Sawyer didn't get to see Daniel for the next two days. The elders had begun talks with Anita's family, and Daniel was needed at their meetings . He was also in charge of overseeing the moonlight consummation. It was hurting to see these preparations being set in place for someone else. And he tried to reassure himself that it was only a matter of time before the Pack elders regretted their decision of making him Luna Consort.

He was busy as well with the mails and constant calls of the general public. Somehow, word had got out that he was carrying Alpha Daniel's babies and so many people came from all over, both humans and members of other werewolves' packs in Manhattan to congratulate him for winning the insufferable Alpha's heart. Sawyer could see the envy written on their faces as they trooped into his room, and he felt lucky. Maddie and Sophie helped serve them root beer floats and chocolate cookies. There were also hard candies as well, and Sawyer was thankful to everyone that came.

"Sophie please put on the TV," he requested as he waddled slowly into the living room with the assistance of Maddie. She helped him settle down on a couch, placed his bottle of water on the glass center table, and sat across from him. It was nine o'clock in the evening and his favorite news channel had started airing.

"This just in: Manhattan's hottest, most eligible bachelor and Alpha, Daniel Sturm is set to get married to business magnate and Delta royalty Anita Gavin," Sawyer struggled to sit up but Maddie held him back, shaking her head. He relented, the corners of his eyes stinging as the news reporter disappeared and was replaced with photographs of Daniel and the infamous Anita laughing in the same Italian restaurant he'd taken Sawyer to that first night they met. At the same table. The same chair he'd sat now occupied by the chosen Luna. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"From news reaching us at El Roberto, your one-stop shop for your famous Italian cuisines, the pair are currently on their first public date there, and this has come with mixed reactions from the public as Alpha Daniel has already gotten his fated mate and supposed Luna pregnant with not one but two babies – "

"Sophie, turn off the television," Maddie ordered. The flat-screened TV went off and Maddie repositioned herself to sit beside him, taking his hands and placing them on her thighs. "Sawyer..."

He blinked, the tears blurring his vision as they rolled off his cheeks. He couldn't explain the hurt in his chest. He knew everything he'd just seen wasn't in Daniel's power yet why was he crying? The elders were against him being Luna and he was okay with it so why was he so angry with Anita, someone he barely even knew? Why was he hurting when he'd given his consent to Daniel? Why?

It won't be easy. Raymond his wolf purred. They both felt the hurt of their mates being forced to chase after another. But you have to be strong. Remember what the Moon Goddess said. We can't trust Anita because we don't know her. If she plans to hurt Daniel in any way we couldn't guarantee that she was going to do this now. We have to be close to our mate, despite the hurt. Be strong.

He wiped his eyes, a sudden strength overwhelming him. He heard the Moon Goddess's voice, a tiny haunting whisper mixing with Raymond's voice. It was the source of his renewed strength.

"I'm fine," he turned to smile at Maddie. She cocked her head to the side, confused.

"Are you...sure? The doctor warned you not to listen to news that might trigger you."

Sophie was instantly on her knees, head bent forward. "Please forgive me, Alpha Sawyer. I forgot myself back there for a moment."

"It's okay Sophie," Sawyer signaled Maddie to draw her up. She stood up dutifully. "And I'm fine. I'm really fine. All of these have been slated to be."

Maddie cocked her brow. "Now you're getting me scared. What are you trying to say?"

Sawyer couldn't keep the revelation to himself any longer. He couldn't tell Daniel about it because the Alpha had his hands full with the orders of the elders, plus it could be dismissed and tagged as pre-baby blues which would irritate Sawyer. So no, Daniel didn't deserve to know. At least not yet. He could reveal things to Maddie alone because she was the one who would understand. She wouldn't find him crazy, and it would feel good to have another person who he could always talk to when things got too tough.

He couldn't trust Sophie with the secret though. "Could you make us some coffee, please? Black and without sugar. I need something sour."

"I'll have the same, Sophie," Sophie nodded, leaving them for the kitchen downstairs. When she was out of sight, Maddie scolded. "You know you're not supposed to take caffeine. It could be fatal for the baby."

"It's just a distraction. I wanted her to leave."


He jammed his knuckles on the smooth leather by his sides, leaning back heavily. "Because I wanted to talk to you alone. My mind hasn't been at rest, Maddie. Things are about to go downhill pretty soon."

"What makes you think so? Is this connected with the pregnancy or Daniel?"

"Both," he exhaled. She drew closer. "I had a revelation from the Moon Goddess two days ago. It happened when I passed out the second time, while Daniel and Spencer were involved in a tussle."

"The Moon Goddess," Maddie said thoughtfully, a faraway look on her face as she tried to recollect where she'd heard that name before. "Isn't she like the divine mother of all werewolves? The one responsible for mating fated mates?"

Sawyer nodded, impressed. "I know it might sound crazy but she appeared to me while I was still unconscious. According to her, I was going to birth her biological babies – The Crescent Twins. Which is like the biggest honor I'll ever be given." Maddie's eyes were bulging out of their sockets now. He wondered if they would get any larger.

"Wow." She let out a small gasp, touching his bump. "So this means...two..."

"Yes. Two healthy, strong boys. Sons of the Moon Goddess."

The first teardrop fell and Maddie wiped her eyes, sniffling. "I just can't...oh my God. I'm so happy for you."

Sawyer patted her arm, his heart reaching out to her. She pulled him in for an awkward hug and they let their tears fall over each other's shoulders. It was the most beautiful moment, and Sawyer had never felt so proud of having her as a friend and sister. "So that means I'll be an aunt to two little princes?" She laughed. "I'm so lucky."

"That's not the only thing she said," Sawyer sighed when they broke apart. Maddie was puzzled.

"Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be bad news? Please don't tell me you'll have to lose or give out one of them to that Anita of a girl when you eventually give birth."

"God, no." His skin crawled at the thought of Anita carrying his precious jewels. He'd decided to steer clear of everything that had to do with her once the moonlight ceremony was over. As a Luna Consort, he wasn't even expected to be in a good relationship with her. They immediately became rivals once Daniel marked her. "She was speaking in riddles. She told me not to abandon Daniel for he would need me much later. I have no idea what that means, but I'm scared. I don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"Calm down," Maddie said in consolation. "Her message isn't clear so you're probably getting yourself worked up for nothing. It could be that Daniel and the elders might eventually come to their senses, see that you're more than fit to be Luna instead of Anita, and install you into your rightful place."

"The way she said it...it seemed like bad news. Like Daniel would be in grave danger."

"Well, he's out there having one of the best times of his life with his Luna-to-be. It's still too early to determine how things would work out so chill," Sophie returned now at this point, two steaming white mugs of coffee balanced on the silver tray she was holding. She served Sawyer first and watched him inhale the steam deeply. "Heavenly."

"Anything else, Sir?"

"That would be all, dear. You can leave us now. I'll have Maddie come to fetch you when you're needed."

The elevator doors opened and Spencer walked in all smiles. "How is my favorite brother-in-law doing today? He collapsed on the chair opposite Maddie's. Their eyes locked and stayed glued. Sawyer felt Maddie's breathing quicken but before he could say anything, Spencer shook his head and turned to him again. "No more interviews

Maddie excused herself to go get some water from the kitchen but Sawyer knew that she was running away. She was always going to be a part of the supernatural world because she knew so much and adored werewolves. He only hoped that Spencer wouldn't reject her, seeing as she was a human. That was a mar turn-off there. "Surprised?" He cocked his head at the beta. "The media will always be nosy, but I handled them pretty well."

"I can see that." Spencer sounded so far away, his gaze lingering on the elevator door that had long been closed with Maddie already halfway down the building. He released an exasperated sigh. "I know you must feel bad about Anita. Tough. The elders don't know what they're doing. She's spoilt and unfit to rule our Pack."

"You seem to know her well," Sawyer lowered his gaze to his laps, thinking that if he asked quietly, and harmlessly enough, Spencer would tell him all he needed to know about his counterpart. Including her flaws and weakness which he could use against her. "Were you two best friends before?"

Spencer snorted, looking resentful. "That can never happen. I hate her."

"Well, she's going to be your Luna so you better get used to having her around." He raised the mug of coffee to his lips, taking a curt sip. "Anyways, what are your reasons?"

"Her father is a self-loving, greedy bastard. He was expelled from his Pack when he was twelve and wants to rule the Blue Moon Pack through his daughter. That's the whole point of this merger. So he can dominate us because we're the strongest pack in the city. It hurts to see the elders falling for his ploys."

"You can't be so sure of his intention this early, Spencer. Maybe he just wants a noble son-in-law. The best in the land," Sawyer sipped from his mug again. "You and I know that Daniel fits into that description quite well. He's the model son-in-law."

"Pfft. He's a wimp." Spencer scoffed. "I honestly applaud and thank you. you're all the Luna he'll ever need. And you know you can't bear seeing him with another woman as he's your rightful mate, yet you still choose to stay. Only a determined omega fit to be Luna would do what you've just done."

"If it'd interest you to know, Spencer, I'm not staying because I feel I could be the Luna someday. I'm staying for Daniel, for my sons – I want them to have a future as the leaders of this Pack. The elders can strip away my rights as Daniel's rightful mate, but I won't let them deny my boys of their positions."

When he finished speaking, there was a pause before Spencer spoke up again, his tone laced with admiration and wonder. "Be strong. As long as I remain the chief beta of the Pack and Daniel's best friend, no such thing will happen. Your babies will get all they deserve."

"Thank you, Spencer. Words can't describe how fulfilled I feel. For my boys having you as their uncle."

"Don't mention. The moonlight ceremony is next week but there's a party to be held in your honor tomorrow evening. Daniel would want you to move into the Packhouse where it is livelier and you would be monitored under closed supervision. At the party, he'll announce you to the Pack officially as his mate but Luna Consort. He'd make the first boy that comes out of you his legal heir and install the other as the legal owner of the Pack business."

Sawyer couldn't believe his ears. This was the best news he'd heard since the week began. "A-Are you sure about this? But Daniel didn't tell me anything."

"He was hoping to announce it to you as a gift and supplication for being away from you tonight," Sawyer's heart swelled. "He misses you."

"I miss him too." Sawyer couldn't wait to put to bed so he could have sex with his mate again. It had been like what? A month plus since Daniel had knotted with him while he was on heat. He anticipated his first sex with the sexy Alpha after birth to be heavenly.

Ethereal. Mind-blowing. Beautiful.