Sawyer couldn't see anything. His eyelids were heavy, as though someone forced a palm on them. He was alone in the darkness.

"Hello?" His voice echoes back to him. Louder than normal. He took a step but didn't fall.

He kept walking. "Hello?" There was a bright light ahead in the distance. It grew apart from him the more he walked towards it. He was going down what felt like a large corridor without visible walls, but the hairs on his arms stood on end and he could feel the subtle movement of everything around him. The light stopped now and went off.

He was plunged into darkness again. This time he waited. For something, he didn't know to come.

It didn't even take up to five minutes. The colors burst forth from the darkness at him, forming a symbol – a family in the air. His eyes widened at the twin-shaped stars, but more at the ethereal figure that appeared out of it.

"The Moon Goddess," he fell on his face now. Her beam was bright and powerful, and he felt electrocuted when she pulled him up and placed a hand on his baby bump.

"Sawyer." She called, not breaking eye contact with him. He stood, rooted. His nerves went numb. He was in a trance he couldn't break out of. "You're carrying two special children. You're carrying twins. The Crescent twins."

Sawyer didn't understand what she meant. Twins? How? He'd been feeling just one kick all along. As though she could read his mind, his tongue loosened and he could finally speak.

"But how, Moon Goddess? I was convinced that I'm going to give birth to a son. What do the Crescent twins mean?"

"They are my children. My biological babies," Her eyes blazed with motherly affection, hands straying to his lower back. "It won't be long now before you put to birth. Everything shall be revealed to you as time goes on. They have a purpose to fulfill in their father's life."

Sawyer's heart sank. "Daniel? Oh my goodness, what would happen to him? Please tell me."

She shook her head, taking a step back. "All shall be understood in due time. Be careful about the people around you, most especially the elders and the new Luna. You need to forgive Daniel for agreeing to their wishes. I made it so. You need to be close to him during this dark period."

And with that she began to ascend – the wind whirling around her glowing body – the Moon, her abode not far off. She shrank into a twinkle of light and an earthquake reverberated, shaking the earth Sawyer was standing on.

He screamed, waking up from the strange revelation. Daniel was by his side, the Alpha's eyes swollen as he caressed Sawyer's hand. He brightened, happy to see him finally awake. "Pixie!"

The doctor came rushing in with her stethoscope and clipboard. Daniel pressed a damp cloth around his head, pressing the back of his hand against his neck to feel his temperature. "How do you feel? You look pale."

"I had a nightmare." He lied. Could a visit from the Moon Goddess in a dream be a nightmare? He didn't know. And he surely couldn't take all that she said to heart just like that. But still, he needed to ascertain if he was carrying twins.

"It can't be that serious, babe." Daniel kissed his knuckles again, placing a hand on his bulging tummy.

"You've passed out twice in the past hour," Pixie directed her frown at Daniel who met her glare head-on with a snort. "If you keep on being shaken continuously like this, I can't fully guarantee the lives of your children."

At her words, Daniel frowned. Sawyer's head banged with the Moon Goddess's words. The Crescent Twins. "Children?"

Pixie exhaled, a look of guilt flashing in her expression. But she squared her shoulders bravely, not allowing herself to be intimidated by Daniel's menacing tone. "I probably should have told you two the truth when I came by before, but Sawyer..." she glanced at him helplessly, "was still recuperating and it'd be fatal to argue with him. You're carrying twins. I detected two heartbeats."

For the next five minutes, no one spoke. Daniel kept looking from Sawyer to the scary baby bump and then, Pixie. She shrugged, standing up to leave. "You should let him rest now, Alpha. Or mind what you say to him if you insist on staying. Trust me, I won't come running if he has another blackout." She slammed the door softly on her way out, fueling Sawyer's headache.

He couldn't meet Daniel's eyes. Save for the revelation he'd had a few moments ago, he'd dismissed Pixie's deviation earlier as a mistake. His cheeks colored, and he felt a surge of excitement in his chest.

"Twins..." Daniel said, tears falling from his eyes. Sawyer reached out to wipe them, giggling. He never thought that it'd be possible for an Alpha to cry. The way they acted was all tough and condescending, they didn't shed a tear quite so often.

It was a beautiful moment for both of them. They found it hard to process the huge blessing coming their way.

"I know right... We're so lucky." Sawyer couldn't fight back the tears of his own. He was going to be a father to not one but two special children. The Moon Goddess' biological babies. Surely, that made him feel special. He couldn't wait to hold his sons in his arms.

Daniel cupped his cheeks, dotting them with kisses. He captured Sawyer's mouth in a passionate kiss, and as their tongues ravaged each other's mouths, Sawyer felt Daniel's control slipping away. He whimpered, pushing against Daniel slightly to protect his baby bump from the Alpha's hardening crotch. "You're hurting them," he said hotly, trying to catch his breath now that Daniel had set his mouth free. "Trust me, they're protesting."

"God, I want to have sex with you so bad," Daniel shot him the best puppy dog eyes he could muster, making Sawyer double over in laughter.

"You look hideous. Please, stop." He chuckled. "As for sex, you do know that now is not a good time. Our babies come first for now."

Honestly, it was hard to believe that he'd felt angry at Daniel a few hours earlier. Surely, being relegated as Luna Consort was painful, because that meant that he was going to share the Alpha with someone else – a woman, but with the Moon Goddess's revelation about the twins and what the future held, he figured it'd be stupid complaining further. No one could take his place in Daniel's heart, likewise vice versa. He'd never even felt a sexual attraction towards any other man. Daniel was his first in everything and it would remain so.

"Does that mean you've forgiven me for making you Luna Consort?" Sawyer knew that decision could haunt Daniel for all eternity. The Alpha wouldn't forgive himself if Sawyer didn't forgive him first. Which was why the omega stroked his beard and reassured him.

"You know I can never stay angry at you for long."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Of course not, it won't. You've made a decision and placed a woman to always be between us. But it's fine. It won't be nice if I continue to gloat about it. Before you became my mate, you were an Alpha. And if Pack politics will it that you must have a Luna Consort, then so be it. I don't care as long as I get to still be close to you and be acknowledged as your mate."