It was scarcely a fifteen minutes drive from Daniel's mansion to the Blue Moon's Pack House. The elders were lined up, waiting outside when they arrived, and a handful of influential Alphas. As Daniel helped him down, Sawyer caught their disgusted expressions but did not comment. His body burning all over was more than enough headache for him already. His legs were hurting from the weight of his belly.

"Should I carry you?" Daniel asked solemnly, his eyes soft and affectionate. He placed a hand on the small of Sawyer's back, and the omega allowed him to guide his steps. They reached the elders and halted and Daniel signaled a passing omega to come to help Sawyer stand while he shook hands.

"I don't think he's expecting just one pup, Daniel." Elder James said, pulling his nephew in for a hug. "You've done this Pack proud, son. It's a shame that he turned out to be a male." Daniel made a face, leading him to continue. "You must understand that this is not in our hands. We're not homophobic, but an age-long tradition cannot be broken. We cannot upset the great wolves that came before us."

Sawyer saw no reason why they choose to explain themselves only now. Did they honestly feel pity for him when he was carrying the future of the Pack? He had never seen such bigotry as theirs and their non-homophobia crap was annoying. There was no difference between him and Anita, except perhaps their body structures. But they could perform the same reproductive functions and that was more than enough.

"I understand you perfectly, Uncle. And I don't care about anything, as long as I have Sawyer by my side. That's all that matters to me."

The pride that swelled in Sawyer's chest was dashed when the second elder, the one that'd been first to reject him outright as Daniel's Luna spoke up with a sneer. "We do hope that you're relationship with him does not stop you from performing your bedroom duties to Anita. It has never been heard that an Alpha neglected his Luna for a Consort. It shouldn't start with you."

"But Father - "

"Dimitri is right, my son," James placed a hand on Daniel's hand sympathetically. "In as much as he is your mate and father of your heir, do not deny Anita a child. She's the Luna. Sawyer is only a mistress."

Sawyer hastily wiped off the first teardrop that had fallen and moved forward, holding Daniel's arm. The Alpha turned to face him. "I think we should talk about this later," he whispered hoarsely, a lump forming in his throat. "It's my party, remember?"

Daniel nodded, facing the elders once more. "This occasion calls for a celebration. Not a debate. The doors are open for everyone, even those repulsed by my mate," he glanced briefly at a seething Dimitri, then helped Sawyer inside.

With the way the elders were acting, Sawyer thought that had sown a seed of discord among the pack members against him, but the reception he received was heartwarming and welcoming. The omegas especially flocked to him, touching his baby bump and asking how it felt to be carrying their Alpha's babies. Sawyer answered them wearily because he felt slightly dizzy and Daniel was starting to get annoyed by them. There was food, music, and dance - his heart soaring at the number of people that had attended his party/baby shower.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in surprise when Maddie walked in, clutching Spencer's arm. She stopped him from standing up and pecked him lightly on his cheek.

"I wasn't going to miss my sweethearts' baby shower for anything," she beamed, rubbing his bump. Spencer lingered in the side, watching Maddie with an adoring look on his face. Sawyer noticed their body energy too, and when Spencer placed a hand on her shoulder, his suspicions were confirmed.

"You two are an item, right?" he asked and Maddie chuckled. She turned to hold Spencer's hand and Sawyer's eyes well with tears. They looked so perfect to each other. "You two would make beautiful babies together."

"Ah, that'd be so fast, you naughty bun," Maddie rolled her eyes, swatting his arm playfully. Sawyer wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing onto her neck. He whispered something into Maddie's ear and she laughed.

"What are you two talking about?" Sawyer's brows knotted together. He struggled to sit up, wincing. Spencer rushed over now.

"Be careful. You'll hurt yourself."

Sawyer smacked the side of his face and Spencer chuckled. "You two are so lucky that I'm pregnant, otherwise I'll rip your tongues out."

"But I did nothing wrong," Spencer pouted, inflating his cheeks in an attempt to look adorable. Maddie swooned, and Sawyer wanted to puke.

"You're worse than Daniel." He wailed.

"Stop comparing me to that wimp." Spencer groaned, widening his eyes in fear when Daniel suddenly appeared. The Alpha crossed his arms across his chest, eyes fixated on a laughing Sawyer. "Oopsie."

He stood up hurriedly, moving away from the couch where Sawyer sat. "Daniel, I can ex - "

The Alpha took a step closer and Spencer gulped, raising his hand involuntarily to shield any incoming attack. But Daniel ignored him, going down on one knee and fetching a rose from his breast pocket which he stretched out to Sawyer. "Will you dance with me, my beloved?"

Sawyer blushed scarlet and Maddie couldn't contain her swoon. He took the rose that looked withered and squashed, but beautiful nothing less, and beckoned on Maddie to help him stand. "Who knew you were such a romantic?"

"I have my moments," Daniel smiled, taking over from Maddie. The disco music that was playing stopped, and the Disc Jockey started playing a soft, slow tune. All eyes were on them as Daniel guided him towards the dance floor that was now empty.

Sawyer managed to wrap his arms around Daniel's neck. They began rocking from side to side now, never taking their eyes off each other. "You look beautiful tonight." Daniel complimented, pecking his cheek. A flush traveled all over Sawyer's body, calming his aching joints. His discomfort lessened a great deal.

"Thank you. You've never looked more handsome as well."

Daniel chuckled. "I'm always handsome, sweetheart."

"Narcissist. Everyone's watching," he gulped, his anxiety rising to the surface and making his palm sweaty. He'd never seen or been in a grand ballroom so big and full of people. He guessed correctly that it was nearly time for Daniel to make his announcement, pronouncing him as his mate, Luna Consort, and father of his children.

"Put your head on my chest and close your eyes. Then imagine us alone."

Sawyer nodded, pressing the side of his head against Daniel's broad chest. The sunflower cologne wafting off Daniel's tuxedo was soothing and he chased after it, imprinting it on his memory. He had no idea when they would dance like this again in front of a crowd. Dear Moon Goddess, whatever happens, let him always be with me. Forever. Let him be by my side.

"Sweetheart, it's time," Daniel whispered into his ear, his minty breath tingling his ear lobe. He held Daniel's arm tight as they turned to face the crowd. "Good evening everyone."

A hush fell over the crowd and everyone was a lot more attentive. Even the stewards moving about with tall wine glasses balanced in trays paused to watch. Sawyer exhaled, uncomfortable under the intense scrutiny of everyone watching. The silence was eerie and the more it went on, the more Sawyer wanted to crawl into the nearest role he could fit or disappear into thin air.

Daniel stood beside him, his body rigid, chin set - exuding an aura of confidence, power, and control Sawyer had never seen in him. If there was any doubt the sometimes whiny, most sensitive to Sawyer's needs, man could be the Alpha of any pack: that was gone in a flash in the face of feral strength and projected arrogance.

Sawyer found that very hot. Daniel's confidence was infectious - making him a little bold. There was nothing more he wanted than to hold Daniel's face and bring the Alpha's hot lips down to his, but he held his urge. This was an important moment.

"I've gathered you all here to celebrate a very special time in my life and that of the Blue Moon Pack," Daniel's svelte voice rang out to all corners of the large ballroom. "This is a crucial moment in history. This omega beside me is a gift, not just to me but to everyone who's a member of the Blue Moon Pack." Sawyer's eyes watered and so did Daniel.

The crowd waited.

"I am therefore pleased to have you in my mate as my mate and the father of my children," he caressed the bump. Sawyer exhaled heavily. "You're even more beautiful than when I found you, looking lost in that dark alleyway. I'm glad to have saved you. I, Alpha Daniel Sturm accept you, Sawyer Rivers as my mate and Luna Consort of the Blue Moon Pack. You shall birth my heirs and be installed the title of grand Luna Consort. I love you, Sawyer."

Sawyer melted into Daniel's embrace, their lips connecting. All around them the crowd cheered, a wavering round of applause. The music started back up as Daniel led him toward the buffet table. "That was, like, the best speech I've ever heard in my life. I love you too, Daniel. Never stopped from the first moment I set my eyes on you."

Daniel cocked a brow, drawing out a chair for him. "Does this mean you were playing hard to get when I came by that night? How heartless of you."

"So, I'm supposed to throw down my pants because you're the hottest specimen of an Alpha I've ever seen?" Sawyer shook his head. "Nah, that's not how I roll. And besides, I was more concerned about my heat and the terse situation. Looking back now, it seemed really picky. Thanks for coming my way."

"No, thank you for coming my way. Are you okay? You're getting pale." Daniel asked worriedly, draping an arm over Sawyer's shoulders.

Even with the room's heavy air-conditioning, Sawyer still felt irritable. Daniel's warmth both amplified and soothed him at once. "I feel dizzy a bit, but I'll be fine."

"Let me take off your jacket, then."

He let Daniel pull his arms out of the leather material and toss it aside. "Still feels hot?"

Sawyer nodded just as a spike lanced through him. He gasped, doubling over. His legs were trembling and panic shone in Daniel's eyes. "You're not alright, Sawyer," he said shakily. Sawyer leaned heavily against him to stay upright. His joints were aching and he felt his birth channel loosening.

"I think they're coming." Tears blurred his vision, and unbearable pangs shot through him. He cried out, drawing everyone's attention.

Daniel turned. "Spencer!" he bellowed. "Get Pixie and Pharell right away. Sawyer's in labor."

"Right away, Alpha." Spencer nodded, rushing to the telephone.

"Calm down, Sawyer. You'll be fine." Daniel assured him, dropping to his knees in front of him. "Can you hold them off for a little while? Just until Pixie gets here?"

"I can feel the first close by," he shut his eyes, the pain hitting his legs. "I don't think I can control it."

Daniel backed commands to the crowd to back up and give them room. Maddie rounded everyone out of the ballroom and ordered Sophie to go get some water. "I have a fair experience with childbirth, sir," she said to Daniel who was on the brink of tears now. "I can help out."

"Please do. Please help him."