin to give us a chance. It mustn't be a contractual marriage alliance."

"I'll as you say," The room fell into a terse silence as Daniel flipped through the paperwork, scribbling his signatures at the empty spaces provided. Spencer stared out the window at the rows of huge houses just beyond the manicured lawns and garden patches, waiting for the documents. "How do you feel about the pregnancy?"

Daniel paused his hand, the pen hovering slightly over the page as though Spencer's question stung. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's just a harmless question."

"It's a ridiculous one. Of course, I'm excited. If I wasn't I wouldn't be calling Sherlyn over or bringing him home with me."

"How sure are you it's even yours, Dan? Are you simply going to accept his narrative that you were the only one he slept with during that period?"

Daniel exhaled, trying his best to keep his irritation at bay. "You don't know Sawyer. He's not like that. Besides, I can feel the heartbeat of the child each time I touch his stomach. It's mine."

Sawyer held his hands up. "Alright, fine. I believe. But you and I know how the elders are. They're going to push for Anita even harder unless we can prove parentage. And being a male omega is already enough to discredit him from being considered as Luna."

"Jesus, Spencer. I don't care. They can go to hell for all I care, but Sawyer's stay here is final. I'm certain that the child is mine, and that is enough. Sawyer isn't that greedy."

"If you say so. From what I've seen about him on the internet, he seems – "

Daniel's facial expression darkened. "You've been spying on him all these while?"

"Calm your balls down, I have to do what's best for you okay? Besides, you entrusted me with the responsibility of finding out every hidden detail about him."

Daniel dragged a lazy palm down his face. "That was when he was in Mexico. We had no clue about him then."

"And now? What else do you know about him apart from the pregnancy and sweet shop?"

"He lost his parents when he was twelve and escaped to Mexico with an aunt," Daniel said thoughtfully, his head rolling back. "He lost his adoptive stepmother a few years ago and has been fending for himself ever since."

Spencer bobbed his head in approval. "Right. That's correct. The information I gathered about him on the internet suggests that he's not the sort of person desperate to nail down an Alpha with anything. He's content, running the sweet shop, and hasn't dated anyone, despite the numerous advances thrown at him. He handles his heat by himself-isolating himself, having been harassed numerous times on the streets but jerks that are so thirsty to knot."

Daniel remembered briefly that particular night he'd met Sawyer, and saved him from those Alphas down the road. He was supposed to hear Spencer mention that the omega had been harassed many times before that. It made his blood boil, and his desire to protect Sawyer grew. "You should consider working for the FBI. You'd make a fine detective."

"That's my job and it's what you pay me for." Spencer gathered the signed papers on the couch and consulted his watch. "We have a meeting with the elders in ten minutes, but I'll make an excuse for you not to attend. Sawyer needs your presence here in the mansion when Sherlyn comes over. He gets scared of strangers easily, from what I also gathered, and needs your continued reassurance."

"Thank, man." Daniel stood and pulled him into a bear hug.

"It isn't for free. You owe me." Spencer poked his chest with a finger when he pulled back.

Daniel shot him an insincere smile. "Sure. Whatever you want."

"I'm not kidding, man," Spencer deadpanned. "And I'd like you to also start concentrating on what's going on around here and in the Pack House. Now that you've found Sawyer safe and sound and you'd be coming back home to him just as you like, you have no excuse to be irresponsible."

"Ouch." Daniel patted his heart, feigning fake hurt. "That's so...harsh of you."

"Truth hurts."